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Formatting Documents 

Part Number: 800-1756-11 
Revision A of 27 March, 1990 

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Material in this manual comes from a number of sources: Typing Documents on 
the UNIX System: Using the -ms Macros with Troffand Nrojf, M. E. Lesk, Bell 
Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey; A Guide to Preparing Documents with 
-ms, M. E. Lesk, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey; Document Format- 
ting on UNIX Using the -ms Macros, Joel Kies, University of California, Berke- 
ley, California; Thl — A Program to Format Tables, M. E. Lesk, Bell Labora- 
tories, Murray Hill, New Jersey; A System for Typesetting Mathematics, Brian W. 
Kemighan, Lorinda L. Cherry, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey; 
Typesetting Mathematics — User’s Guide, Brian W. Kemighan, Lorinda L. 
Cherry, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey; Updating Publications Lists, 
M. E. Lesk, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey; Some Applications of 
Inverted Indexes on the UNIX System, M. E. Lesk, Bell Laboratories, Murray 
Hill, New Jersey; Writing Papers with Nroff Using -me, Eric P. Allman, Univer- 
sity of California, Berkeley; The -me Reference Manual, Eric P. Allman, Univer- 
sity of California, Berkeley; and Introducing the UNIX System, Henry McGilton, 
Rachel Morgan, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1983. These materials are grate- 
fully acknowledged. 

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Chapter 1 Introduction to Document Preparation 1 

1.1. What Do Text Formatters Do? 1 

1.2. What is a Macro Package? 2 

1.3. What is a Preprocessor? 2 

1.4. Typesetting Jargon 3 

1.5. Hints for Typing in Text 4 

1.6. Types of Paragraphs 5 

Paragraph Illustrations 7 

1.7. Quick References o 

Displaying and Printing Documents 9 

Technical Memorandum 10 

Section Headings for Documents 1 1 

Changing Fonts 1 1 

Making a Simple List 12 

Multiple Indents for Lists and Outlines 

Footnotes 14 

Keeping Text Together — Keeps 1 5 

Double-Column Format 15 

Sample Tables ■ 17 

Writing Mathematical Equations 19 

Registers You Can Change | 21 

Chapter 2 Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros 23 

- Ill- 

Contents — Continued 

2.1. Changes in the New -ms Macro Package 23 

2.2. Displaying and Printing Documents with -ms 23 

2.3. What Can Macros Do? 24 

2.4. Formatting Requests 24 

Paragraphs 25 

Standard Paragraph — .PP 25 

Left-Block Paragraph — . LP 25 

Indented Paragraph — . IP 26 

Nested Indentation — . RS and . RE ; 27 

Quoted Paragraph — . QP 28 

Section Headings — . SH and . NH 29 

Cover Sheets and Title Pages — . TL and . AU 30 

Running Heads and Feet — LH, ch, RH 31 

Custom Headers and Footers — . OH, . EH, . OF, and . EF 32 

Multi-Column Formats — . 2C and . MC 33 

Footnotes — . FS and . FE 34 

Endnotes 35 

Displays and Tables — . DS and . DE 35 

Keeping Text Together — . KS, . KE and . KF 36 

Boxing Words or Lines — . BX and . B1 and . B2 36 

Changing Fonts — .1, . B, . R and . UL 37 

Changing the Type Size — . LG, . SM and . NL 37 

Dates — . DA and . ND 38 

Thesis Format Mode — . TM 38 

Bibliography — . XP 38 

Table of Contents — . XS, . XE, . XA, . PX 39 

Defining Quotation Marks 39 

Accent Marks 39 

2.5. Modifying Default Features 41 

Dimensions 41 

2.6. Using nrof f and trof f Requests 43 

2.7. Using -ms with eqn to Typeset Mathematics 44 

2.8. Using -ms with tbl to Format Tables 45 

- iv - 

Contents — Continued 

2.9. Register Names 45 

2.10. Order of Requests in Input 45 

2.11. -ms Request Summary 47 

Chapter 3 The -man Macro Package 53 

3.1. Parts of a Manual Page 53 

3.2. Coding Conventions 54 

The Header and Footer Line ( . TH) — Identifying the Page 54 

The NAME Line 54 

The SYNOPSIS Section 55 

The DESCRIPTION Section 55 

The OPTIONS Section 56 

The FILES Section 57 

The SEE ALSO Section 57 

The BUGS Section 5 g 

3.3. New Features of the -man Macro Package 58 

New Number Registers 58 

Using the Number Registers 58 

3.4. How to Format a Manual Page 59 

Chapter 4 Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 61 

4.1. Using -me 62 

4.2. Basic -me Requests 62 

Paragraphs 62 

Standard Paragraph — . pp 62 

Left Block Paragraphs — . Ip 63 

Indented Paragraphs — . ip and . np 63 

Paragraph Reference 65 

4.3. Headers and Footers — . he and . f o 66 

Headers and Footers Reference 66 

Double Spacing — .Is 2 67 

Page Layout 67 

Underlining — .ul 69 

Contents — Continued 

Displays 69 

Major Quotes — . ( q and . ) q 69 

Lists — . ( 1 and . ) 1 69 

Keeps — . (b and . ) b, . ( z and . ) z 70 

4.4. Fancy Displays 70 

Display Reference 72 

Annotations 73 

Footnotes — . ( f and . ) f 74 

Delayed Text 74 

Indexes — . (x . ) x and . xp 74 

Annotations Reference 75 

4.5. Fancy Features 76 

Section Headings — . sh and . uh 76 

Section Heading Reference 77 

Parts of the Standard Paper 78 

Standard Paper Reference 80 

Two-Column Output — .2c 82 

Column Output Reference 82 

Defining Macros — . de 82 

Annotations Inside Keeps 82 

4.6. Using troff for Phototypesetting 83 

Fonts 83 

Point Sizes — . s z 85 

Fonts and Sizes Reference 85 

Quotes — \* (lq and \* (rq 86 

4.7. Adjusting Macro Parameters 86 

4.8. rof f Support 88 

4.9. Preprocessor Support 88 

4.10. Predefined Strings 89 

4.11. Miscellaneous Requests 89 

4.12. Special Characters and Diacritical Marks — . sc 90 

4.13. -me Request Summary 90 

- vi- 

Contents — Continued 

Chapter 5 refer — A Bibliography System 93 

5 . 1 . Introduction 93 

5 . 2 . Features 93 

5 . 3 . Data Entry with addbib 95 

5 . 4 . Printing the Bibliography 96 

5 . 5 . Citing Papers with refer 97 

5 . 6 . refer Command Line Options 9g 

5 . 7 . Making an Index 99 

5 . 8 . refer Bugs and Some Solutions 100 

Blanks at Ends of Lines \ qq 

Interpolated Strings 101 

Interpreting Foreign Surnames 101 

Footnote Numbers 10i 

5 . 9 . Internal Details of refer 102 

5 . 10 . Changing the refer Macros 104 

Chapter 6 Formatting Tables with tbl 107 

6 . 1 . Running tbl 108 

6.2. Input Commands HO 

Options That Affect the Whole Table HO 

Key Letters — Format Describing Data Items Ill 

Optional Features of Key Letters 113 

Data to be Formatted in the Table 1 15 

Changing the Format of a Table 1 1 6 

6 . 3 . Examples H7 

6 . 4 . tbl Commands 128 

Chapter 7 Typesetting Mathematics with eqn 129 

7 . 1 . Displaying Equations — .EQand .EN 130 

7 . 2 . Running eqn and neqn 130 

7 . 3 . Putting Spaces in the Input Text 1 32 

7 . 4 . Producing Spaces in the Output Text 133 

7 . 5 . Symbols, Special Names, and Greek Letters 133 

- vii- 

Contents — Continued 

7.6. Subscripts and Superscripts — sub and sup 134 

7.7. Grouping Equation Parts — { and } 135 

7.8. Fractions — over 136 

7.9. Square Roots — sqrt 137 

7.10. Summation, Integral, and Other Large Operators 138 

7.11. Size and Font Changes ... 139 

7.12. Diacritical Marks 140 

7.13. Quoted Text 141 

7.14. Lining Up Equations — mark and lineup 142 

7.15. Big Brackets 142 

7.16. Piles — pile 143 

7.17. Matrices — matrix 144 

7.18. Shorthand for In-line Equations — delim 145 

7.19. Definitions — define 145 

7.20. Tuning the Spacing 147 

7.21. Troubleshooting 147 

7.22. Precedences and Keywords 148 

7.23. Several Examples 152 

Chapter 8 Verification Tools 157 

8.1. spell 157 

8.2. checknr 157 

8.3. soelim 157 

8.4. deroff 157 

8.5. fmt 157 

8.6. col 157 

8.7. colcrt 157 

8.8. ul 157 




Table 1-1 How to Display and Print Documents 9 

Table 1-2 Registers You Can Change 21 

Table 2-1 Display Macros 36 

Table 2-2 Old Accent Marks 40 

Table 2-3 Accent Marks 40 

Table 2-4 Units of Measurement in nr of f and tr of f 42 

Table 2-5 Summary of -ms Number Registers 43 

Table 2-6 Bell Laboratories Macros Deleted From -ms 47 

Table 2-7 New -ms Requests 47 

Table 2-8 New String Definitions 48 

Table 2-9 -ms Macro Request Summary 48 

Table 2-10 -ms String Definitions 51 

Table 2-1 1 Printing and Displaying Documents 5 1 

Table 3-1 Summary of the -man Macro Requests 59 

Table 4-1 Special Characters and Diacritical Marks 90 

Table 4-2 -me Request Summary 90 

Table 6-1 tbl Command Characters and Words 128 

Table 7-1 Character Sequence Translation 149 

Table 7-2 Greek Letters 150 

Table 7-3 eqn Keywords 151 

- ix - 


Figure 2-1 Order of Requests in -ms Documents 46 

Figure 4-1 Outline of a Sample Paper 80 



Summary of Contents 

This manual provides user’s guides and reference information for various docu- 
ment processing tools. We assume you are familiar with a terminal keyboard and 
the Sun system. If you are not, see SunOS User’s Guide: Getting Started for 
information on the basics, like logging in and the Sun file system. If you are not 
familiar with text editing, read “An Introduction to Text Editing” in the manual 
Editing Text Files, or “An Introduction to Document Preparation” in this manual. 
Finally, we assume that you are using a Sun Workstation, although specific ter- 
minal information is also provided. 

If you choose to read one of the user’s guides, sit down at your workstation and 
try the exercises and examples. The reference sections provide additional expla- 
nations and examples on how to use certain facilities and can be dipped into as 
necessary. For additional details on Sun system commands and programs, see 
the SunOS Reference Manual. 

This manual is divided into three sections: 

□ Macro Packages 

□ trof f Preprocessors 

□ Verification and Reformatting Programs 

1 . Introduction to Document Preparation — Describes the basics of text pro- 
cessing, macros and macro packages, provides a guide to the available tools 
and several simple examples after which to pattern your papers and docu- 
ments. Newcomers to the Sun document formatters should start here. 

In Section I, Macro Packages, the chapters are: 

2. Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros — User’s guide and reference 
information for the -ms macros for formatting papers and documents. 
Includes new -ms macros. 

3. The -man Macro Package — User’s guide and reference information for the 
-man macros for formatting manual pages ( man pages). Includes new 
options to the -man macro package. 

4. Formatting Documents with the -me Macros — Describes the -me macro 
package for producing papers and documents. 

- Xlll - 

Preface — Continued 

Conventions Used in This 

In Section II, trof f Preprocessors, the chapters are: 

5. refer — a Bibliography System — Explains how to use the bibliographic 
citation program refer. Includes information on the auxiliary programs 
addbib, indxbib, lookbib, and sortbib. 

6. Formatting Tables with tbl — A user’s guide and numerous examples to 
the table processing utility tbl. 

7. Typesetting Mathematics with eqn — A user’s guide to the eqn mathemati- 
cal equation processor. 

Section III, Verification and Formatting Programs, discusses: 

8. checknr — a program to report unmatched pairs of macros and unpaired 
font or size changes. 

spell — a program that prints strings of characters to your terminal screen 
that spell doesn’t have in its dictionary (/usr/dict /words). 

The reformatting commands fmt, derof f , pti, colcrt, col, ul, and 

Throughout this manual we use 




as the prompt to which you type system commands. Boldface type- 
writer font indicates commands that you type in exactly as printed on the 
page of this manual. Regular typewriter font represents what the 
system prints out to your screen. Typewriter font also specifies Sun system com- 
mand names (program names) and illustrates source code listings. Italics indi- 
cates general arguments or parameters that you should replace with a specific 
word or string. We also occasionally use italics to emphasize important terms. 

- XIV - 


Introduction to Document Preparation 

The document preparation tools nr of f and trof f are standard with SunOS. 
These programs read files containing the text to be formatted, interspersed with 
requests specifying how output should look. From this, the programs produce 
formatted output, nrof f is for typewriter-like printers, while trof f is for 
typesetters and laser printers. Although they are separate programs, they are 
compatible: the formatters share a common command language and produce out- 
put from the same input file. Descriptions here apply to both formatters unless 
stated otherwise. 

1.1. What Do Text You can type in text on lines of any length, and the formatters produce lines of 

Formatters Do? uniform length in the finished document. This process is called filling, which 

means that the formatter collects words from what you type as input, and places 
them on an output line until no more fit within a given line length. The formatter 
hyphenates words automatically, so a line may end with part of a word to pro- 
duce the right line length. The formatter also adjusts a line after it has been filled 
by inserting spaces between words as necessary to align the right margin exactly. 

Unfilled text: 

Filled but not adjusted: 

Filled and adjusted: 


\Sr microsystems 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

2 Formatting Documents 

Given a file of input consisting only of lines of text without any formatting 
requests, the formatter simply produces a continuous stream of filled, adjusted 
and hyphenated output. 

To obtain paragraphs, numbered sections, multiple column layout, tops and bot- 
toms of pages, and footnotes, for example, require the addition of formatting 
requests. Requests look like . xx where xx is one or two lower-case letters or a 
lower-case letter and a digit. Refer to Using nrof f and troff for details. 

nrof f and troff provide a flexible, sophisticated command language for 
requesting operations like those just mentioned. They are very flexible, but this 
flexibility can make them difficult to use because you have to use several 
requests to produce a simple format. For this reason, it’s a good idea to use a 
macro package. 

A macro is simply a “predefined sequence of troff requests or text” which you 
can use by including just one request in your input file. You can then handle 
repetitious tasks, such as starting paragraphs and numbering pages, by typing one 
macro request each time instead of several. For example, some macro requests 
look like .XX where XX is one or two upper-case letters or an upper-case letter 
and a digit. (Different macro packages follow various conventions.) 

A macro package also does a lot of things without the instructions that you have 
to give nrof f , footnotes and page transitions for example. Some packages set 
up a page layout style by default, but you can change that style if you wish. 
Although a macro package offers only a limited subset of the wide range of for- 
matting possibilities that nrof f provides, it is much easier to use. We explain 
how to use a macro package in conjunction with nrof f and troff in the sec- 
tion “Displaying and Printing Documents.” 

Sample input with both formatting requests, macros in this case, and text looks 




Now is the time 

for all good men 

to come to the aid of their country. 




Refer to the chapter “Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros” and to the 
“Quick References” in this chapter for more information on macros. 

A preprocessor is a program that you run your text file through first before pass- 
ing it on to a text formatter. You can put tables in a document by preprocessing a 
file with the table-builder called tbl. You can add mathematical equations with 
their special fonts and symbols with the equation formatters, eqn for troff 
files and neqn for nrof f files. These preprocessors convert material entered in 
their specific command languages to straight troff or nrof f input. Those 
text formatters then produce the tables or mathematical equations for the output. 

What you type in a file is very much the same as for simple formatting. You 
include table or equation material in your troff input file along with ordinary 

1.3. What is a 

1.2. What is a Macro 


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Chapter 1 — Introduction to Document Preparation 3 

text and add several specific tbl or eqn requests. Refer to the chapters “For- 
matting Tables with tbl” and “Formatting Mathematics with eqn” for details. 

1.4. Typesetting Jargon There are several printer’s measurement terms that are borrowed from traditional 

typesetting. These terms describe the size of the letters, the distance between 
lines and paragraphs, how long each line is, where the text is placed on the page, 
and so on. 

Point Points specify the size of a letter or type. A point measures about 
1/72 of an inch, which means that there are 72 points to the inch. 
This manual is in 10-point type, for instance. 

Ems and Ens 

Ems and ens are measures of distance and are proportional to the 
type size being used. An em is the distance equal to the number of 
points in the width of the letter ‘m’ in that point size. For examples, 
here’s an em in several point sizes followed by an em dash to show 
why this is a proportional unit of measure. You wouldn’t want a 
20-point dash if you are printing the rest of a document in 12-point. 
Here’s 12-point: 


I— I 

And here’s 20-point: 


An en space is one half of an em or about the width of the letter ‘n’. Ens are typi- 
cally used for indicating indentation. 

Vertical Spacing 

Vertical spacing called leading (pronounced ‘led-ding’) is the dis- 
tance between the bottom of one line and the bottom of the next. 

This manual has 12-point vertical spacing for example. The rule of 
thumb is that the spacing be approximately 20% larger than the char- 
acter size for easy readability. A printer would call the ratio for this 
manual “ten on twelve.” 

Paragraph Depth 

As there is a specification for the distance between lines, there is also 
a term for the space between paragraphs. This is the paragraph 
depth. If you are using the standard . PP or . LP macro, for 
instance, the paragraph depth is whatever one vertical space has been 
set to. 

Paragraph Indent 

This is the amount of space that the first line is indented in relation to the 
rest of the paragraph. If you use a . PP macro to format a standard indented 
paragraph, the indent is two em-spaces as shown by the first line in this para- 


\r microsystems 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

4 Formatting Documents 

Line Length 

Line length specifies the width of text on a page. Here we use a 5- 
inch line length. Shortening the line length generally makes text 
easier to read. Recall that many magazines and newspapers have 2- 
1/4 inch columns for quick reading. 

Page Offset 

Page offset determines the left margin, that is how far in the text is 
set from the left edge of the paper. On a normal 8-1/2-by-l 1 letter- 
size page, the page offset is normally 26/27 of an inch. 

Indent The indent of text is the distance the text is set in from the page 

offset. The indent emphasizes the text by setting it off from the rest. 

1.5. Hints for Typing in The following provides a few tricks for typing in text and for further online edit- 

Text ing and formatting. 

□ A period ( . ) or apostrophe (' ) as the first character on a line indicates that 
the line contains a formatting request. If you type a line of text beginning 
with either of these control characters, nr of f tries to interpret them as a 
request, and the rest of the text on that line disappears. If you have to type a 
period or an apostrophe as the first character on a line, escape their normal 
meanings by prefixing them with a backslash and an ampersand. For 
instance, to display this sample input: 

— s 


Here is some sample input for a left-blocked paragraph. In order 
to accurately display -ms or troff requests that 

begin lines, you have to precede them with the character sequence 
backslash, ampersand (\S) . This insulates the macro request 
from the beginning of the line so the dot in the first column isn't 
seen by troff. 



The .LP, .EQ and .EN requests shown here are -ms macro requests 
and the . sp line is a typical troff request. 

\S.EQ (1.3) 

x sup 2 over a sup 2 *=" sqrt (p z sup 2 +qz+r) 


V , 

□ Following the control character is a one- or two-character name of a format- 
ting request. As described earlier, nrof f and troff names usually consist 
of one or two lower-case letters or a lower-case letter and a digit, -ms macro 
package names usually consist of one or two upper-case letters or one 
upper-case letter and a digit. For example, . sp is an troff request for a 
space and . PP is an -ms macro request for an indented paragraph. 

□ End a line of text with the end of a word along with any trailing punctuation, 
nrof f inserts a space between whatever ends one line of input text and 
whatever begins the next. 

□ Start lines in the input file with something other than a space. A space at the 
beginning of an input line creates a break at that point in the output and 
nrof f skips to a new output line, interrupting the process of filling and 



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Chapter 1 — Introduction to Document Preparation 5 

adjusting. This is the easiest way to get spaces between paragraphs, but it 
does not leave much flexibility for changing things later. 

□ Some requests go on a line by themselves, while others can take one or more 
additional pieces of information on the same line. These extra pieces of 
information on the request line are called arguments. Separate them from 
the request name and from each other by one or more spaces. Sometimes 
the argument is a piece of text on which the request operates; other times it 
can be some additional information about what the request is to do. For 
example, the vertical space request . sp 3 shows a trof f request with one 
argument. It requests three blank lines. 

1.6. Types of Paragraphs There are several types of paragraphs. When should you use one type of para- 
graph instead of another? Here are a few words about paragraphs, their charac- 
teristics, and formatting in general. See the “Types of Paragraphs” figure that 
follows for examples. 

Use regular indented and block paragraphs for narrative descriptions. It is a 
matter of style as to which type you choose to use. In general, indented para- 
graphs remove the need for extra space between paragraphs — the indent tells 
you where the start of the new paragraph is. Most business communication is 
done with block paragraphs. 

If you want to indicate a set of points without any specific order, use a bulleted 
list. For example: 

There are many kinds of coffee: 

• Jamaica Blue Mountain 

• Colombian 

® Java 

• Mocha 

• French Roast 

• Major Dickenson’s Blend 

When you want to describe a set of things in some order, such as a step-by-step 
procedure, use a numbered list: 

To repair television, follow these steps: 

1 . Remove screws in rear casing. 

2. Carefully slide out picture tube. 

3. Gently smash with hammer. 

Use description lists to explain a set of related or unrelated things, or sometimes 
to highlight keywords. For instance, 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

6 Formatting Documents 


-v Verbose 

-f filename Take script from filename 

-o Use old format 

In typographic parlance, anything that is not part of the “body text” — regular 
paragraphs and such — is considered a display, and often has to be specially han- 
dled. Generally a display is “displayed” exactly as you type it or draw it origi- 
nally, with no interference from the formatter. Displays are used to set off 
important text, special effects, drawings, or examples, as we do throughout this 
manual, The following paragraph is a display. 

Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and 
a long-handled brush. 

He surveyed the fence, and all gladness left him and 
a deep melancholy settled down upon his spirit. 

Thirty yards of board fence nine feet high. 

Life to him seemed hollow, and 
existence but a burden. 

Quotations set off quoted material from the rest of the text for emphasis. For 

“. . . in the conversation between Alice and the Queen, we read this piece of 
homespun philosophy: 

“A slow sort of country!” said the Queen. “Now, here, you see, it 
takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place. If you 
want to get somewhere else, you must run at least twice as fast as 

Through the Looking Glass 
Lewis Carroll 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

8 Formatting Documents 

Bulleted — . IP \ (bu 

Numbered — .IP 1 . 

Lists — .IP "tag" n 

1.7. Quick References This section provides some simple templates for producing your documents with 

the -ms macro package. 1 Remember that for a quick, paginated, and justified 
document, you can simply type an . LP to start your document, and then type in 
the text separated by blank lines to produce paragraphs. Throughout the exam- 
ples, the text file input is displayed in 



typewriter font like this 


while the output is displayed in 
Times Roman font. 

1 Some of the material in this section is derived from A Guide to Preparing Documents with '-ms ' , M.E. 
Lesk, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey. 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 1 — Introduction to Document Preparation 9 

Use the following to format and print your documents. You can use either 
nrof f or trof f depending on the output you desire. Use nrof f to either 
display formatted output on your workstation screen or to print a formatted docu- 
ment. The default is to display on the standard output, your workstation screen. 
For easy viewing, pipe your output to more or redirect the output to a file. 

Using t r o f f or your installation’s equivalent prepares your output for photo- 

T able 1-1 How to Display and Print Documents 

What You Want to Do 

How to Do It 

Display simple text 

nrof f -options files 

Display text with tables only 

tbl files | nroff —options 

Display text with equations only 

neqn files | nroff -options 

Display text with both tables and equations 

tbl files | neqn | nroff -options 

Print raw text and requests 

pr files | lpr -P printer 

Print text 

nroff -options files | lpr -P printer 

Print text with tables only 

tbl files | nroff —options | lpr -'Sprinter 

Print text with equations only 

neqn files | nroff -options | lpr -Sprinter 

Print text with both tables and equations 

tbl files | neqn | nroff -options | lpr -Sprinter 

Phototypeset simple text 

troff -options files 

Phototypeset text with tables 

tbl files | troff -options 

Phototypeset text with equations 

eqn files | troff -options 

Phototypeset text with both tables and equations 

tbl files | eqn | troff —options 

Displaying and Printing 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

10 Formatting Documents 

Technical Memorandum Here we provide a sample format for a technical memorandum. 


/ N 

.DA March 11, 1983 

• TL 

An Analysis of 
Cucumbers and Pickles 

A. B. Hacker 

• AU 

C. D. Wizard 
. AI 

Stanford University 
Stanford, California 

This abstract should be short enough to 
fit on a single page cover sheet. 

It provides a summary of memorandum 
contents . 

• AE 

• NH 



Now the first paragraph of actual text . . . 

Last line of text. 

■ NH 


s , 


An Analysis of 
Cucumbers and Pickles 

A. B. Hacker 
C. D. Wizard 

Stanford University 
Stanford, California 


This abstract should be short enough to fit on a single page cover sheet. It provides a summary of 
memorandum contents. 

1. Introduction. 

Now the first paragraph of actual text ... 

Last line of text. 

2. References 

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Chapter 1 — Introduction to Document Preparation 1 1 

Section Headings for 

Changing Fonts 





Introduction . 

Appendix I 



text text text 

text text text 

1. Introduction 

Appendix I 

text text text 

text text text 


The following table shows the easiest way to change the default roman font to 
italic or bold. To change the font of a single word, put the word on the same line 
as the macro request. To change the font in more than one word, put the text on 
the lines following the macro request. 

The font will remain changed until another font change request or a macro 
request causing a break (a paragraph macro, for example) is encountered. 

Input Output 

.1 Hello 


. I 

Prints this 



italics . 

Prints this line in italics. 

. B Goodbye 



Prints this 




Prints this line in bold. 


Prints this 



roman . 

Prints this line in roman. 

• sun 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

12 Formatting Documents 

Making a Simple List Use the following template for a simple list. 



1 . J. Pencilpusher and X. Hardwired, A New Kind of Set Screw , Proc. IEEE 75 
(1976), 23-255. 

2. H. Nails and R. Irons, Fasteners for Printed Circuit Boards , Proc. ASME 23 
(1974), 23-24. 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 1 — Introduction to Document Preparation 1 3 

Multiple Indents for Lists and This template shows how to format lists or outlines. 



This is ordinary text to highlight the 
results of outline format. 

.IP 1. 

First level item. 

.IP a) 

Second level . 

.IP b) 

Continued here with another second 
level item, but somewhat longer. 

• RE 

.IP 2. 

Return to previous value of the 
indenting at this point. 

.IP 3. 

line . 

V , 


This is ordinary text to highlight the results of outline format. 

1. First level item. 

a) Second level. 

b) Continued here with another second level item, but somewhat longer. 

2. Return to previous value of the indenting at this point. 

3. Another line. 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

14 Formatting Documents 

Displays A display does not fill or justify the text. It keeps the text together, and sets the 

lines off from the rest. 



hoboken harrison newark roseville avenue grove street 
east orange brick church orange highland avenue 
mountain station south orange maplewood millburn short hills 
summit new providence 
• DS 

and now 
for something 
completely different 

murray hill berkeley heights 

gillette Stirling millington lyons basking ridge 
bernardsville far hills peapack gladstone 

V , 


hoboken harrison newark roseville avenue grove street east orange brick church orange highland avenue moun- 
tain station south orange maplewood millbum short hills summit new providence 

and now 
for something 
completely different 

murray hill berkeley heights gillette Stirling millington lyons basking ridge bernardsville far hills peapack glad- 

Display Options 


.DS L 


.DS C 

line-by-line center 

.DS B 

make block, then center 

Footnotes For automatically-numbered footnotes, put the string \** at the end of the text 

you want to footnote like this : 2 


you want to footnote like this:\** 


Here's a numbered footnote. 


v - 

To mark footnotes with other symbols, put the symbol as the first argument to 
. FS and at the end of the text you want to footnote like this:f 

2 Here’s a numbered footnote. 

t You can also use an asterisk (*) ora double dagger t (\ (dd). 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 1 — Introduction to Document Preparation 15 

you want to footnote like this:\(dg 
.FS \(dg 

You can also use an asterisk (\fL*\fR) 
or a double dagger f (\fL\ (dd\fR) . 



Keeping Text Together — Lines bracketed by the following commands are kept together, and will appear 

Keeps entirely on one page: 



lines of text 

lines of text 

lines of text not moved 

lines of text may float 

lines of text through text 

lines of text in text 

lines of text 

lines of text 



Double-Column Format Put a . 2C at the beginning of the material you want printed in two columns. To 

return to one-column format, use . 1C. Note that . 1C breaks to a new page. 


' — — — — . 


The Declaration of Independence 
. sp 2 
. 2C 
. LP 

When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary 
for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have 
connected them with another, and to assume among the 
powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which 
the laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, 
a decent respect to the opinions of . . . 
v ^ 


The Declaration of Independence 

When in the course of human events, it becomes 
necessary for one people to dissolve the political 
bonds which have connected them with another, 
and to assume among the powers of the earth the 

separate and equal station to which the laws of 
Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a 
decent respect to the opinions of . . . 



Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

The . 2C macro request only works in this way: When you invoke the . 2C 
macro somewhere on a page of text, . 2C marks that height on the page and pro- 
duces a narrow column of text all the way to the bottom of that page. When it 
reaches the bottom of the page, . 2C resumes the second column at the height it 
originally marked off when the . 2C macro was invoked. If the second column is 
only partially filled up with text when the . 1C request is encountered, a page 
break occurs and the single-column text begins the next page. This means . 2C 
will do this: 

I am the voice of today, the herald of 
tomorrow. I am the leaden army that 
conquers the world. I am type! 

Of my 

in plastic 


clay in the 


dim past by 





nor relics 



me: from 

The wedge- 

them, on 


through the 




of the ancient 

or this: 

I am the voice of today, the herald of 
tomorrow. I am the leaden army that 
conquers die world. I am type! 

Of my 





nor relics 

re main . 

The wedge 

in plastic 
clay in the 
dim past by 

The important fact to remember about this macro request, is that it has no other 
way to determine where to begin column two except upon reaching the bottom of 
the page. 

If the material you want in two columns occupies less space than the distance to 
the bottom of the current page, it will only occupy one narrow column if you use 
the . 2C macro request. This means you cannot do this: 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 1 — Introduction to Document Preparation 17 

I am the voice of today, the herald of 
tomorrow. I am the leaden army that 
conquers the world. I am type! 

Of my earliest ancestry neither history 
nor relics remain. The wedge-shaped 
symbols impressed in plastic day in the 

Sample Tables Two sample table templates follow. 




. TS 

box center tab 

(/) ; 


1 1. 

Column Header 

Column Header 

text /text 
text /text 




Column Header 

Column Header 









Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

18 Formatting Documents 




allbox tab (/); 
cB s s 
c c c 
n n n . 

AT&T Common Stock 
Year /Price/Dividend 
1971/ 41-54/$2 . 60 
6/51-59/. 95* 

. TE 

* (first quarter only) 

v. . 


AT&T Common Stock 






















* (first quarter only) 

The meanings of the key-letters describing the alignment of each entry are: 

















The global table options are center, expand, box, doublebox, allbox, 
tab ( x ), and linesize (n). 

A sun 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 1 — Introduction to Document Preparation 19 


f \ 

. TS 

center box tab (/) ; 
cB cB 
1 1 . 

Name /Definition 

Gamma/$GAMMA (z) = int sub 0 sup inf t sup { z— 1 } e sup -t dt$ 

Sine/$sin (x) = 1 over 2i ( e sup ix - e sup -ix )$ 

Error/$roman erf (z) =2 over sqrt pi int sub 0 sup z e sup {-t sup 2} dt$ 

Bessel/$J sub 0 (z) = 1 over pi int sub 0 sup pi cos ( z sin theta ) d theta$ 
Zeta/$zeta (s) = sum from k=l to inf k sup -s "( Re's > 1)$ 

. TE 

v > 








erf(z) =4l ^ 


1 71 

J o(z)= — f cos(z sin9)d 0 

71 «> 


«*)=£*■* (Rej>l) 


Writing Mathematical A displayed equation is marked with an equation number at the right margin by 


adding an argument to the . EQ line: 



.EQ (1.3) 

x sup 2 over a sup 2 '=' sqrt {p z sup 2 +qz+r} 




A displayed equation is marked with an equation number at the right margin by 
adding an argument to the . EQ line: 


'pz +qz+r 

( 1 . 3 ) 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

20 Formatting Documents 


' ■ > 
•EQ (2.2a) 

bold V bar sub nu'='left [ pile (a above b above 
c ) right ] + left [ matrix ( col ( A (11) above . 
above . ) col ( . above . above . ) col { . above . 
above A (33) )) right ] cdot left [ pile { alpha 
above beta above gamma ) right ] 


V , 


V v = 




A(ll) . . 



■ P 

. • • A (33). 




( "\ 

■EQ I "" 2 . 75i 

F hat ( chi ) ' mark = ' | del V | sup 2 
■ EN 

• EQ I " " 2 . 75i 

lineup =' (left ( (partial V) over (partial x) right ) ) sup 2 
+ { left ( (partial V) over (partial y) right ) } sup 2 
lambda -> inf 

• EN 

V 4 


F(x)= IW I 2 







. . 

X— >■»> 

$ a dot $, 

$ b dotdot$, $ rho tilde'times'y vec$. 


a, b, pxf. 

(with delim $$ on). 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 1 — Introduction to Document Preparation 2 1 

Registers You Can Change 

Table 1-2 Registers You Can Change 



Default Setting 

Command to 

Takes Effect 





Line length of text 

6 inches (6i) 

•nr LL 7.5i 



Length of titles 


•nr LT 5i 



Line length of footnotes 


•nr FL LL 

. FS request 


Footnote indent 

5 ens (5n) 

.nr FI 2n 

. FS request 


Point size 


.nr PS 11 



Vertical spacing 


■nr VS 13 



Column width 

LL * 7/15 

■nr CW 31 

. 2C or .MC request 


Intercolumn spacing 

LL* 1/15 

■nr GW .5i 

. 2C or . MC request 


Header margir 


.nr HM .751 



Footer margin 


. nr FM .751 



Paragraph indent 

5 ens (5n) 

■nr PI 2n 



Paragraph depth 

.3 vertical space 

■nr PD 0 



Left and right indent for 
quote paragraph ( . QP) 


•nr QI 8n 

. QP request 


Vertical distance around 


.nr DD lv 

. DS request 


Page offset 


.nr PO 0.5i 



Left page header 


.ds LH Sun 



Center page header 


■ds CH Confidential 



Right page header 


•ds RH Software 



Left page footer 


•ds LF Do Not Copy 



Center page footer 

page number register 

•ds CF Draft 



Right page footer 


•ds RF % 



Page number 


• nr % 3 



Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

22 Formatting Documents 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 


Formatting Documents with the -ms 


2.1. Changes in the New - 
ms Macro Package 

2.2. Displaying and 

Printing Documents 
with -ms 

This chapter describes the -ms macro package for preparing documents with 
nrof f and trof f on the Sun system. 1 The -ms Request Summary at the end 
of this chapter provides a quick reference for all the -ms macros and for useful 
displaying and printing commands. If you are acquainted with -ms, there is a 
quick reference for the new requests and string definitions as well. The differ- 
ences between the new and the old -ms macro packages are described in the sec- 
tion entitled “Changes in the New -ms Macro Package.” The section “Display- 
ing and Printing Documents with -ms” describes how you can produce docu- 
ments on either your workstation, printer, or phototypesetter without changing 
the text and formatting request input. 

The old -ms macro package has been revised, and the new macro package 
assumes the name -ms. There are some extensions to previous -ms macros and 
a number of new macros, but all the previously documented -ms macros still 
work exactly as they did before, and have the same names as before. The new - 
ms macro package includes several bug fixes, including a problem with the 
single-column . 1C macro, minor difficulties with boxed text, a break induced by 
. EQ before initialization, the failure to set tab stops in displays, and several 
errors in the refer bibliographic citation macros. Macros used only at Bell 
Laboratories have been removed from the new version. Deleted macros are 
listed at the beginning of the last section in this chapter. 

After you have prepared your document with text and -ms formatting requests 
and stored it in a file, you can display it on your workstation screen or print it 
with nrof f or trof f with the -ms option to use the -ms macro package. A 
good way to start is to pipe your file through more for viewing: 



hostname% nroff -ms filename... 

| more 



If you forget the -ms option, you get continuous, justified, unpaginated output in 
which -ms requests are ignored. You can format more than one file on the 

1 The material in this chapter is derived from A Revised Version of -ms, B. Tuthill, University of California, 
Berkeley; Typing Documents on the UNIX System: Using the -ms Macros with tr off and nrof f, M.E. Lesk, 
Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey; and Document Formatting on UNIX: Using the -ms Macros, Joel 
Kies, University of California, Berkeley. 


V microsystems 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

24 Formatting Documents 

command line at a time, in which case nrof f simply processes all of them in 
the order they appear, as if they were one file. There are other options to use 
with nrof f and trof f ; see the SunOS Reference Manual for details. 

You can get preview and final output of various sorts with the following com- 
mands. To send nrof f output to the line printer, type: 



hostname% nroff -ms filename | lpr 


-P printer 

To produce a file with tables, use: 


hostname% tbl filename | nroff -ms 


\ lpr -printer 


To produce a file with equations, type: 

hostname% neqn filename | nroff -ms 

| lpr -printer 




To produce a file with tables and equations, use the following order: 

hostname! tbl filename | neqn | nroff -ms | lpr -printer 


To print your document with trof f , use: 

hostname! troff -ms filename | lpr -t -printer 


See lpr(l) in the SunOS Reference Manual for details on printing. 

2.3. What Can Macros Do? Macros can help you produce paragraphs, lists, sections (optionally with 

automatic numbering), page titles, footnotes, equations, tables, two-column for- 
mat, a table of contents, endnotes, running heads and feet, and cover pages for 
papers. As with other formatting utilities such as nrof f and trof f, you 
prepare text interspersed with formatting requests. However, the macro package, 
which itself is written in trof f commands, provides higher-level commands 
than those provided with the basic trof f program. In other words, you can do 
a lot more with just one macro than with one trof f request. 

2.4. Formatting Requests An -ms request usually consists of one or two upper-case characters, and usually 

in the form .XX. 

The easiest way to produce simple formatted text is to put a . LP request on a 
line by itself at the beginning of the document. Add your text, on the following 
lines, leaving just a blank line to separate paragraphs. The . LP request produces 
a left-blocked paragraph, as we used throughout this chapter. Your output will 
have paragraphs and be paginated with right and left-justified margins. 

When you use a macro package, you type in text as you normally do and inter- 
sperse it with formatting requests. For example, instead of spacing in with the 
space bar or typing a tab to indent paragraphs, put a . PP request on a line by 



Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 2 — Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros 25 

Startdard Paragraph — 

Left-Block Paragraph 

itself before each paragraph. When formatted, this indents the first line of the 
following paragraph. 

Note: You cannot just begin a document with a line of text. You must include 
an -ms request before any text input. When in doubt, use . LP to properly ini- 
tialize the file, although any of the requests .PP, .LP, .TL, .SH, .NH is good 
enough. See the section “Cover Sheets and Title Pages” later in this chapter for 
the correct arrangement of requests at the start of a document. 

You can produce several different kinds of paragraphs with the -ms macro pack- 
age: standard, left-block, indented, labeled, and quoted. 

. PP To get an ordinary paragraph, use the . PP request, followed on subsequent lines 

by the text of the paragraph. For example, you type: 

f ^ 


Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled 

He surveyed the fence, and all gladness left him and a deep melancholy 
settled down upon his spirit. 

Thirty yards of board fence nine feet high. 

Life to him seemed hollow, and 
existence but a burden. 

to produce: 

Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long- 
handled brush. He surveyed the fence, and all gladness left him and a deep 
melancholy settled down upon his spirit. Thirty yards of board fence nine feet 
high. Life to him seemed hollow, and existence but a burden. 

. LP You can also produce a left-block paragraph, like those in this manual, with . LP. 
The first line is not indented as it is with the . PP request. For example, you 



Tom appeared . . . 


to produce: 

Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled 
brush. He surveyed the fence, and all gladness left him and a deep melancholy 
settled down upon his spirit. Thirty yards of board fence nine feet high. Life to 
him seemed hollow, and existence but a burden. 

There are default values for the vertical spacing before paragraphs and for the 
width of the indentation. To change the paragraph spacing, see the section 
“Modifying Default Features.” 



Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Indented Paragraph — . ip Another kind of paragraph is the indented paragraph, produced by the .IP 

request. These paragraphs can have hanging numbers or labels. For example: 


[1] Text for first paragraph, typed normally for as long as you would like on as 
many lines as needed. 

[2] Text for second paragraph, ... 

A series of indented paragraphs must be followed by an ordinary paragraph 
beginning with . PP or . LP, depending on whether you wish indenting or not. 
Here we used the . LP request. 

More sophisticated uses of . IP are also possible. If the label is omitted, for 
example, you get a plain block indent: 

which produces 

Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled 

He surveyed the fence, and all gladness left him and a deep melancholy set- 
tled down upon his spirit. Thirty yards of board fence nine feet high. Life to 
him seemed hollow, and existence but a burden. 

If a non-standard amount of indenting is required, specify it after the label in 
character positions. It remains in effect until the next . PP or . LP. Thus, the 
general form of the .IP request contains two additional fields: the label and the 
indenting length. For example, 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 2 — Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros 27 

Nested Indentation 

.IP "Example one:" 15 

Notice the longer label, requiring larger 
indenting for these paragraphs. 

.IP "Example two:" 

And so forth. 

. LP 

produces this: 

Example one: Notice the longer label, requiring larger indenting for these 


Example two: And so forth. 

Notice that you must enclose the label in double quote marks because it contains 
a space; otherwise, the space signifies the end of the argument. The indentation 
request above is in the number of ens, a unit of dimension used in typesetting. 
An en is approximately the width of a lowercase ‘n’ in the particular point size 
you are using. 

The . IP macro adjusts properly by causing a break to the next line if you type in 
a label longer than the space you allowed for. For example, if you have a very 
long label and have allowed 10 en-spaces for it, your input looks like: 



. IP 

"A very, very. 


and verbose label" 10 



here' s 





want . 



here' s 





want . 








want . 



here' s 





want . 




here' s 





want . 


And your output is adjusted accordingly with a break between the label and the 
text body: 

A very, very, long and verbose label 

And now here’s the text that you want. And now here’s the text that 
you want. And now here’s the text that you want. And now here’s 
the text that you want. And now here’s the text that you want. 

. RS and It is also possible to produce multiple (or relative) nested indents; the . RS 

request indicates that the next . IP starts its indentation from the current indenta- 
tion level. Each . RE undoes one level of indenting, so you should balance . RS 
and . RE requests. Think of the . RS request as ‘move right’ and the . RE request 
as ‘move left’. As an example: 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

28 Formatting Documents 


.IP I. 

South Bay Area Restaurants 


.IP A. 

Palo Alto 


.IP 1. 

La Terrasse 


.IP B. 

Mountain View 


.IP 1. 

Grand China 


.IP C. 

Menlo Park 


.IP 1. 

Late for the Train 

.IP 2. 

Flea Street Cafe 





results in: 

I. South Bay Area Restaurants 

A. Palo Alto 

1. LaTerrasse 

B. Mountain View 
1. Grand China 

C. Menlo Park 

1. Late for the Train 

2. Flea Street Cafe 

Note the two . RE requests in a row at the end of the list. Remember that you 
need one end for each start. 

Quoted Paragraph — . QP All of the variations on . LP leave the right margin untouched. Sometimes, you 

need a paragraph indented on both right and left sides. To set off a quotation as 
such, use: 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 2 — Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros 29 

Section Headings 



Precede each paragraph that you want offset as a quotation 
with a .QP. This produces a paragraph like this. 

Notice that the right edge is also indented from the right margin, 
s. . 

to produce 

Precede each paragraph that you want offset as a quotation with a 
/ .QP. This produces a paragraph like this. Notice that the right edge 

is also indented from the right margin. 

. SH and There are two varieties of section headings, unnumbered with . SH and numbered 
with . NH. In either case, type the text of the section heading on one or more 
lines following the request. End the section heading by typing a subsequent 
paragraph request or another section heading request. When printed, one line of 
vertical space precedes the heading, which begins at the left margin, nrof f 
offsets the heading with blank lines, while trof f sets it in boldface type. . NH 
section headings are numbered automatically. The macro takes an argument 
number representing the level-number of the heading, up to 5. A third-level sec- 
tion number is one like ‘1.2.1*. The macro adds one to the section number at the 
requested level, as shown in the following example: 




Bay Area Recreation 

.NH 2 


.NH 3 

San Gregorio 

.NH 3 

Half Moon Bay 

.NH 2 


.NH 3 


.NH 3 

Los Trancos 

.NH 2 

Amusement Parks 

.NH 3 

Marine World/Africa USA 



Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

30 Formatting Documents 

Cover Sheets and Title Pages 
— . TL and . AU 

2. Bay Area Recreation 

2.1 Beaches 

2.1.1 San Gregorio 

2.1.2 Half Moon Bay 

2.2 Parks 

2.2.1 Wunderlich 

2.2.2 LosTrancos 
2.3 Amusement Parks 

2.3.1 Marine World/Africa USA 

. NH without a level-number means the same thing as . NH 1, and . NH 0 cancels 
the numbering sequence in effect and produces a section heading numbered 1. 

-ms provides a group of macros to format items that typically appear on the 
cover sheet or title page of a formally laid-out paper. You can use them selec- 
tively, but if you use several, you must put them in the order shown below, nor- 
mally at or near the beginning of the input file. 

The first line of a document signals the general format of the first page. In partic- 
ular, if it is . RP (released paper), a cover sheet with title and abstract is prepared. 
The default format is useful for scanning drafts. 



Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 2 — Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros 3 1 

Sample input is: 

(See Order of Requests in Input for a quick example of this scheme.) 

If the . RP request precedes . TL, the title, author, and abstract material are 
printed separately on a cover sheet. The title and author information (not the 
abstract) is then repeated automatically on page one (the title page) of the paper, 
without your having to type it again. If you do not include an . RP request, all of 
this material appears on page one, followed on the same page by the main text of 
the paper. 

To omit some of the standard headings (such as no abstract, or no author’s insti- 
tution), just omit the corresponding fields and command lines. To suppress the 
word ABSTRACT type . AB no rather than . AB. You can intersperse several 
. AU and . AI lines to format for multiple authors. 

These macros are optional; you may begin a paper simply with a section heading 
or paragraph request. When you do precede the main text with cover sheet and 
title page material, include a paragraph or section heading between the last title 
page request and the beginning of the main text. Don’t forget that some -ms 
request must precede any input text. 

Running Heads and Feet 


This prints the character string 

The -ms macros, by default, print a page heading containing a page number (if 
greater than 1). You can make minor adjustments to the page headings and foot- 
ings by redefining the strings LH, CH, and RH which are the left, center and right 
portions of the page headings, respectively; and the strings LF, CF, and RF, 
which are the left, center and right portions of the page footer. For nrof f out- 
put, there are two default values: CH is the current page number surrounded on 
either side by hyphens, and CF contains the current date as supplied by the com- 
puter. For trof f CH also contains the page number, but CF is empty. The 
other four registers are empty by default for both nrof f and trof f . You can 
use the . ds request to assign a value to a string register. For example: 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

32 Formatting Documents 

Draft Only — Do Not Distribute 

at the bottom right of every page. You do not need to enclose the string in dou- 
ble quote marks. To remove the contents of a string register, simply redefine it 
as empty. For instance, to clear string register CH, and make the center header 
blank on the following pages, use the request: 

In a string definition, *%’ is a special symbol referring to nrof f ’s automatic 
page counter. If you want hyphens on either side of the page number, place them 
on either side of the in the command, that is: 



.ds RH -%- 


Remember that putting the page number in the right header as shown above does 
not remove it from the default CH; you still have to clear out CH. 

If you want requests that set the values of string and number registers to take 
effect on the first page of output, put them at or near the beginning of the input 
file, before the initializing macro, which in turn must precede the first line of text. 
Among other functions, the initializing macro causes a ‘pseudo page break’ onto 
page one of the paper, including the top-of-page processing for that page. Be 
sure to put requests that change the value of the PO (page offset), HM (top or 
head margin), and FM (bottom or foot margin) number registers and the page 
header string registers before the transition onto the page where they are to take 

For more complex formats, you can redefine the macros PT (page top) and BT 
(page bottom), which are invoked respectively at the top and bottom of each 
page. The margins (taken from registers HM and FM for the top and bottom 
margin respectively) are normally 1 inch; the page header/footer are in the mid- 
dle of that space. If you redefine these macros, be careful not to change parame- 
ters such as point size or font without resetting them to default values. 

Custom Headers and Footers You can also produce custom headers and footers that are different on even and 

— . OH, . EH, . OF, and . EF odd pages. The . OH and . EH macros define odd and even headers, while . OF 

and . EF define odd and even footers. Arguments to these four macros are 
specified as with the nrof f . tl, that is, there are three fields (left, center and 
right), each separated by a single apostrophe. For example, to get odd-page 
headers with the chapter name followed by the page number and the reverse on 
even pages, use: 


V microsystems 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 2 — Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros 33 

Multi-Column Formats — 

. 2 C and .MC 

.OH 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' 'Page %' 

.EH 'Page %' 'For Whom the Bell Tolls' 

Note that it is an error to have an apostrophe in the header text; if you need an 
apostrophe, use a backslash and apostrophe (') or a delimiter other than apos- 
trophe around the left, center, and right portions of the title. You can use any 
character as a delimiter, provided it doesn’t appear elsewhere in the argument to 
.OH, .EH, .OF, or .EF. 

You can use the . P 1 (dot-P-one) macro to print the header on page 1 . If you 
want roman numeral page numbering, use an . af PN i request. 

If you place the request . 2C in your document, the document will be printed in 
double column format beginning at that point. This is often desirable on the 
typesetter. Each column will have a width 7/15 that of the text line length in 
single-column format, and a gutter (the space between the columns) of 1/15 of 
the full line length. Remember that when you use the two-column . 2C request, 
either pipe the nrof f output through col or make the first line of the input . pi 

The . 2C request is actually a special case of the . MC request that produces for- 
mats of more than two spaces: 


.MC [column width [gutter width ] ] 


This formats output in as many columns of column width as will fit across the 
page with a gap of gutter width. You can specify the column width in any unit of 
scale, but if you do not specify a unit, the setting defaults to ens. . MC without 
any column width is the same thing as . 2C. For example: 

t — s 

■ MC 

Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled 

He surveyed the fence, and all gladness left him and a deep melancholy 
settled down upon his spirit. 

v , 

To return to single-column output, use . 1C. Switching from double to single- 
column always causes a skip to a new page. 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

34 Formatting Documents 

Footnotes — . FS and . FE Material placed between lines with the commands . FS (footnote start) and . FE 

(footnote end) is collected, remembered, and placed at the bottom of the current 
page.* The formatting of the footnote is: 


"N the bottom of the current page.* 


* Like this. 




By default, footnotes are 1 l/12th the length of normal text, but you can modify 
this by changing the FL register (see the “Modifying Default Features” section). 
When typeset, footnotes appear in smaller size type. 

Because the macros only save a passage of text for printing at the bottom of the 
page, you have to mark the footnote reference in some way, both in the text 
preceding the footnote and again as part of the footnote text. We use a simple 
asterisk, but you can use anything you want. 

You can also produce automatically-numbered footnotes. Footnote numbers are 
printed by a predefined string (\**), which you invoke separately from . FS and 
. FE. Each time this string is used, it increases the footnote number by one, 
whether or not you use . FS and . FE in your text. Footnote numbers are super- 
scripted on the phototypesetter and on daisy-wheel terminals, but on low- 
resolution devices (such as the line printer and a treminal), they are bracketed. If 
you use \ ** to indicate numbered footnotes, the . FS macro automatically 
includes the footnote number at the bottom of the page. This footnote, for exam- 
ple, was produced as follows: 2 


This footnote, for example, was produced as follows :\** 


If you never use the . . . 



If you are using \ ** to number footnotes, but want a footnote of the same style 
marked with an asterisk or dagger, give that mark as the first argument to . FS:f 

r \ 

give that mark as the first argument to .FS:\(dg 
.FS \(dg 

In the footnote, the dagger . . . 


- . 

Footnote numbering is temporarily suspended, because the \ ** string is not 
used. Instead of a dagger, you could use an asterisk * or double dagger $, 
represented as \ ( dd. 

* Like this. 

2 If you never use the \ * * string, no footnote numbers will appear anywhere in the text, including down 
here. The output footnotes will look exactly like footnotes produced with -mos, the old -ms macro package. 

t In the footnote, the dagger will appear where the footnote number would otherwise appear, as shown here. 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 2 — Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros 35 


Displays and Tables 
and . DE 

If you want to produce endnotes rather than footnotes, put the references in a file 
of their own. This is similar to what you would do if you were typing the paper 
on a conventional typewriter. Note that you can use automatic footnote number- 
ing without actually having the . FS and . FE pairs in your text. If you place 
footnotes in a separate file, you can use . IP macros with V* as a hanging tag; 
this gives you numbers at the left-hand margin. With some styles of endnotes, 
you would want to use . PP rather than . IP macros, and specify \** before the 
reference begins. 

. DS To prepare displays of lines, such as tables, in which the lines should not be re- 
arranged or broken between pages, enclose them in the requests . DS and . DE: 




lines, like the 

examples here, are placed 

between .DS and .DE macros 



which produces: 

lines, like the 

examples here, are placed 

between .DS and .DE macros 

By default, lines between . DS and . DE are indented from the left margin. 

If you don’t want the indentation, use . DS L to begin and . DE to produce a 
left-justified display: 

to get 

something like 

You can also center lines with the . DS C and . DE requests: 

This is an 

of a centered display. 

Note that each line is centered individually. 

A plain . DS is equivalent to . DS I, which indents and left-adjusts. An extra 
argument to the . DS I or . DS request is taken as an amount to indent. For 
example, .DS I 3or.DS 3 begins a display to be indented 3 ens from the 

There is a variant . DS B that makes the display into a left-adjusted block of 
text, and then centers that entire block. 

Normally a display is kept together on one page. If you wish to have a long 
display which may be split across page boundaries, use .CD, . LD, and . BD in 
place of the requests .DS C, .DS L, and .DS B respectively. Use . id for 
either a plain . DS or . DS I. You can also specify the amount of indentation 
with the .ID macro. Use the following table as a quick reference: 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 



36 Formatting Documents 

Table 2-1 

Keeping Text Together — 

■ KS, .KE and .KF 

Boxing Words or Lines — 
.BX and . B1 and .B2 

Display Macros 

Macro with Keep 

Macro without Keep 

.DS I 


.DS L 


.DS C 

• CD 

.DS B 




Note: It is tempting to assume that . DS R will right-adjust lines, but it doesn’t. 

If you wish to keep a table or other block of lines together on a page, there are 
‘keep - release’ requests. If a block of lines preceded by . KS and followed by 
. KE does not fit on the remainder of the current page, it will begin on a new 
page. There is also a ‘keep floating’ request. If the block to be kept together is 
preceded by . KF instead of . KS and does not fit on the current page, it will be 
moved down through the text to the top of the next page, nr of f fills in the 
current page with the ordinary text that follows the keep in the input file to avoid 
leaving blank space at the bottom of the page preceding the keep. Thus, no large 
blank space will be introduced in the document. 

In multi-column output, the keep macros attempt to place all the kept material in 
the same column. If the material enclosed in a keep requires more than one page, 
or more than a column in multi-column format, it will start on a new page or 
column and simply run over onto the following page or column. 

To draw rectangular boxes around words, use the request 


.BX word 


to print Iword las shown. You can box longer pieces of text by enclosing them 
with . B1 and .B2.: 

. B1 

Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash 
and a long-handled brush. 

He surveyed the fence, and all gladness left him and a deep melancholy 
settled down upon his spirit. 

Thirty yards of board fence nine feet high. 

Life to him seemed hollow, and 
existence but a burden. 

. B2 

This produces: 

Tom appeared on the sidewalk with a bucket of whitewash and a long-handled 
brush. He surveyed the fence, and all gladness left him and a deep melancholy 
settled down upon his spirit. Thirty yards of board fence nine feet high. Life to 
him seemed hollow, and existence but a burden. 



Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 2 — Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros 37 

Changing Fonts — . I, . B, . R To get italics on the typesetter or reverse display on the workstation, say: 

and . UL 

as was done for these three words. The . R request restores the normal (usually 
Roman) font. If only one word is to be italicized, you can put it on the line with 
the . I request: 

and in this case you do not need to use an . R to restore the previous font. 
You can print boldface font by 

As with . I, you can place a single word in boldface font by putting it on the 
same line as the . B request. Also, when . I or . B is used with a word as an 
argument, it can take as a second argument any trailing punctuation to be printed 
immediately after the word but set in normal typeface. For example: 



that is, the word in boldface and the closing parenthesis in normal Roman 
directly adjacent to the word. 

If you want actual underlining as opposed to italicizing on the typesetter, use the 

to underline a word . There is no way to underline multiple words on the 

You can specify a few size changes in t rof f output with the requests . LG 
(make larger), . SM (make smaller), and . NL (return to normal size). The size 
change is two points (see the “Dimensions” section for a discussion of point 
size); you can repeat the requests for increased effect (here one . NL canceled two 
. SM requests). These requests are primarily useful for temporary size changes 

Changing the Type Size — 
. LG, . SM and . NL 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

38 Formatting Documents 

Dates — .DA and .ND 

Thesis Format Mode — 

Bibliography — . XP 

for a small number of words. They do not affect vertical spacing of lines of text. 
See the section on “Modifying Default Features” for other techniques for chang- 
ing the type size and vertical spacing of longer passages. 

When you use -ms, nr of f prints the date at the bottom of each page, but 
trof f does not. Both nrof f and trof f print it on the cover sheet if you 
have requested one with . RP. To make trof f print the date as the center page 
footer, say . DA (date). To suppress the date, say . ND (no date). To lie about the 
date, type .DA July 4, 1 7 7 6 , which puts the specified date at the bottom 
of each page. The request: 


... » 

.ND September 16, 1959 


in . RP format places the specified date on the cover sheet and nowhere else. 
Place either . ND or . DA before the . RP Notice this is one instance that you do 
not need to put double quote marks around the arguments. 

. TM To format a paper as a thesis, use the . TM macro (thesis mode). It is much like 
the . th macro in the -me macro package. It puts page numbers in the upper 
right-hand comer, numbers the first page, suppresses the date, and doublespaces 
everything except quotes, displays, and keeps. Use it at the top of each file mak- 
ing up your thesis. Calling . TM defines the . CT macro for chapter titles, which 
skips to a new page and moves the page number to the center footer. You can 
use the . P 1 (P one) macro even without thesis mode to print the header on page 
one, which is suppressed except in thesis mode. If you want roman numeral page 
numbering, use an . af PN i request. 

To format bibliography entries, use the . XP macro, which stands for exdented 
paragraph. It exdents the first line of the paragraph by \n(PI units, usually 5n, 
the same as the indent for the first line of a . PP. An example of exdented para- 
graphs is: 

• XP 

Lumley, Lyle S., \fISex in Crustaceans: Shell Fish Habits, \fP\" 

Harbinger Press, Tampa Bay and San Diego, October 1979. 

243 pages. 

The pioneering work in this field. 

• XP 

Leffadinger, Harry A., "Mollusk Mating Season: 52 Weeks, or All Year?" 

in \fIActa Biologica, \fP\“ vol. 42, no. 11, November 1980. 

A provocative thesis, but the conclusions are wrong. 


which produces: 

Lumley, Lyle S., Sex in Crustaceans: Shell Fish Habits, Harbinger Press, Tampa 
Bay and San Diego, October 1979. 243 pages. The pioneering work in this 

Leffadinger, Harry A., “Mollusk Mating Season: 52 Weeks, or All Year?” in 
Acta Biologica, vol. 42, no. 11, November 1980. A provocative thesis, but 
the conclusions are wrong. 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 2 — Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros 39 

You do have to italicize the book and journal titles and quote the title of the jour- 
nal article. You can change the indentation and exdentation by setting the value 
of number register PI. 

Table of Contents — . xs, There are four macros that produce a table of contents. Enclose table of contents 

. XE, . XA, . PX entries in . XS and . XE pairs, with optional . XA macros for additional entries. 

Arguments to . XS and . XA specify the page number, to be printed at the right. 

A final . PX macro prints out the table of contents. A sample of typical input and 
output text is: 

.XS ii 
.XA 1 

Chapter 1: Review of the Literature 
.XA 23 

Chapter 2: Experimental Evidence 




Table of Contents 

Introduction ii 

Chapter 1: Review of the Literature 1 

Chapter 2: Experimental Evidence 23 

You can also use the . xs and . XE pairs in the text, after a section header for 
instance, in which case page numbers are supplied automatically. However, 
most documents that require a table of contents are too long to produce in one 
run, which is necessary if this method is to work. It is recommended that you 
make the table of contents after finishing your document. To print out the table 
of contents, use the . PX macro or nothing will happen. 

Defining Quotation Marks To produce quotation marks and dashes that format correctly with both nrof f 

and trof f , there are some string definitions for each of the formatting pro- 
grams. The \*— string yields two hyphens in nrof f , and produces an em-dash 
— like this one in trof f . The \*Q and \*U strings produce “ and ” in trof f , 
but " in nroff. 

Accent Marks To simplify typing certain foreign words, the -ms macro package defines strings 

representing common accent marks. There are a large number of optional 
foreign accent marks defined by the -ms macros. All the accent marks available 
in -mos are present, and they all work just as they always did. 

For the old accent marks, type the string before the letter over which the mark is 
to appear. For example, to print ‘telephone with the old macros, you type: 

t \ * ' el \ * ' ephone 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

40 Formatting Documents 

Table 2-2 

Table 2-3 

Unlike the old accent marks, the new accent strings should be placed after the 
letter being accented. Place . AM (accent mark) at the beginning of your docu- 
ment, and type the accent strings after the letter being accented. A list of both 
sets of diacritical marks and examples of what they look like follows. Note: Do 
not use the tbl macros . TS and . TE with any of the accent marks as the marks 
do not line up correctly. 

Old Accent Marks 

Accent Name 




\* 'e 






\* : u 














Accent Marks 

Accent Name 




e\* ' 


















\* ! 



u\* : 















kni\*3t kni 3 t 





\* (Th 



\* (th 



\* (D- 



\* (d- 


hooked o 



ae ligature 

\* (ae 


AE ligature 

\* (Ae 


oe ligature 

\* (oe 


OE ligature 

\* (Oe 


If you want to use these new diacritical marks, don’t forget the . AM at the top of 
your file. Without it, some of these marks will not print at all, and others will be 
placed on the wrong letter. 



Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 2 — Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros 4 1 

2.5. Modifying Default 


The -ms macro package supplies a standard page layout style. The text line has 
a default length of six inches; the indentation of the first line of a paragraph is 
five ens; the page number is printed at the top center of every page after page 
one; and so on for standard papers. You can alter many of these default features 
by changing the values that control them. 

The computer memory locations where these values are stored are called number 
registers and string registers. Number and string registers have names like those 
of requests, one or two characters long. For instance, the value of the line length 
is stored in a number register named LL. Unless you give a request to change the 
value stored in register LL, it will contain the standard or default value assigned 
to it by -ms. The “Summary of -ms Number Registers” table lists the number 
registers you can change along with their default values. 

To change a dimension like the line length from its default value, reset the asso- 
ciated number register with the trof f request . nr (number register): 

The first argument, LL, is the name of a number register, and the second, 5i is 
the value being assigned to it. In the case above, the line length is adjusted from 
the default six inches to five inches. As another example, consider: 


.nr PS 9 



which makes the default point size 9 point. 

The value may be expressed as an integer or may contain a decimal fraction. 
When setting the value of a number register, it is almost always necessary to 
include a unit of scale immediately after the value. In the example above, the ‘i’ 
as the unit of scale lets trof f know you mean five inches and not five of some 
other unit of distance. But the point size (PS) and vertical spacing (VS) registers 
are exceptions to this rule; ordinarily they should be assigned a value as a 
number of points without indicating the unit of scale. For example, to set the 
vertical spacing to 24 points, or one-third of an inch (double-spacing), use the 


.nr VS 24 

In the unusual case where you want to set the vertical spacing to more than half 
an inch (more than 36 points), include a unit of scale in setting the VS register. 
The “Units of Measurement in nr of f and trof f ” table explains the units of 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

42 Formatting Documents 

Table 2-4 U nits of Measurement in nr o f f and t r o f f 



nrof f 

trof f 



1/72 inch 

1/72 inch 



1/6 inch 

1/6 inch 



width of one character 

distance equal 
to number of 
points in the 
current typesize 



width of one character 

half an em 

vertical space 


amount of space in 
which each line of 
text is set, measured 
baseline to baseline 










machine unit 


1/240 inch 

1/432 inch 

The units point, pica, em, and en are units of measurement used by tradition in 
typesetting. The vertical space unit also corresponds to the typesetting term 
leading, which refers to the distance from the baseline of one line of type to the 
baseline of the next. Em and en are particularly interesting in that they are pro- 
portional to the type size currently in use (normally expressed as a number of 
points). An em is the distance equal to the number of points in the type size 
(roughly the width of the letter ‘m’ in that point size), while an en is half that 
(about the width of the letter ‘n’). These units are convenient for specifying 
dimensions such as indentation. In trof f , em and en have their traditional 
meanings, that is one em of distance is equal to two ens. For nr of f , on the 
other hand, em and en both mean the same quantity of distance, the width of one 
typewritten character. 

The machine unit is a special unit of dimension used by nrof f and trof f 
internally. This is the unit to which the programs convert almost all dimensions 
when storing them in memory, and is included here primarily for completeness. 
In using the features of -ms, it is sufficient to know that such a unit of measure 

Note that a change to a number register such as LL does not immediately change 
the related dimension at that point in the output. Instead, in the case of the line 
length for example, the change takes place at the beginning of the next para- 
graph, where -ms resets various dimensions to the current values of the related 
number registers. 

If you need the effect immediately, use the normal trof f command in addition 
to changing the number register. For example, to control the vertical spacing 
immediately, use: 






This takes effect at the place where it occurs in your input file. Since it does not 
change the VS register, however, its effect lasts only until the beginning of the 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 2 — Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros 43 

next paragraph. As a general rule, to make a permanent change, or one that will 
last for several paragraphs until you want to change it again, alter the value of the 
-ms register. If the change must happen immediately, somewhere other than the 
point shown in the table, use the trof f request. If you want the change to be 
both immediate and lasting, do both. 

T able 2-5 Summary of -ms Number Registers 

Register Controls 





point size 

next para. 



line spacing 

next para. 

12 pts 


line length 

next para. 



title length 

next para. 



para, spacing 

next para. 

0.3 VS 


para, indent 

next para. 

5 ens 


footnote length 

next ,FS 

11/12 LL 


column width 

next .2C 

7/15 LL 


intercolumn gap 

next . 2C 

1/15 LL 


page offset 

next page 



top margin 

next page 



bottom margin 

next page 


You may also alter the strings and which are the left, center, and right headings 
respectively; and similarly and which are strings in the page footer. Use the 
trof f . ds (define string) request to alter the string registers, as you use the 
. nr request for number registers. The page number on output is taken from 
register to permit changing its output style. For more complicated headers and 
footers, you can redefine the macros and as explained earlier. See the “Register 
Names” section for a full list. 

2.6. Usingnroff and You can use a small subset of the trof f requests to supplement the -ms macro 

troff Requests package. 

Use . nr and . ds requests to manipulate the -ms number and string registers as 
described in the “Modifying Default Features” section. You can also freely use 
the other following requests in a file for processing with the -ms macro package. 
They all work with both typesetter and workstation or terminal output. 

.ad b 

Adjust both margins. This is the default adjust mode. 


Begin new page. 


‘Break’ line; start a new output line whether or not the current one 
has been completely filled with text. 

. ce n 

Center the following n input text lines individually in the output. If n 
is omitted, only the next (one) line of text is centered. 


Define string register named XX. 



Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

44 Formatting Documents 

. na Turn off adjusting of right margins to produce ragged right. 

. n r XX Define number register named XX. 

. sp n Insert n blank lines. If n is omitted, one blank line is produced (the 
current value of the unit v). You can attach a unit of dimension to n 
to specify the quantity in units other than a number of blank lines. 

Note: The macro package executes sequences of trof f requests on its own, in 
a manner invisible to you. By inserting your own t rof f requests, you run the 
risk of introducing errors. The most likely result is simply for your trof f 
requests to be ignored, but in some cases the results can include fatal trof f 
errors and garbled typesetter output. 

As a simple example, if you try to produce a centered heading with the input: 



. ce 


Text of section heading 


you will discover that the heading comes out left- adjusted; the . SH macro, 
appearing after the . ce request overrules it and forces left-adjusting. But con- 
sider the following sequence: 




. ce 


Line of text 



which successfully produces a centered, boldface heading preceded by one line 
of vertical space. There are lots of tricks like this, so be careful. 

To learn more about trof f see the chapter on “Formatting Documents with 
nrof f and trof f .” 

2.7. Using -ms with eqn to If you have to print Greek letters or mathematical equations, see the chapter 
Typeset Mathematics “Typesetting Mathematics with eqn” for equation setting. To aid eqn users, - 

ms provides definitions of . EQ and . EN which normally center the equation and 
set it off slightly. An argument to . EQ is taken to be an equation number and 
placed in the right margin near the equation. In addition, there are three special 
arguments to . EQ: the letters C, I, and L indicate centered (default), indented, 
and left adjusted equations, respectively. If there is both a format argument and 
an equation number, give the format argument first, as in 



.EQ L (1.3a) 


for a left-adjusted equation numbered (1.3a). 


Xr microsystems 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 2 — Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros 45 

2.8. Using -ms with tbl to Similar to the eqn macros are the macros . TS and . TE defined to separate 

Format Tables tables from text with a little space (see the chapter “Formatting Tables with 

tbl”). A very long table with a heading may be broken across pages by begin- 
ning it with . TS H instead of . TS, and placing the line . TH in the table data 
after the heading. If the table has no heading repeated from page to page, just 
use the ordinary . TS and . TE macros. 

2.9. Register Names The -ms macro package uses the following register names internally. Indepen- 

dent use of these names in (or as) your own macros may produce incorrect out- 
put. Note that there are no lower case letters in any -ms internal name. 

Number Registers Used in -ms 



































































String Registers Used in -ms 




































































































































2.10. Order of Requests in The following diagram provides a quick reference for how to order macro 

Input requests when using the -ms macro package to format documents. The central 

arrow indicates that the minimum formatting requests you need with -ms are the 
paragraph macros. These initialize certain quantities and are necessary to obtain 
predictable results when you use other macros. 

The double-edged arrows indicate optional requests. The single-edged arrows 
indicate dependencies. For example, if you use a . AB request, you need a . AE 
request. If you use a . AU request, you don’t need a . AI request, but if you use a 
. AI request, you have to use a . AU request first. The locations of the side 
arrows relative to the other requests indicate the relative locations of the requests 
in the document source. 


\r microsystems 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

46 Formatting Documents 

Chapter 2 — Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros 47 

2.11. -ms Request This section includes tables of the old Bell Laboratories that have been removed 

Summary from the new -ms package, of new -ms requests and string definitions, and of 

useful printing and displaying commands. It also includes a complete -ms 
request and string summary for easy reference. 

Table 2-6 Bell Laboratories Macros Deleted From -ms 

Macro Request 



Cover sheet 


BTL Engineer’s Notes 


Bell Labs, Holmdel, N.J. 


Bell Labs, Naperville, 111. 


BTL internal memo 


BTL file memo 


Bell Labs, Murray Hill, N.J. 


BTL record memo 


BTL date 


BTL keywords for tech memo 


Bell Labs, Piscataway, N.J. 


Signatures for tech memo 


BTL technical memo 


BTL report format 


Bell Labs, Whippany, N.J. 

Table 2-7 New -ms Requests 

Macro Request 



New accent mark definitions. 


Chapter title in . TM format. 


Define even three-part page header. 


Define even three-part page footer. 


End automatically numbered footnote. 


Begin automatically numbered footnote. 


Endnotes with automatic numbering. 


Index words. 


Define odd three-part page footer. 


Define odd three-part page header. 


Put header on page one in . TM format. 


Print table of contents. 


Thesis mode format. 


Start table of contents entry. 


End table of contents entry. 


Additional table of contents entry. 


Prints table of contents. 


Exdented paragraph. 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

48 Formatting Documents 

Table 2-8 New String Definitions 


In nrof f 

In trof f 


Two dashes ~ 

Em dash — 


Open quote " 

Open quote “ 


Close quote " 

Close quote ” 

T able 2-9 -ms Macro Request Summary 











One column format on a new page. 

. 2C 



Two column format. 




Begin abstract. 

. AE 



End abstract. 

. AI 



Author’s institution follows. 




New accent mark definitions 




Print ‘...Attached’ and turn offline 




Author’s name follows. 

.B X 



Print x in boldface; if no argument 
switch to boldface. 

. B1 



Begin text to be enclosed in a box. 

. B2 



End text to be boxed and print it. 




Bottom title, automatically invoked 
at foot of page. May be redefined. 

.BX X 



Print x in a box. 




Cut mark between pages (only if 




Chapter title in thesis mode only. 

Page number moved to CF. 

.DA X 



‘Date line’ at bottom of page is x 
(only in nrof f ). Default is today. 




End displayed text. Implies . KE. 

.DS X 



Start of displayed text to appear ver- 
batim line-by-line. x=I for 
indented display (default), x-L for 
left-adjusted on the page, x=C for 
centered, s = B for make left-justified 
block, then center whole block. 
Implies .KS. 

.EF X 



Even three-part page footer x 



Space after equation produced by 
eqn or neqn. 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 2 — Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros 49 

Table 2-9 

-ms Macro Request Summary — Continued 








.EQ xy 


Precede equation; break out and add 
space. Equation number is y. The 
optional argument x may be I to 
indent equation (default), L to 
left-adjust the equation, or C to 
center it. 




End footnote. 

.FS X 


Start footnote, x is optional foot- 
note label. The note will be printed 
at the bottom of the page. 

.1 X 



Italicize x ; if x is missing, italic text 

.IP xy 



Start indented paragraph, with hang- 
ing tag x. Indentation is y ens 
(default 5). 



End keep. Put kept text on next 
page if not enough room. 




Start floating keep. If the kept text 
must be moved to the next page, 
float later text back to this page. 




Start keeping following text. 




Make letters larger. 




Start left-blocked paragraph. 

.ND date 


Use date supplied if any as page 
footer; only in special format posi- 

.NH n 


Same as . SH with section number 
supplied automatically. Numbers 
are multilevel, like 1.2.3, where n 
tells what level is wanted (default is 




Make letters normal size. 

.IX xy 


Index entries w and y and so on up 
to 5 levels. Make letters normal 

.OF X 



Odd three-part page footer. 

.OH header 



Odd three-part page header. 




Print header on first page (only in 
thesis mode). 




Begin paragraph. First line 



Page title, automatically invoked at 
top of page. May be redefined. 



Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

50 Formatting Documents 

T able 2-9 -ms Macro Request Summary — Continued 








.PX X 



Print table of contents; x=no 
suppresses title. 



Begin single paragraph which is 
indented and shorter. 




Roman text follows. 




End relative indent level. 



Cover sheet and first page for 
released paper. Must precede other 



Start level of relative indentation. 
Following . IPs are measured from 
current indentation. 



Section head follows, font automati- 
cally bold. 

. SM 



Make letters smaller. 

.TA X... 



Set tabs in ens. Default is 5 10 15 ... 




End table. 




End heading section of table. 




Title follows. 




Thesis mode format. 

.TS X 


Begin table; if x is H, table has 
repeated heading on subsequent 

.UL X 


Underline argument, even in 
trof f . 

.XA xy 



Another index entry; x=page for no 
for none, y=indent. 



End index entry or series of . IX 

.XS xy 



Begin index entry; x=page or no for 
none, y=indent. 

.UL X 


Underline argument, even in 



Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 2 — Formatting Documents with the -ms Macros 5 1 

Table 2-10 -ms String Definitions 



In nrof f 

In trof f 













month of year 

\* (MO 



current date 

\* (DY 

19 January 1990 

19 January 1990 

numbered footnote 

\ * * 

[1] footnote 

1 footnote 

The following table summarizes command lines you use to print and display 
documents. Use the same order with trof f for preprocessing files with tbl 
and eqn. 

If you use the two-column . 2C request, either pipe the nr of f output through 
col or make the first line of the input .pi /usr /bin/col. 

T able 2-11 Printing and Displaying Documents 

What You Want to Do 

How to Do it 

Display file on screen 

nr off -ms 

file(s) [ 


Print file on line printer 

nr off -ms 

file(s) | 


Print file with tables 

tbl file(s) 


-ms | 


Print file with equations 

neqn file(s) 

| nroff -ms | 


Print file with both 

tbl file(s) 



-ms | lpr 

Print file using trof f 

troff -ms 

file(s) I 

lpr -t 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

52 Formatting Documents 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 


The -man Macro Package 

The -man macro package is used to format the manual pages to look like those 
in the SunOS Reference Manual, for example. 

3.1o Parts of a Manual A manual page consists of several parts: 

□ The first part is the header and footer or . TH line. This line identifies the 
manual page and sets up the titles and other information to print the page 
headers and footers. 

□ The next few sections are all introduced by . SH macro requests. 

A skeleton command file would look something like this: 

.TH XX 1 "7 November 1984" 



The sections have the following meanings: 

NAME The name of the command and a short description. 

SYNOPSIS A short synopsis of the command including its options 

and arguments. 

description A brief narrative description of what the command does. 
OPTIONS A list of the options in terse itemized list format. 

FILES Names of files that this command uses or creates. 

SEE ALSO Other relevant commands and files and manuals. 

bugs Known deficiencies in the command. 

Occasionally there may be other sections you can add. For instance, a couple of 
the manual pages have a section called RESTRICTIONS, which contains the 
notice that this software is not distributed outside of the United States of Amer- 

Leave out sections that do not apply — it is not necessary to have a title without 
any content to go with it. Definitely avoid sections that read: 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

54 Formatting Documents 



3.2. Coding Conventions The following subsections compose a fairly detailed description of what the dif- 
ferent sections of the manual page contain. 

The Header and Footer Line 
( . TH) — Identifying the Page 

This means, for example: Begin page named n of chapter c. The x argument is 
for extra commentary for the center page footer. The v argument alters the left 
portion of the page footer. The m argument alters the center portion of the page 
header. The . TH command line also incidentally sets the prevailing indent and 
tabs to .5i. 

To code a manual page called t rof f ( 1 ) , for example, you would code a . TH 
macro like: 

The third parameter to the . TH macro is the date on which you created or last 
changed the manual page. You code today’s date in international form: 

numerical day spelled-out month numerical year 

So if today is September 3rd, 1984, you code the . TH macro like: 

The NAME Line The NAME line is a one-liner that identifies the command or program. You 

code the information like this: 

This line must be typed all in the Roman font with no font changes or point-size 
changes or any other text manipulation. Typing the command line all in Roman 
with no text manipulation is for the permuted index generator. It gets all con- 
fused if there is anything in that line other than plain text. 

Note the\- in there — why do we type aV? Well, in trof f jargon, a simple - 
sign gets you a hyphen. We actually would like a en-dash (like -) instead of a 
hyphen, in lieu of actually having a em-dash (like — ). This use of the V to get a 
- is a UNIX tradition. 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

The . TH macro is the macro that identifies the page. The format is 

Chapter 3 — The -man Macro Package 55 

The SYNOPSIS Section 


The SYNOPSIS line(s) show the user what options and arguments can be typed. 
The conventions for the SYNOPSIS have varied wildly over the years. Nonethe- 
less, here are the guidelines: 

□ Literal text (that is, what the user types) is coded in boldface. 

□ Variables (that is, things someone might substitute for ) are typed in italic 

□ Optional things are enclosed in brackets — that is the characters [ and ] . 

□ Alternatives are separated by the vertical bar sign ( | ). 

The synopsis should show what the options are — some manual pages used to 
read like this: 


troff [options] filename... 
but it should read: 


troff [-0 page list] [-n/V] [-m name] ...[filename] 

The DESCRIPTION section of a manual page should contain a brief description 
of what the command does for the user, in terms that the user cares about. 

Within the DESCRIPTION and OPTIONS sections, use boldface text for 
filenames and command names (commands are just files in a special place). 
When referring to other manual pages, type the name in boldface and the follow- 
ing parenthesized section number in Roman, as in make(l). Use the -man 
macro . BR to get alternating words joined in bold and Roman fonts. Note that 
the macros that join alternating words in different fonts ( . IR, . IB, . BR, . BI, 

. Rl, . RB) all accept only six (6) parameters. See the section on how to format a 
manual page for more formatting rules. 

Part of the description in the grep manual page used to read: 

. . . grep patterns are limited regular expressions in the style of ed(l); it uses a 
compact nondeterministic algorithm, egrep patterns are full regular expressions; 
it uses a fast deterministic algorithm that sometimes needs exponential space, 
fgrep patterns are fixed strings; it is fast and compact. 

Most users do not care that egrep uses a fast deterministic algorithm. As an 
example of a more useful way of describing a command for the user, here is how 
that sentence currently reads. 

. . . grep patterns are limited regular expressions in the style of ed(l). egrep pat- 
terns are full regular expressions including alternation, fgrep searches for lines 
that contain one of the (newline-separated) strings, fgrep patterns are fixed 
strings — no regular expression metacharacters are supported. 

Here’s another bad example: the lpr(l) manual page used to tell you that the -s 
option uses the symlink(2) system call to make a symbolic link to the data file 


V microsystems 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

56 Formatting Documents 

The OPTIONS Section 

instead of copying the data file to the spool area. The user may not know what 
this means or how to use the information. The description was changed to just 
tell you that the -s option makes a symbolic link to the data file. How it is done 
is of little concern to some poor user who just wants to print a file. 

The OPTIONS section of a manual page contains an itemized list of the options 
that the command recognizes, and how the options affect the behavior of the 
command. The general format for this section is 

-option Description of what the option does. 

A specific example from the trof f manual page looks like this: 


Options may appear in any order as long as they appear before the files. 

-o list 

Print only pages whose page numbers appear in the comma-separated 
list of numbers and ranges. A range N-M means pages N through M; 
an initial -N means from the beginning to page N; and a final N- means 
from N to the end. 

-n N 

Number first generated page N. 

-m name 

Prepend the macro file /usr/lib/tmac/ to the input files. 


Set register a (one-character) to N. 

Read standard input after the input files are exhausted. 


Invoke the simultaneous input-output mode of the rd request, 

Direct output to the standard output instead of the 
phototypesetter. In general, you will have to use this option 
if you don’t have a typesetter attached to the system. 


Send a printable ASCII approximation of the results to the standard 

Some options of trof f only apply if you have a C/A/T typesetter 
attached to your system. These options are here for historical reasons: 

-s N 

Stop every N pages, t r o f f stops the phototypesetter 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 3 — The -man Macro Package 57 

The FILES Section 

The SEE ALSO Section 

every N pages, produces a trailer to allow changing 

cassettes, and resumes when the typesetter’s start button is pressed. 


Refrain from feeding out paper and stopping phototypesetter at the 
end of the run. 


Wait until phototypesetter is available, if currently busy. 

Report whether the phototypesetter is busy or available. No text 
processing is done. 

Print all characters in point size N while retaining all 

prescribed spacings and motions, to reduce phototypesetter elapsed time. 

The FILES section of a manual page contains a list of the files that the program 
accesses, creates, or modifies. Obviously, you can leave this section out if the 
program uses no files. 

The example from the trof f manual page looks like this: 

If the file /usr/adm/tracct is writable, trof f keeps 
phototypesetter accounting records there. The integrity of that file 
may be secured by making trof f a ’set user-id’ program. 



/usrAib/tm ac/tmac. * 





temporary file 
standard macro files 
terminal driving tables for nroff 
font width tables for troff 

accounting statistics for /dev/cat 

The SEE ALSO section of a manual page contains a list of references to other 
programs, files, and manuals relating to this program. For example, on the 
troff manual page, the SEE ALSO section looks like this: 


Formatting Documents and Using NROFF and TROFF, 
nroff (1) , eqn (1) , tbl (1) , ms (7) , me (7) , 
man (7) , col (1) 

Make sure that the references are usefitl — the rm ( 1 ) command references the 
unlink ( 2 ) system call. Does the user care what system call is used to get rid 
of a file? It’s not intuitive that you use a function called unlink to remove a 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

58 Formatting Documents 


Leave this section out if there are no interesting references. 

The BUGS Section The BUGS section of a manual page is to convey limitations or bad behavior of 

the command to the reader. Please limit bugs to these categories. 

Leave this section out altogether if there are no bugs worth noting. 

3.3. New Features of the - 
man Macro Package 

New Number Registers Recent enhancements to the -man macro package facilitate including manual 

pages in manuals. The major new features are number registers that can be set 
from the itrof f , irof f , trof f , ditrof f , or nrof f command line. The 
number registers are: 

D Format the document for double-sided printing if the D number 

register is set to 1. Double-sided printing means that the page 
numbers appear in different locations on odd and even pages. 

Page numbers appear in the running footers in the lower right 
comer of odd-numbered pages and in the lower left comer of 
even-numbered pages. 

C Number pages contiguously — pages are numbered 1 , 2, 3,. . . 

even when you format more than one manual page at a time. 

Every new topic used to start numbering at page 1. 

P nnn Start Page numbering at page nnn — page numbering starts at 

page 1 if not otherwise specified. 

Xnnn Number pages as nnna, nnnb, etc when the current page number 
becomes nnn. This feature is for generating update pages to slot 
in between existing pages. For example, if a new page called 
skyversion( 8) should be included in an interim release, we can 
number that page as page ‘26a’ and drop it into the existing 
manual in a reasonable fashion. 

Using the Number Registers Number registers are set from the itrof f, irof f, trof f, ditrof f, or 

nrof f command line by the -r (set register) option, followed immediately by 
the one-letter name of the register, followed immediately by the value to put into 
the number register: 

/ — 


hostname% troff -man -rDl manpage.l 



This example shows how to request a format suitable for double-sided printing. 

If your grab ( 1 ) manual page used to be three pages long and is now five pages 
long, you need the pages numbered 1, 2, 3, 3a, and 3b instead of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. 
You get this effect by using the -rX option on the command line, setting the X 
register to 3: 



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Chapter 3 — The -man Macro Package 59 



hostname% troff -man -rX3 grab.l 




We introduced the screendump ( 1 ) and screenload ( 1 ) manual pages in 
the 1 .2 release, screendump (1) and screenload (1) come immediately 
after thesccsdiff(l) manual page, sccsdiff ’s last page number is page 
260, so we get screendump (1) and screenload (1) formatted with this 
command to start page numbering at 260 and to start putting in extra page letters 
at 260 as well: 

Any text argument t to a macro request may be from zero to six words. Quotes 
may be used to include blanks in a ‘word’. If the text field is empty, the macro 
request is applied to the next input line with text to be printed. In this way, J 
italicizes an entire line, and .SM followed on a separate line by .B creates small, 
bold letters. 

A prevailing indent distance is remembered between successive indented para- 
graphs, and is reset to the default value upon reaching a non-indented paragraph. 
Default units for indents i are ens. 

Type font and size are reset to the default values before each paragraph, and after 
processing font- and size-setting macros. 

These strings are predefined by -man: 

\*R ®, ‘(Reg)’ in nroff . 

\*S Change to default type size. 

Table 3-1 Summary of the -man Macro Requests 

3.4. How to Format a 
Manual Page 


Xr microsystems 

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If no 



.B t 


r=next text line 

Text t is bold. 

. BI t 


r=next text line 

Join words of t alternating bold and italic. 

.BR t 


f=next text line 

Join words of t alternating bold and Roman. 



.5i li... 

Restore default tabs. 

.HP i 


/=prevailing indent 

Set prevailing indent to /. Begin paragraph with hanging indent. 

.1 t 


f=next text line 

Text t is italic. 

.IB t 


t=next text line 

Join words of ^alternating italic and bold. 

.IP x i 



Same as .TP with tag x. 

. IR t 


f=next text line 

Join words of t alternating italic and Roman. 

.IX t 


Index macro, for Sun internal use. 

. LP 


Same as .PP. 

.PD d 


d=. 4v 

Interparagraph distance is d. 



Begin paragraph. Set prevailing indent to .5i. 



End of relative indent. Set prevailing indent to amount of start- 
ing .RS. 

.RB t 


f=next text line 

Join words of t alternating Roman and bold. 

. RI t 


f=next text line 

Join words of t alternating Roman and italic. 

.RS i 


/^prevailing indent 

Start relative indent, move left margin in distance i. Set prevail- 
ing indent to .5i for nested indents. 

.SB t 


Print t in smaller boldface. 

. SH t 


t=next text line 


.SM t 


f=next text line 

Text t is two point sizes smaller than surrounding text. 

. TH ncxvm 


Begin page named n of chapter c. The x argument is for extra 
commentary for the center page footer. The v argument alters 
the left portion of the page footer. The m argument alters the 
center portion of the page header. The . TH command line also 
incidentally sets the prevailing indent and tabs to .5i. 

.TP i 


/= prevailing indent 

Set the prevailing indent to i. Begin indented paragraph with 
hanging tag given by the next text line. If the tag does not fit, 
place it on a separate line. 

.T X tp 


Resolve the title abbreviation t; join to punctuation p. 

To learn how to format manual pages on your terminal or workstation screen, 
refer to the man ( 1 ) manual page. 



Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Formatting Documents with the -me 


This chapter describes the -me macro package. 1 The first part of each section 
presents the material in user’s guide format and the second part lists the macro 
requests for quick reference. The chapter contents include descriptions of the 
basic requests, displays, annotations, such as footnotes, and how to use -me with 
nrof f and trof f . 

We assume that you are somewhat familiar with nrof f and trof f and that 
you know something about breaks, fonts, point sizes, the use and definition of 
number registers and strings, and scaling factors for ens, points, vertical line 
spaces, etc. If you are a newcomer, try out the basic features as you read along. 

All request names in -me follow a naming convention. You may define number 
registers, strings, and macros, provided that you use single-character, upper case 
names or double-character names consisting of letters and digits with at least one 
upper case letter. Do not use special characters in the names you define. The 
word argument in this chapter means a word or number which appears on the 
same line as a request and which modifies the meaning of that request. Default 
parameter values are given in brackets. For example, the request 

spaces four lines. The number ‘4’ is an argument to the . sp request; it modifies 
. sp to produce four lines instead of one. Spaces separate arguments from the 
request and from each other. 

1 The material in this chapter is derived from Writing Papers with nr o f f Using -me, E. P. Allman, and - 
me Reference Manual, E. P. Allman, University of California, Berkeley. 



Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

62 Formatting Documents 

4.1. Using -me When you have your raw text ready, run the nrof f formatter with the -me 

option to send the output to the standard output, your workstation screen. Type: 



hostname% nrof f -me -T type files 




where type describes the type of terminal you are outputting to. Common values 
are dtc for a DTC 300s (daisy- wheel type) printer and lpr for the line printer. 
If you omit the -T flag, a ‘lowest common denominator’ terminal is assumed; 
this is good for previewing output on most terminals. 

For easier viewing, pipe the output to more or redirect it to another file. 

For formatting on the phototypesetter with trof f (or your installation’s 
equivalent), use: 



hostname% troff —me file 




4.2. Basic -me Requests The following sections provide descriptions and examples of the basic -me 


Paragraphs The -me package has requests for formatting standard, left block, and indented 


Standard Paragraph — . pp Begin standard paragraphs by using the . pp request. For example, the input: 


• PP 

Now is the 


for all good men 

to come to 


aid of their party. 

Four score 


seven years ago, . . . 


Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their party. Four 
score and seven years ago,... 

that is, a blank line followed by an indented first line. 

Do not begin the sentences of a paragraph with a space, since blank lines and 
lines beginning with spaces cause a break. For example, if you type: 


• PP 

Now is the time for all good men 

to come to the aid of their party. 

Four score and seven years ago, . . . 

V , 

The output is: 


Vj* mi/'rncuefomc 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 4 — Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 63 

Left Block Paragraphs 

Indented Paragraphs — 
and .np 

Now is the time for all good men 

to come to the aid of their party. Four score and seven years ago,... 

A new line begins after the word ‘men’ because the second line begins with a 
space character. 

Because the first call to one of the paragraph macros defined in a section or the 
. H macro initializes the macro processor, do not use any of the following 
requests: . sc, . lo, . th, or . ac (see the section called “Section Headings”). 
Also, avoid changing parameters, notably page length and header and footer mar- 
gins, which have a global effect on the format of the page. 

- . Ip A formatted paragraph can start with a blank line and with the first line indented. 
You can get left-justified block-style paragraphs as shown throughout this 
manual by using . Ip (left paragraph) instead of . pp. 

. ip Sometimes you want to use paragraphs that have the body indented, and the first 
line exdented, that is, the opposite of indented, with a label. Use the . ip request 
for this. A word specified on the same line as . ip is printed in the margin, and 
the body is lined up at a specified position. For example, the input: 

f — \ 

. ip one 

This is the first paragraph. 

Notice how the first line 

of the resulting paragraph lines up 

with the other lines in the paragraph. 

.ip two 

And here we are at the second paragraph already. 

You may notice that the argument to .ip 
appears in the margin. 


We can continue text... 

v J 

produces as output: 

one This is the first paragraph. Notice how the first line of the resulting para- 
graph lines up with the other lines in the paragraph. 

two And here we are at the second paragraph already. You may notice that 
the argument to . ip appears in the margin. 

We can continue text without starting a new indented paragraph by using the 
. Ip request. 

If you have spaces in the label of an .ip request, use an unpaddable space 
instead of a regular space. This is typed as a backslash character (\) followed by 
a space. For example, to print the label ‘Part 1’, type: 

t N, 

.ip "Part\ 1" 

If a label of an indented paragraph, that is, the argument to . ip, is longer than 
the space allocated for the label, . ip begins a new line after the label. For 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

example, the input: 

f \ 

.ip longlabel 

This paragraph has a long label. 

The first character of text on the first line will not 
line up with the text on second and subsequent lines, 
although they will line up with each other, 



This paragraph has a long label. The first character of text on the first line 
will not line up with the text on second and subsequent lines, although 
they will line up with each other. 

You can change the size of the label by using a second argument which is the 
size of the label. For example, you can produce the above example correctly by 


.ip longlabel 10 



which will make the paragraph indent 10 spaces for this paragraph only. For 


This paragraph has a long label. The first character of text on the 
first line will not line up with the text on second and subsequent 
lines, although they will line up with each other. 

If you have many paragraphs to indent all the same amount, use the number 
register ii. For example, to leave one inch of space for the label, type: 


.nr ii li 



somewhere before the first call to . ip. 

If you use . ip without an argument, no hanging tag is printed. For example, the 

•ip [a] 

This is the first paragraph of the example. 

We have seen this sort of example before. 

• ip 

This paragraph is lined up with the previous paragraph, 
but it does not have a tag in the margin, 
v , 

produces as output: 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 4 — Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 65 

[a] This is the first paragraph of the example. We have seen this sort of 
example before. 

This paragraph is lined up with the previous paragraph, but it does not 
have a tag in the margin. 

A special case of . ip is . np, which automatically numbers paragraphs sequen- 
tially from 1. The numbering is reset at the next . pp, . Ip, or . H request. For 
example, the input: 




This is the first point. 

. np 

This is the second point. 

Points are just regular paragraphs 

which are given sequence numbers automatically 

by the .np request. 


This paragraph will reset numbering by 

. np. 


For example, 

we have reverted to numbering from one 




Paragraph Reference 


(1) This is the first point. 

(2) This is the second point. Points are just regular paragraphs which are 
given sequence numbers automatically by the . np request. 

This paragraph will reset numbering by . np. 

(1) For example, we have reverted to numbering from one now. 

. Ip Begin left-justified paragraph. Centering and underlining are turned 
off if they were on, the font is set to \n (pf [1], the type size is set 
to \n (pp [lOp], and a \ (nps space is inserted before the paragraph 
(0.35v in trof f , lv or 0.5v in nrof f depending on device resolu- 
tion). The indent is reset to \n ( $1 [0] plus \n (po [0] unless the 
paragraph is inside a display (see . ba in “Miscellaneous Requests”). 
At least the first two lines of the paragraph are kept together on a 

. pp Like . Ip, except that it puts \n (pi [5n] units of indent. This is the 
standard paragraph macro. 

.ip T I Indented paragraph with hanging tag. The body of the following 
paragraph is indented I spaces (or \n ( ii [5n] spaces if I is not 
specified) more than a non-indented paragraph is (such as with • lp). 
The title T is exdented. The result is a paragraph with an even left 
edge and T printed in the margin. Any spaces in T must be unpadd- 
able. If T will not fit in the space provided, . ip starts a new line. 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

66 Formatting Documents 

4.3. Headers and Footers 
— .he and . fo 

Headers and Footers 

. np An . ip variant that numbers paragraphs. Numbering is reset after 
an . Ip, .pp, or . H. The current paragraph number is in \n$p. 

You can put arbitrary headers and footers at the top and bottom of every page. 
Two requests of the form . he title and . f o title' define the titles to put at the 
head and the foot of every page, respectively. The titles are called three-part 
titles, that is, there is a left-justified part, a centered part, and a right-justified 
part. The first character of title (whatever it may be) is used as a delimiter to 
separate these three parts. You can use any character but avoid the backslash and 
double quote marks. The percent sign is replaced by the current page number 
whenever it is found in the title. For example, the input: 



.he " % " 

.fo 'Jane Jones'' My Book' 


results in the page number centered at the top of each page, ‘Jane Jones’ in the 
lower left comer, and ‘My Book’ in the lower right comer. 

If there are two blanks adjacent anywhere in the title or more than eight blanks 
total, you must enclose three-part titles in single quotes. 

Headers and footers are set in font \n (t f [3] and size \n (tp [10p]. Each of 
the definitions applies as of the next page. 

Three number registers control the spacing of headers and footers. \n(hm [4v] 
is the distance from the top of the page to the top of the header, \n ( f m [3v] is 
the distance from the bottom of the page to the bottom of the footer, \n(tm [7v] 
is the distance from the top of the page to the top of the text, and \n (bm [6v] is 
the distance from the bottom of the page to the bottom of the text (nominal). 

You can also specify the space between the top of the page and the header, the 
header and the first line of text, the bottom of the text and the footer, and the 
footer and the bottom of the page with the macros . ml , . m2 , .m3, and . m4 . 

.he 7 'm'r' 
. fo 7 'm'r' 
.eh 7 'm'r' 

.oh 7 'm'r' 

. e f 'l 'm'r' 

. of 7 'm 'r' 


.ml +N 

Define three-part header, to be printed on the top of every page. 

Define footer, to be printed at the bottom of every page. 

Define header, to be printed at the top of every even-numbered 

Define header, to be printed at the top of every odd-numbered 

Define footer, to be printed at the bottom of every even-numbered 

Define footer, to be printed at the bottom of every odd-numbered 

Suppress headers and footers on the next page. 

Set the space between the top of the page and the header [4v]. 

• SUE! 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 4 — Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 67 

. m2 +N Set the space between the header and the first line of text [2v]. 

. m3 +N Set the space between the bottom of the text and the footer [2v]. 

. m4 +N Set the space between the footer and the bottom of the page [4v]. 

. ep End this page, but do not begin the next page. Useful for forcing 

out footnotes. Must be followed by a .bp or the end of input. 

. $h Called at every page to print the header. May be redefined to pro- 

vide fancy headers, such as, multi-line, but doing so loses the 
function of the . he, . f o, . eh, . oh, . ef , and . of requests, as 
well as the chapter-style title feature of . -i-c. 

. $ f Print footer, same comments apply as in . $h. 

. $ H A normally undefined macro which is called at the top of each 

page after processing the header, initial saved floating keeps, etc.; 
in other words, this macro is called immediately before printing 
text on a page. Used for column headings and the like. 

Double Spacing — ,1s 2 nr off will double space output text automatically if you use the request 

.Is 2, as is done in this section. You can revert to single- space mode by typ- 
ing .Is 1. 

Page Layout You can change the way the printed copy looks, sometimes called the layout of 

the output page with the following requests. Most of these requests adjust the 
placing of ‘white space’ (blank lines or spaces). In these explanations, replace 
characters in italics with values you wish to use; bold characters represent char- 
acters which you should actually type. 

Use . bp (break page) to start a new page. 

The request . sp N leaves N lines of blank space. You can omit N to skip a sin- 
gle line or you can use the form N i (for N inches) or N c (for N centimeters). 
For example, the input: 



. sp 1.5i 

My thoughts on the subject 



leaves one and a half inches of space, followed by the line ‘My thoughts on the 
subject’, followed by a single blank line. 

The .in +N (indent) request changes the amount of white space on the left of 
the page. The argument N can be of the form + N (meaning leave N spaces more 
than you are already leaving), - N' (meaning leave N spaces less than you do 
now), or just N (meaning leave exactly N spaces). N can be of the form N i or 
N c also. For example, the input: 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

68 Formatting Documents 

( "\ 

initial text 
. in 5 
some text 
.in +li 
more text 
.in -2c 
final text 

produces ‘some text’ indented exactly five spaces from the left margin, ‘more 
text’ indented five spaces plus one inch from the left margin (fifteen spaces on a 
pica typewriter), and ‘final text’ indented five spaces plus one inch minus two 
centimeters from the margin. That is, the output is: 

initial text 

some text 

more text 

final text 

The .ti +N (temporary indent) request is used like . in +N when the indent 
should apply to one line only, after which it should revert to the previous indent. 
For example, the input: 


. in li 
. ti 0 

Ware, James R. The Best of Confucius, 

Halcyon House, 1950. 

An excellent book containing translations of 
most of Confucius' most delightful sayings. 

A definite must for anyone interested in the 
early foundations of Chinese philosophy, 
v > 


Ware, James R. The Best of Confucius, Halcyon House, 1950. An excellent book containing translations of most of 
Confucius’ most delightful sayings. A definite must for anyone interested in the early foundations of 
Chinese philosophy. 

You can center text lines with the . ce (center) request. The line after the . ce is 
centered horizontally on the page. To center more than one line, use . ce N, 
where N is the number of lines to center, followed by the N lines. If you want to 
center many lines but don’t want to count them, type: 


. ce 1000 

lines to center 

. ce 0 


The . ce 0 request tells nr of f to center zero more lines, in other words, to 
stop centering. 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 4 — Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 69 

All of these requests cause a break; that is, they always start a new line. If you 
want to start a new line without performing any other action, use . br (break). 

Underlining — . ul Use the . ul (underline) request to underline text. The . ul request operates on 

the next input line when it is processed. You can underline multiple lines by 
stating a count of input lines to underline, followed by those lines, the same as 
with the . ce request. For example, the input: 

C — — \ 

.ul 2 

The quick brown fox 
jumped over the lazy dog. 


underlines those words in nrof f . In trof f they are italicized. 

Displays Use displays to set off sections of text from the body of the paper. Major quotes, 

tables, and figures are types of displays, as are all the examples used in this 
manual. All displays except centered text blocks are single-spaced. 

Major Quotes — . ( q and . ) q Major quotes are quotes which are several lines long, and hence are set in from 

the rest of the text without quote marks around them. Use . ( q and . ) q to sur- 
round the quote. For example, the input: 

f — \ 

As Weizenbaum points out: 

• (q 

It is said that to explain is to explain away. 

This maxim is nowhere so well fulfilled 
as in the areas of computer programming, . . . 

• )q 

v , 

generates as output: 

As Weizenbaum points out: 

It is said that to explain is to explain away. This maxim is nowhere 
so well fulfilled as in the areas of computer programming,... 

Lists — . ( 1 and . ) 1 A list is an indented, single-spaced, unfilled display. You should use lists when 

the material to be printed should not be filled and justified like normal text. This 
is useful for columns of figures, for example. Surround the list text by the 
requests . (1 and . ) 1. For example, type: 

Alternatives to avoid deadlock are: 

. (1 

Lock in a specified order 
Detect deadlock and back out one process 
Lock all resources needed before proceeding 
• )1 


to produce: 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

70 Formatting Documents 

Keeps — . (b and . ) b, . (z 
and . ) z 

4.4. Fancy Displays 

Alternatives to avoid deadlock are: 

Lock in a specified order 

Detect deadlock and back out one process 

Lock all resources needed before proceeding 

A keep is a group of lines that are kept together on a single page. If less vertical 
space exists on the current page than can accommodate text within a keep, the 
formatter begins a new page and keeps those lines together. Keeps are useful for 
printing diagrams because you don’t want them spread across two pages. For 
comparison, lists may be broken over a page boundary, whereas keeps may not. 

Blocks are the basic kind of keep. They begin with the request . (b and end with 
the request . ) b. If there is not enough room on the current page for everything 
in the block, the formatter begins a new page. This has the unaesthetic effect of 
leaving blank space at the bottom of the page. When this is not appropriate, you 
can use the alternative called a floating keep. 

Floating keeps move relative to the text. Hence, they are good for things which 
will be referred to by name, such as ‘See figure 3’. A floating keep will appear at 
the bottom of the current page if it will fit; otherwise, it will appear at the top of 
the next page. Floating keeps begin with the line . ( z and end with the line 
. ) z. An example of a floating keep is: 

Keeps and lists are normally collected in nofill mode, so they are good for tables 
and displays. If you want a display in fill mode (for text), type . ( 1 F. 
Throughout this section, comments applied to . ( 1 also apply to . (band . (z. 
This kind of display produced by . ( 1 is indented from both margins. For exam- 
ple, the input: 

. (1 F 

And now boys and girls, 

a newer, bigger, better toy than ever before! 

Be the first on your block to have your own computer! 

Yes kids, you too can have one of these modern 
data processing devices. 

You too can produce beautifully formatted papers 
without even batting an eye! 

• )1 

k , 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 4 — Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 7 1 

will be formatted as: 

And now boys and girls, a newer, bigger, better toy than ever before! 
Be the first on your block to have your own computer! Yes kids, 
you too can have one of these modem data processing devices. You 
too can produce beautifully formatted papers without even batting an 

Lists and blocks are also normally indented, while floating keeps are normally 
left-justified. To get a left-justified list, type . ( 1 L. To center a list line-for- 
line, type .(1C. For example, to get a filled, left-justified list, use: 




text of block 

• )1 


The input: 


. (1 

first line of unfilled display 

more lines 



produces the indented text: 

first line of unfilled display 
more lines 

Typing the character L after the . ( 1 request produces the left-justified result: 

first line of unfilled display 
more lines 

Using C instead of L produces the line-at-a-time centered output: 

first line of unfilled display 
more lines 

Sometimes you may want to center several lines as a group, rather than centering 
them one line at a time. To do this use centered blocks, which are surrounded by 
the requests . (c and . ) c. All the lines are centered as a unit, such that the 
longest line is centered, and the rest are lined up around that line. Notice that 
lines do not move relative to each other using centered blocks, whereas they do 
using the C keep argument. 

Centered blocks are not keeps, and you may use them in conjunction with keeps. 
For example, to center a group of lines as a unit and keep them on one page, use: 


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Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

72 Formatting Documents 

to produce: 

first line of unfilled display 
more lines 

the result would have been the same, but with no guarantee that the lines of the 
centered block would have all been on one page. Note the use of the L argument 
to . (b; this centers the centered block within the entire line rather than within 
the line minus the indent. Also, you must nest the center requests inside the keep 

Display Reference All displays except centered blocks and block quotes are preceded and followed 

by an extra \n (bs (same as \n (ps) space. Quote spacing is stored in a 
separate register; centered blocks have no default initial or trailing space. The 
vertical spacing of all displays except quotes and centered blocks is stored in 
register \n ( $R instead of \n ( $r. 

. (1 mf Begin list. Lists are single-spaced, unfilled text. If / is F, the list will 
be filled. If m [I] is I the list is indented by \n (bi [4n]; if it is M, 
the list is indented to the left margin; if it is L, the list is left-justified 
with respect to the text (different from M only if the base indent 
(stored in \n ( $i and set with . ba) is not zero); and if it is C, the 
list is centered on a line-by-line basis. The list is set in font \ n (df 
[0]. You must use a matching . ) 1 to end the list. This macro is 
almost like . DS except that no attempt is made to keep the display 
on one page. 

. ) 1 End list. 

. (q Begin major quote. The lines are single-spaced, filled, moved in 
from the main body of text on both sides by \n (qi [4n], preceded 
and followed by \n (qs (same as \n (bs) space, and are set in point 
size \n (qp, that is, one point smaller than the surrounding text. 

. ) q End major quote. 

. (b mf Begin block. Blocks are a form of keep , where the text of a keep is 
kept together on one page if possible. Keeps are useful for tables 
and figures which should not be broken over a page. If the block 
will not fit on the current page a new page is begun, unless that 
would leave more than \n (bt [0] white space at the bottom of the 
text. If \n (bt is zero, the threshold feature is turned off. Blocks 
are not filled unless/ is F, when they are filled. The block will be 
left-justified if m is L, indented by \n (bi [4n] if m is I or absent, 


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Chapter 4 — Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 73 

centered (line-for-line) if m is C, and left justified to the margin, not 
to the base indent, if m is M. The block is set in font \n (df [0]. 

. ) b End block. 

. ( z mf Begin floating keep. Like . (b except that the keep is floated to the 
bottom of the page or the top of the next page. Therefore, its posi- 
tion relative to the text changes. The floating keep is preceded and 
followed by \n ( z s [lv] space. Also, it defaults to mode M. 

. ) z End floating keep. 

. ( c Begin centered block. The next keep is centered as a block, rather 

than on a line-by-line basis as with . (b C. This call may be nested 
inside keeps. 

. ) c End centered block. 

Annotations There are a number of requests to save text for later printing. Footnotes are 

printed at the bottom of the current page. Delayed text is intended to be a variant 
form of footnote; the text is printed only when explicitly called for, such as at the 
end of each chapter. Indexes are a type of delayed text having a tag, usually the 
page number, attached to each entry after a row of dots. Indexes are also saved 
until explicitly called for. 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

74 Formatting Documents 

Footnotes — . ( f and . ) f Footnotes begin with the request . ( f and end with the request . ) f . The current 

footnote number is maintained automatically, and can be used by typing \ * *, to 
produce a footnote number . 2 The number is automatically incremented after 
every footnote. For example, the input: 

— 'l 

• (q 

A man who is not upright 

and at the same time is presumptuous; 

one who is not diligent and at the same time is ignorant; 
one who is untruthful and at the same time is incompetent; 
such men I do not count among acquaintances . \** 

. (f 

\**James R. Ware, 

. ul 

The Best of Confucius, 

Halcyon House, 1950. 

Page 77. 

.) f 

• )q 

V — _y 

generates the result: 

A man who is not upright and at the same time is presumptuous; one 
who is not diligent and at the same time is ignorant; one who is 
untruthful and at the same time is incompetent; such men I do not 
count among acquaintances . 3 

Make sure that the footnote appears inside the quote, so that the footnote will 
appear on the same page as the quote. 

Delayed Text Delayed text is very similar to a footnote except that it is printed when explicitly 

called for. Use this feature to put a list of references at the end of each chapter, 
as is the convention in some disciplines. Use \ *# on delayed text instead of 
\ * * as on footnotes. 

If you are using delayed text as your standard reference mechanism, you can still 
use footnotes, except that you may want to refer to them with special characters* 
rather than numbers. 

Indexes — . ( x . ) x and . xp An index resembles delayed text, in that it is saved until called for. It is actually 

more like a table of contents, since the entries are not sorted alphabetically. 
However, each entry has the page number or some other tag appended to the last 
line of the index entry after a row of dots. 

Index entries begin with the request . ( x and end with . ) x. An argument to the 
. ) x indicates the value to print as the ‘page number.’ It defaults to the current 
page number. If the page number given is an underscore (_), no page number or 

2 Like this. 

3 James R. Ware, The Best of Confucius, Halcyon House, 1950. Page 77. 

• Such as an asterisk. 


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Chapter 4 — Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 75 

line of dots is printed at all. To get the line of dots without a page number, type 
. ) x " " , which specifies an explicitly null page number. 

The . xp request prints the index. 

For example, the input: 

Sealing wax 9 

Cabbages and kings 
< etc. > 

Annotations Reference 

The . ( x request may have a single-character argument, specifying the name of 
the index; the normal index is x. Thus, you can maintain several indices simul- 
taneously, such as a list of tables and a table of contents. 

Notice that the index must be printed at the end of the paper, rather than at the 
beginning where it will probably appear (as a table of contents); you may have to 
rearrange the pages after printing. 

. ( d Begin delayed text. Everything in the next keep is saved for output 
later with , pd in a manner similar to footnotes. 

. ) d n End delayed text. The delayed text number register \ n ( $d and the 
associated string \*# are incremented if \*# has been referenced. 

. pd Print delayed text. Everything diverted via . (d is printed and trun- 

cated. You might use this at the end of each chapter. 

. ( f Begin footnote. The text of the footnote is floated to the bottom of 
the page and set in font \n (f f [1] and size \n (fp [8p], Each entry 
is preceded by \n ( f s [0.2v] space, is indented \n ( f i [3n] on the 
first line, and is indented \n (f u [0] from the right margin. Foot- 
notes line up underneath two-column output. If the text of the foot- 
note will not all fit on one page, it will be carried over to the next 

. ) f n End footnote. The number register \ n ( $f and the associated string 
\ * * are incremented if they have been referenced. 

. $ s The macro to generate the footnote separator. You may redefine this 
macro to give other size lines or other types of separators. It 
currently draws a 1.5-inch line. 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

76 Formatting Documents 

. ( x x Begin index entry. Index entries are saved in the index x until called 
up with . xp. Each entry is preceded by a \n (xs [0.2v] space. 

Each entry is ‘undented’ by \n ( xu [0.5i]; this register tells how far 
the page number extends into the right margin. 

.)xP A End index entry. The index entry is finished with a row of dots with 
A [null] right justified on the last line, such as for an author’s name, 
followed by P [\n% ]. If A is specified, P must be specified; \n% 
can be used to print the current page number. If P is an underscore, 
no page number and no row of dots are printed. 

. xp x Print index x [x]. The index is formatted in the font, size, and so 

forth in effect at the time it is printed, rather than at the time it is col- 

4.5. Fancy Features A large number of fancier requests exist, notably requests to provide other sorts 

of paragraphs, numbered sections of the form ‘1.2.3’, such as those used in this 
manual, and multicolumn output. 

Section Headings — . sh and You can automatically generate section numbers, using the . sh request. You 
• uh must tell . sh the depth of the section number and a section title. The depth 

specifies how many numbers separated by decimal points are to appear in the 
section number. For example, the section number ‘4.2.5’ has a depth of three. 

Section numbers are incremented if you add a number. Hence, you increase the 
depth, and the new number starts out at one. If you subtract section numbers, or 
keep the same number, the final number is incremented. For example, the input: 

produces as output the result: 

1. The Preprocessor 

1.1. Basic Concepts 

1.2. Control Inputs 

1 . 2 . 1 . 

1 . 2 . 2 . 

2. Code Generation 

2 . 1 . 1 . 

You can specify the beginning section number by placing the section number 
after the section title, using spaces instead of dots. For example, the request: 



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Chapter 4 — Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 77 

Section Heading Reference 

will begin the section numbered ‘7.3.4’; all subsequent . sh requests will be 
numbered relative to this number. 

There are more complex features which indent each section proportionally to the 
depth of the section. For example, if you type: 

each section will be indented by an amount N. N must have a scaling factor 
attached, that is, it must be of the form Nx, where x is a character telling what 
units N is in. Common values for x are ‘i’ for inches, ‘c’ for centimeters, and ‘n’ 
for ‘ens,’ the width of a single character. For example, to indent each section 
one-half inch, type: 

.nr si 0.5i 

V - 

The request indents sections by one-half inch per level of depth in the section 
number. As another example, consider: 


.nr si 3n 



which gives three spaces of indent per section depth. 

You can produce section headers without automatically generated numbers 


.uh "Title" 



which will do a section heading, but will not put a number on the section. 

.sh +NT abc def 

Begin numbered section of depth N. If N is missing, the current 
depth (maintained in the number register \n ( $ 0) is used. The 
values of the individual parts of the section number are maintained 
in \n ($1 through \n ($6. There is a \n (ss [lv] space before the 
section. T is printed as a section title in font \ n ( sf [8] and size 
\n ( sp [ 1 Op] . The ‘name’ of the section may be accessed via 
\*($n. If\n(siis non-zero, the base indent is set to \ n ( s i 
times the section depth, and the section title is exdented (see . ba in 
“Miscellaneous Requests”). Also, an additional indent of \n ( so [0] 
is added to the section title but not to the body of the section. The 
font is then set to the paragraph font, so that more information may 
occur on the line with the section number and title. A . sh insures 
that there is enough room to print the section head plus the begin- 
ning of a paragraph, which is about 3 lines total. If you specify a 
through /, the section number is set to that number rather than incre- 
mented automatically. If any of a through/ are a hyphen that 
number is not reset. If T is a single underscore (_), the section depth 

m s u n 

V microsystems 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

78 Formatting Documents 

and numbering is reset, but the base indent is not reset and nothing is 
printed. This is useful to automatically coordinate section numbers 
with chapter numbers. 

. s x+N Go to section depth 'N [ -1 ]’, but do not print the number and title, 
and do not increment the section number at level N. This has the 
effect of starting a new paragraph at level N . 

. uh T Unnumbered section heading. The title T is printed with the same 
rules for spacing, font, etc., as for . sh. 

.$p TBN 

Print section heading. May be redefined to get fancier headings. T 
is the title passed on the . sh or . uh line; B is the section number 
for this section, and N is the depth of this section. These parameters 
are not always present; in particular, . sh passes all three, . uh 
passes only the first, and . sx passes three, but the first two are null 
strings. Be careful if you redefine this macro, as it is quite complex 
and subtle. 

.$0 TBN 

Called automatically after every call to . $p. It is normally 
undefined, but may be used to put every section title automatically 
into the table of contents, or for some similar function. T is the sec- 
tion title for the section title just printed, B is the section number, 
and N is the section depth. 

.$ 1 - .$6 

Traps called just before printing that depth section. May be defined 
to give variable spacing before sections. These macros are called 
from . $p, so if you redefine that macro you may lose this feature. 

Parts of the Standard Paper Some requests help you to format papers. The . tp request initializes for a title 

page. There are no headers or footers on a title page, and unlike other pages, you 
can space down and leave blank space at the top. For example, source for a typi- 
cal title page might be: 

The request . th sets up the environment of the nr of f processor to do a thesis. 
It defines the correct headers, footers, a page number in the upper right-hand 
comer only, sets the margins correctly, and double spaces. 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 4 — Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 79 

Use the .+cT request to start chapters. Each chapter is automatically numbered 
from one, and a heading is printed at the top of each chapter with the chapter 
number and the chapter name T. For example, to begin a chapter called Conclu- 
sions, use the request: 

which produces on a new page, the lines 


with appropriate spacing for a thesis. Also, the header is moved to the foot of the 
page on the first page of a chapter. Although the . + c request was not designed 
to work only with the . th request, it is tuned for the format acceptable for a 
standard PhD thesis. 

If the title parameter T is omitted from the . +c request, the result is a chapter 
with no heading. You can also use this at the beginning of a paper. 

Although papers traditionally have the abstract, table of contents, and so forth at 
the front, it is more convenient to format and print them last when using nr of f . 
This is so that index entries can be collected and then printed for the table of con- 
tents. At the end of the paper, give the . ++ P request, which begins the prelim- 
inary part of the paper. After using this request, the . +c request will begin a 
preliminary section of the paper. Most notably, this prints the page number res- 
tarted from one in lower case Roman numbers. You may use . +c repeatedly to 
begin different parts of the front material for example, the abstract, the table of 
contents, acknowledgments, list of illustrations, and so on. You may also use the 
request . + + B to begin the bibliographic section at the end of the paper. For 
example, the paper might appear as outlined below. (In this figure, comments 
begin with the sequence \ " .) 



Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

80 Formatting Documents 

Figure 4-1 Outline of a Sample Paper 

. th 

. fo "DRAFT" 

. (1 C 

. sp 

J.P. Hacker 
• )1 

. (X t 

• ) x 

text of chapter one 

. (x t 

Next Chapter 
• ) x 

text of chapter two 
. (x t 

. ) x 

text of chapter three 
.++ B 

. (X t 

• ) x 

text of bibliography 
.++ P 


. xp t 

text of preface 

\" set for thesis mode 
\" define footer for each page 
\" begin title page 
\" center a large block 

\" end centered part 

\" begin chapter named 'INTRODUCTION' 
\" make an entry into index 't' 

\" end of index entry 

\" begin another chapter 
\" enter into index 't' again 

\" begin bibliographic information 
\" begin another 'chapter' 

\" begin preliminary material 

\" print index 't' collected above 
\" begin another preliminary section 

Standard Paper Reference . tp Begin title page. Spacing at the top of the page can occur, and 

headers and footers are suppressed. Also, the page number is not 
incremented for this page. 

. th Set thesis mode. This defines the modes acceptable for a doctoral 
dissertation. It double spaces, defines the header to be a single page 
number, and changes the margins to be 1.5 inch on the left and one 
inch on the top. Use . ++ and . +c with it. This macro must be 
stated before initialization, that is, before the first call of a paragraph 
macro or . H. 

. + + m H This request defines the section of the paper you are typing. The sec- 
tion type is defined by m : C means you are entering the chapter por- 
tion of the paper, A means you are entering the appendix portion of 
the paper, P means the material following should be the preliminary 
portion (abstract, table of contents, etc.) of the paper, AB means that 
you are entering the abstract (numbered independently from 1 in 
Arabic numerals), and B means that you are entering the 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 4 — Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 8 1 

. +C T 

. $c T 


. ac A N 

bibliographic portion at the end of the paper. You can also use the 
variants RC and RA, which specify renumbering of pages from one at 
the beginning of each chapter or appendix, respectively. The H 
parameter defines the new header. If there are any spaces in it, the 
entire header must be quoted. If you want the header to have the 
chapter number in it, use the string \ \ \ \ n ( ch . For example, to 
number appendixes ‘ A.l’ etc., type . ++ RA ' ' ' 

\\\\n(ch.%'. Precede each section (chapter, appendix, etc.) by 
the . +c request. When using tr of f , it is easier to put the front 
material at the end of the paper, so that the table of contents can be 
collected and generated; you can then physically move this material 
to the beginning of the paper. 

Begin chapter with title T. The chapter number is maintained in 
\n ( ch. This register is incremented every time . +c is called with 
a parameter. The title and chapter number are printed by . $ c. The 
header is moved to the footer on the first page of each chapter. If T 
is omitted, . $c is not called; this is useful for doing your own ‘title 
page’ at the beginning of papers without a title page proper. . $c 
calls . $C as a hook so that chapter titles can be inserted into a table 
of contents automatically. The footnote numbering is reset to one. 

Print chapter number (from \n (ch) and T, You can redefine this 
macro to your liking. It is defined by default to be acceptable for a 
standard PhD thesis. This macro calls $C, which can be defined to 
make index entries, or whatever. 

This macro is called by . $c. It is normally undefined, but can be 
used to automatically insert index entries, or whatever. K is a key- 
word, either ‘Chapter’ or ‘Appendix’ (depending on the . ++ mode); 
N is the chapter or appendix number, and T is the chapter or appen- 
dix title. 

This macro (short for . acm) sets up the nrof f environment for 
photo-ready papers as used by the Association for Computing 
Machinery (ACM). This format is 25% larger, and has no headers or 
footers. The author’s name A is printed at the bottom of the page, 
but off the part which will be printed in the conference proceedings, 
together with the current page number and the total number of pages 
N. Additionally, this macro loads the file lusr/lib/me/, which 
may later be augmented with other macros for printing papers for 
ACM conferences. Note that this macro will not work correctly in 
trof f , since it sets the page length wider than the physical width of 
the phototypesetter roll. 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

82 Formatting Documents 

Two-Column Output — .2c You can get two-column output automatically by using the request . 2 c. This 

produces everything after it in two-column form. The request . be will start a 
new column; it differs from . bp in that . bp may leave a totally blank column 
when it starts a new page. To revert to single-column output, use . lc. 

Column Output Reference ,2c +S N 

Enter two-column mode. The column separation is set to +S [4n, 
0.5i in ACM mode] (saved in \n ( $ s). The column width, calcu- 
lated to fill the single-column line length with both columns, is 
stored in \n ( $1. The current column is in \ n ( $c. You can test 
register \n ( $m [1] to see if you are in single-column or double- 
column mode. Actually, the request enters //-column [2] output. 

. 1 c Revert to single-column mode. 

. be Begin column. This is like . bp except that it begins a new column 

on a new page only if necessary, rather than forcing a whole new 
page if there is another column left on the current page. 

Defining Macros — . de A macro is a collection of requests and text which you may invoke with a simple 

request. Macros definitions begin with the line . de xx where xx is the name of 
the macro to be defined, and end with a line consisting of only two dots. After 
defining the macro, invoking it with the line . xx is the same as invoking all the 
other macros. For example, to define a macro that spaces vertically three lines 
and then centers the next input line, type: 

and use it by typing: 

Macro names may be one or two characters. In order to avoid conflicts with 
command names in -me, always use upper case letters as names. Avoid the 
names TS, TH, TE, EQ, and EN. 

Annotations Inside Keeps Sometimes you may want to put a footnote or index entry inside a keep. For 

example, if you want to maintain a ‘list of figures’, you will want to use some- 
thing like: 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 4 — Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 83 

4.6. Using troff for 


which will give you a figure with a label and an entry in the index ‘f , presum- 
ably a list of figures index. Because the index entry is read and interpreted when 
the keep is read, and not when it is printed, you have is to use the magic string 
\ ! at the beginning of all the lines dealing with the index. Otherwise, the page 
number in the index is likely to be wrong. This defers index processing until the 
figure is generated, and guarantees that the page number in the index is correct. 
The same comments apply to blocks with . (b and . ) b. 

You can prepare documents for either displaying on a workstation or for photo- 
typesetting using the troff formatting program. 

A font is a style of type. There are three fonts that are available simultaneously, 
Times Roman, Times Italic, and Times Bold, plus the special math font for use 
with the eqn and neqn mathematical equation processors. The normal font is 
Roman. Text which would be underlined in nr of f with the . ul request is set 
in italics in troff. 

There are ways of switching between fonts. The requests .r, . i, and .b switch 
to Roman, italic, and bold fonts respectively. You can set a single word in one of 
these fonts by typing, for example: 

.i word 


which will set word in italics but does not affect the surrounding text. In nrof f , 
italic and bold text is underlined. 

Notice that if you are setting more than one word in a different font, you must 
surround that word with double quote marks (") so it will appear to the nrof f 
processor as a single word. The quote marks will not appear in the formatted 
text. If you do want a quote mark to appear, quote the entire string even if a sin- 
gle word, and use two quote marks where you want one to appear. For example, 
if you want to produce the text: 

"Master Control " 

in italics, you must type: 


.i """Master Control\ | 





Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

84 Formatting Documents 

The \ | produces a narrow space so that the T does not overlap the quote sign in 
trof f . 

There are also several pseudo-fonts available. For example, the input: 


.u underlined 







"words in a box" 



words in a box 

You can also get bold italics with 

.bi "bold italics" 

Notice that pseudo font requests set only the single parameter in the pseudo font; 
ordinary font requests will begin setting all text in the special font if you do not 
provide a parameter. No more than one word should appear with these three font 
requests in the middle of lines. This is because of the way t rof f justifies text. 
For example, if you were to give the requests: 



"some bold italics" 






"words in a box" 



in the middle of a line, trof f would overwrite the first and the box lines on the 
second would be poorly drawn. 

The second parameter of all font requests is set in the original font. For example, 
the font request: 



,b bold face 



generates ‘bold’ in bold font, but sets ‘face’ in the font of the surrounding text, 
resulting in: 


To set the two words ‘bold’ and ‘face’ both in bold face, type: 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 4 — Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 85 

You can mix fonts in a word by using the special sequence \c at the end of a 
line to indicate ‘continue text processing’; you can join input lines together 
without a space between them. For example, the input: 

generates unde italics , but if you type: 

the result is under italics as two words. 

Point Sizes — . s z The phototypesetter supports different sizes of type, measured in points. The 

default point size is 10 points for most text and eight points for footnotes. To 
change the point size, type: 

where N is the size wanted in points. The ‘vertical spacing,’ that is, the distance 
between the bottom of most letters (the baseline ) and the adjacent line is set to be 
proportional to the type size. 

Note: Changing point sizes on the phototypesetter is a slow mechanical opera- 
tion. Consider size changes carefully. 

Fonts and Sizes Reference . s z +P The point size is set to P [lOp], and the line spacing is set proportion- 

ally. The ratio of line spacing to point size is stored in \n($r. The 
ratio used internally by displays and annotations is stored in \n($R, 
although . s z does not use this. 

. r W X Set IT in roman font, appending X in the previous font. To append 
different font requests, use l X = \ c. If no parameters, change to 
roman font. 

. i W X Set IT in italics, appending X in the previous font. If no parameters, 
change to italic font. Underlines in nrof f . 

. b IT X Set W in bold font and append X in the previous font. If no parame- 
ters, switch to bold font. Underlines in nrof f. 

. rb W X Set W in bold font and append X in the previous font. If no parame- 
ters, switch to bold font. . rb differs from . b in that . rb does not 
underline in nrof f. 

. u WX Underline IT and append X. This is a true underlining, as opposed to 
the .ul request, which changes to ‘underline font’ (usually italics in 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

86 Formatting Documents 

t r o f f ). It won’t work right if W is spread or broken, which 
includes being hyphenated, so in other words, it is only safe in nofill 

. q WX Quote W and append X. In nr of f this just surrounds W with double 
quote marks (" "), but in trof f uses directed quotes. 

. bi WX Set W in bold italics and append X. Actually, sets W in italic and 

overstrikes once. Underlines in nroff. It won’t work right if W is 
spread or broken, which includes being hyphenated, so it is only safe 
in nofill mode. 

• b xWX Sets W in a box, with X appended. Underlines in nroff. It won’t 
work right if W is spread or broken, which includes being 
hyphenated, so it is only safe in nofill mode. 

Quotes — \ * ( lq and \ * ( rq It looks better to use pairs of grave and acute accents to generate double quotes, 

rather than the double quote character (") on a phototypesetter. For example, 
compare "quote" to “quote”. In order to make quotes compatible between the 
typesetter and the workstation or a terminal, use the sequences \ * ( lq and 
\ * ( r q to stand for the left and right quote respectively. These both appear as " 
on most terminals, but are typeset as " and " respectively. For example, use: 

to generate the result: 

“Some things aren’t true even if they did happen.” 
As a shorthand, the special font request: 

which generates “quoted text”. Notice that you must surround the material to be 
quoted with double quote marks if it is more than one word. 

You may adjust a number of macro parameters. You may set fonts to a font 
number only. In nroff font 8 is underlined, and is set in bold font in trof f 
(although font 3, bold in trof f , is not underlined in nroff). Font 0 is no font 
change; the font of the surrounding text is used instead. Notice that fonts 0 and 8 
are pseudo-fonts ; that is, they are simulated by the macros. This means that 
although it is legal to set a font register to zero or eight, it is not legal to use the 
escape character form, such as: 

All distances are in basic units, so it is nearly always necessary to use a scaling 
factor. For example, the request to set the paragraph indent to eight one-en 
spaces is: 

4.7. Adjusting Macro 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 4 — Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 87 

which would set the paragraph indent to eight basic units, or about 0.02 inch. 

You may use registers and strings of the form $ x in expressions but you should 
not change them. Macros of the form $ x perform some function as described 
and may be redefined to change this function. This may be a sensitive operation; 
look at the body of the original macro before changing it. 

On daisy wheel printers in twelve-pitch, you can use the -rxl flag to make lines 
default to one-eighth inch, which is the normal spacing for a newline in twelve- 
pitch. This is normally too small for easy readability, so the default is to space 
one-sixth inch. 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

88 Formatting Documents 

4.8. roff Support 

. ix +N Indent, no break. Equivalent to ‘'in N'. 

.blN Leave N contiguous white spaces, on the next page if not enough 
room on this page. Equivalent to a . sp N inside a block. 

.pa +N Equivalent to .bp. 

. ro Set page number in Roman numerals. Equivalent to .af % i. 

.ar Set page number in Arabic. Equivalent to .af % 1. 

. n 1 Number lines in margin from one on each page. 

. n2 N Number lines from N, stop if N = 0. 

. sk Leave the next output page blank, except for headers and footers. 

Use this to leave space for a full-page diagram which is produced 
externally and pasted in later. To get a partial-page paste-in display, 
say . sv N, where N is the amount of space to leave; this space will 
be generated immediately if there is room, and will otherwise be 
generated at the top of the next page. However, be warned: if N is 
greater than the amount of available space on an empty page, no 
space will be reserved. 

4.9. Preprocessor Support 

. E QmT Begin equation. The equation is centered if m is C or omitted, 

indented \n (bi [4n] if m is I, and left-justified if m is L. T is a title 
printed on the right margin next to the equation. See the “Typeset- 
ting Mathematics with eqn” chapter in this manual for more about 
equation formatting. 

. EN c End equation. If c is C, the equation must be continued by immedi- 
ately following with another . EQ, the text of which can be centered 
along with this one. Otherwise, the equation is printed, always on 
one page, with \n(es [0.5v in trof f , lv in nrof f ] space above 
and below it. 

. TS h Table start. Tables are single-spaced and kept on one page, if possi- 
ble. If you have a large table that will not fit on one page, use h = H 
and follow the header part to be printed on every page of the table 
with a . TH. See the “Formatting Tables with tbl” chapter in this 
manual for more information on laying out tables. 

. T H With . T S H , ends the header portion of the table. 

. TE Table end. Note that this table does not float, in fact, it is not even 

guaranteed to stay on one page if you use requests such as . sp inter- 
mixed with the text of the table. If you want it to float (or if you use 
requests inside the table), surround the entire table (including the 
. TS and . TE requests) with . (z and . ) z. 



Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 4 — Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 89 

4.10. Predefined Strings 

\ * * 

Footnote number, actually \ *[\n($f\*]. This macro is incre- 
mented after each call to . ) f . 


Delayed text number. Actually [\n($d]. 


Superscript. This string gives upward movement and a change to a 
smaller point size if possible, otherwise it gives the left bracket char- 
acter ( [). Extra space is left above the line to allow room for the 
superscript. For example, to produce a superscript you can type 
x \ * [ 2 \ * ] , which will produce x 2 . 


Unsuperscript. Inverse of \ * [ . 


Subscript. Defaults to < if half-carriage motion not possible. Extra 
space is left below the line to allow for the subscript. 


Inverse of \*<. 

\* (dw 

The day of the week, as a word. 

\* (mo 

The month, as a word. 


Today’s date, directly printable. The date is of the form September 
16, 1983. Other forms of the date can be used by using \n (dy (the 
day of the month; for example, 16), \* (mo (as noted above) or 
\n (mo (the same, but as an ordinal number; for example, September 
is 9), and \n (yr (the last two digits of the current year). 


Left quote marks; double quote in nr of f. 

\* (rq 

Right quote marks; double quote in nr of f. 


An em-dash in trof f ; two hyphens in nrof f . 

4.11. Miscellaneous 

. re 

Reset tabs. Set to every 0.5i in trof f and every 0.8i in nrof f . 


.ba +N 

Set the base indent to +N [0] (saved in \n ( $ i). All paragraphs, 
sections, and displays come out indented by this amount. Titles and 
footnotes are unaffected. The . H request performs a . ba request if 
\ n ( s i [0] is not zero, and sets the base indent to \n (si*\n ($0. 

. xl +N 

Set the line length to N [6.0i]. This differs from . 11 because it only 
affects the current environment. 

.11 +N 

Set line length in all environments to N [6.0i]. Do not use this after 
output has begun, and particularly not in two-column output. The 
current line length is stored in \n ( $ 1. 


Draws a horizontal line the length of the page. This is useful inside 
floating keeps to differentiate between the text and the figure. 


This macro loads another set of macros in 

/usr/lib/me/local .me, which is a set of locally-defined mac- 
ros. These macros should all be of the form . * X, where X is any 
letter (upper or lower case) or digit. 

A sun 

\r microsystems 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

90 Formatting Documents 

4.12. Special Characters There are a number of special characters and diacritical marks, such as accents, 

and Diacritical Marks available with -me. To use these characters, you must call the macro . sc to 

— .sc define the characters before using them. 

.sc Define special characters and diacritical marks. You must state this 
macro before initialization. 

The special characters available are listed below. 

Table 4- 1 Special Characters and Diacritical Marks 




Acute accent 

\* ' 

a\* ' ' 


Grave accent 

\* s 

e\* v ' 



\* : 

u\* : 














\*, /c\*, /,c 










4.13. -me Request Summary 

Table 4-2 -me Request Summary 


Initial Value 

Cause Break 


. (c 



Begin centered block. 

. (d 



Begin delayed text. 

. (f 



Begin footnote. 

. (1 



Begin list. 

• (q 



Begin major quote. 

. (x X 



Begin indexed item in index x. 

. (z 



Begin floating keep. 

. ) C 



End centered block. 

• ) d 



End delayed text. 

• )f 



End footnote. 

■ )1 



End list. 

■ >q 



End major quote. 

. ) X 



End index item. 

. ) z 



End floating keep. 

.++ mH 


Define paper section, m defines the part of the 
paper and can be C (chapter), A (appendix), P 
(preliminary, for example, abstract, table of con- 
tents, etc.), B (bibliography), RC (chapters 
renumbered from page one each chapter), or RA 
(appendix renumbered from page one). 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 4 — Formatting Documents with the -me Macros 9 1 

Table 4-2 -me Request Summary — Continued 


Initial Value 

Cause Break 


. +c T 



Begin chapter (or appendix, etc., as set by . ++). 

T is the chapter title. 

. lc 



One-column format on a new page. 

. 2c 



Two-column format. 




Space after equation produced by eqn or neqn. 

.EQ xy 


Precede equation; break out and add space. 
Equation number is y. The optional argument x 
may be I to indent equation (default), L to left- 
adjust the equation, orC to center the equation. 




End table. 




End heading section of table. 

.TS X 



Begin table; if x is H, table has repeated heading. 

. ac AN 


Set up for ACM-style output. A is the Author’s 
name(s), N is the total number of pages. Must 
be given before the first initialization. 

.b x 



Print x in boldface; if no argument switch to 

.ba +n 



Augments the base indent by n. This indent is 
used to set the indent on regular text (like para- 




Begin new column. 

.bi x 



Print x in bold italics (nofill only). 

.bx x 



Print x in a box (nofill only). 

.ef 'x'y'z' 



Set even footer to xy z. 

.eh 'x'y'z' 

9 9 9 9 


Set even header to xyz. 

.fo 'x'y'z' 

9 9 9 9 


Set footer to xyz. 

.he 'x'y'z' 

9 9 9 9 


Set header to xyz. 




Draw a horizontal line. 

. hx 



Suppress headers and footers on next page. 

. i x 



Italicize x; if x is missing, italic text follows. 

.ip xy 



Start indented paragraph, with hanging tag x. 
Indentation is y ens (default 5). 




Start left-block paragraph. 

. lo 


Read in a file of local macros of the form . *x. 
Must be given before initialization. 




Start numbered paragraph. 

.of 'x'y’z' 

» » » » 


Set odd footer to xy z. 

.oh 'x'y'z' 

» » > » 


Set odd header to xyz. 




Print delayed text. 




Begin paragraph. First line indented. 

. r 



Roman text follows. 

. re 



Reset tabs to default values. 

. sc 


Read in a file of special characters and diacriti- 
cal marks. Must be given before initialization. 



Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

92 Formatting Documents 

T able 4-2 -me Request Summary — Continued 


Initial Value 

Cause Break 


. sh n x 



Section head follows, font automatically bold, n 
is level of section, x is title of section. 

. sk 



Leave the next page blank. Only one page is 
remembered ahead. 

. sz + n 



Increase the point size by n points. 

. th 



Produce the paper in thesis format. Must be 
given before initialization. 




Begin title page. 

. u x 


Underline argument (even in trof f) (nofill 

. uh 



Like ‘.sh’ but unnumbered. 

. xp X 



Print index x. 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

x*x'xw:-x<x'xxx<x<*xxx*x , x , x , xvx , xx 


refer — A Bibliography System 

5.1. Introduction refer is a bibliography system that supports data entry, indexing, retrieval, 

sorting, runoff, convenient citations, and footnote or endnote numbering. You 
can enter new bibliographic data into the database, index the selected data, and 
retrieve bibliographic references from the database. This document assumes you 
know how to use a Unix editor, and that you are familiar with the nr of f and 
trof f text formatters. 

The refer program is a preprocessor for nrof f and trof f , and works like 
eqn and tbl. refer is used for literature citations, rather than for equations 
and tables. Given incomplete but sufficiently precise citations, refer finds 
references in a bibliographic database. The complete references are formatted as 
footnotes, numbered, and placed either at the bottom of the page, or at the end of 
a chapter. 

A number of related programs make refer easier to use. The addbib pro- 
gram is for creating and extending the bibliographic database; sortbib sorts 
the bibliography by author and date, or other selected criteria; and rof f bib 
runs off the entire database, formatting it not as footnotes, but as a bibliography 
or annotated bibliography. 

Once a full bibliography has been created, access time can be improved by mak- 
ing an index to the references with indxbib. Then, the lookbib program can 
be used to quickly retrieve individual citations or groups of citations. Creating 
this inverted index will speed up refer, and lookbib will allow you to verify 
that a citation is sufficiently precise to deliver just one reference. 

5.2. Features Taken together, the refer programs constitute a database system for use with 

variable-length information. To distinguish various types of bibliographic 
material, the system uses labels composed of upper case letters, preceded by a 
percent sign and followed by a space. For example, one document might be 
given this entry: 

94 Formatting Documents 

Each line is called a field, and lines grouped together are called a record ; records 
are separated from each other by a blank line. Bibliographic information follows 
the labels. This field contains data to be used by the refer system. The order 
of fields is not important, except that authors should be entered in the same order 
as they are listed on the document. Fields can be as long as necessary, and may 
even be continued on the following line(s). 

The labels are meaningful to nrof f and trof f macros, and, with a few excep- 
tions, the refer program itself does not pay attention to the labels. This 
implies that you can change the label codes, if you also change the macros used 
by nrof f and trof f . The macro package takes care of details like proper ord- 
ering, underlining the book title or journal name, and quoting the article’s title. 
Here are the labels used by ref er, with an indication of what they represent: 

%H Header commentary, printed before reference 
%A Author’s name 

%Q Corporate or foreign author (unreversed) 

%T Title of article or book 
%S Series title 
%J Journal containing article 
%B Book containing article 

%R Report, paper, or thesis (for unpublished material) 

%V Volume 

%N Number within volume 
%E Editor of book containing article 
%P Page number(s) 

%I Issuer (publisher) 

%C City where published 
%D Date of publication 

%0 Other commentary, printed at end of reference 
%K Keywords used to locate reference 
%L Label used by -k option of r e f e r 
%X Abstract (used by roff bib, not by refer) 

Only relevant fields (lines) should be supplied. Except for %A, the author field, 
each field should be given only once. In the case of multiple authors, the senior 
author should be entered first. Your entry in such a case, might look like this: 

' - > 
%A Brian W. Kernighan 
%A P . J. Plauger 
%T Software Tools in Pascal 
%I Addison-Wesley 
%C Reading, Massachusetts 
%D 1981 

k , 

The %Q is for organizational authors, or authors with Japanese or Arabic names, 
in which cases there is no clear last name. Books should be labeled with the %T, 
not with the %B, which is reserved for books containing articles. The %J and 
%B fields should never appear together, although if they do, the %J will override 
the %B. If there is no author, just an editor, it is best to type the editor in the %A 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 5 — refer — A Bibliography System 95 

field, as in this example: 

%A Bertrand Bronson, ed. 




The %E field is used for the editor of a book (%B) containing an article, which 
has its own author. For unpublished material such as theses, use the %R field; 
the title in the %T field will be quoted, but the contents of the %R field will not 
be underlined. Unlike other fields, %H, %0, and %X should contain their own 
punctuation. Here is an example: 

( \ 

%A Mike E. Lesk 

%T Some Applications of Inverted Indexes on the Unix System 

%B Unix Programmer' s Manual 

%I Bell Laboratories 

%C Murray Hill, NJ 

%D 1978 

%V 2a 

%K refer mkey inv hunt 

%X Difficult to read paper that dwells on indexing strategies, 
giving little practical advice about using \fBrefer\fP. 
v / 

Note that the author’s name is given in normal order, without inverting the sur- 
name; inversion is done automatically, except when %Q is used instead of %A. 
We use %X rather than %0 for the commentary because we do not want the 
comment printed every time the reference is used. The %0 and %H fields are 
printed by both refer and rof fbib; the %X field is printed only by 
rof f bib, as a detached annotation paragraph. 

5.3. Data Entry with The addbib program is for creating and extending bibliographic databases, 

addbib You must give it the filename of your bibliography: 


hostname % addbib database 




Every time you enter addbib, it asks if you want instructions. To get them, 
type y ; to skip them, type RETURN, addbib prompts for various fields, reads 
from the keyboard, and writes records containing the refer codes to the data- 
base. After finishing a field entry, you should end it by typing RETURN. If a 
field is too long to fit on a line, type a backslash (\) at the end of the line, and you 
will be able to continue on the following line. Note: the backslash works in this 
capacity only inside addbib. 

A field will not be written to the database if nothing is entered into it. Typing a 
minus sign as the first character of any field will cause addbib to back up one 
field at a time. Backing up is the best way to add multiple authors, and it really 
helps if you forget to add something important. Fields not contained in the 
prompting skeleton may be entered by typing a backslash as the last character 
before RETURN. The following line will be sent verbatim to the database and 
addbib will resume with the next field. This is identical to the procedure for 
dealing with long fields, but with new fields, don’t forget the % key-letter. 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

96 Formatting Documents 

Finally, you will be asked for an abstract (or annotation), which will be preserved 
as the %X field. Type in as many lines as you need, and end with a control-D 
(hold down the CTRL button, then press the “d” key). This prompting for an 
abstract can be suppressed with the -a command line option. 

After one bibliographic record has been completed, addbib will ask if you want 
to continue. If you do, type RETURN ; to quit, type q or n (quit or no). It is 
also possible to use one of the system editors to correct mistakes made while 
entering data. After the Continue? prompt, type any of the following: edit, 
ex, vi, or ed — you will be placed inside the corresponding editor, and 
returned to addbib afterwards, from where you can either quit or add more 

If the prompts normally supplied by addbib are not enough, are in the wrong 
order, or are too numerous, you can redefine the skeleton by constructing a 
promptfile. Create some file, to be named after the -p command line option. 
Place the prompts you want on the left side, followed by a single TAB (control-I), 
then the refer code that is to appear in the bibliographic database, addbib 
will send the left side to the screen, and the right side, along with data entered, to 
the database. 

5.4. Printing the sortbib is for sorting the bibliography by author (%A) and date (%D), or by 

Bibliography data in other fields. Sortbib is quite useful for producing bibliographies and 

annotated bibliographies, which are seldom entered in strict alphabetical order. 

Sortbib takes as arguments the names of up to 16 bibliography files, and sends 
the sorted records to standard output (the terminal screen), which may be 
redirected through a pipe or into a file. 

The -s KEYS flag to sortbib will sort by fields whose key-letters are in the 
KEYS string, rather than merely by author and date. Key-letters in KEYS may be 
followed by a + to indicate that all such fields are to be used. The default is to 
sort by senior author and date (printing the senior author last name first), but 
-sA+D will sort by all authors and then date, and -sATD will sort on senior 
author, then title, and then date. 

ro f f bib is for running off the (probably sorted) bibliography. It can handle 
annotated bibliographies — annotations are entered in the %X (abstract) field, 
roff bib is a shell script that calls refer -Bandnroff -mbib. It uses the 
macro definitions that reside in / usr/ lib/tmac/tmac . bib, which you can 
redefine if you know nrof f and trof f . Note that refer will print the %H 
and %0 commentaries, but will ignore abstracts in the %X field; rof fbib will 
print both fields, unless annotations are suppressed with the -x option. 

The following command sequence will lineprint the entire bibliography, organ- 
ized alphabetically by author and date: 



hostname% sortbib database | 

| roffbib | lpr 



This is a good way to proofread the bibliography, or to produce a stand-alone 
bibliography at the end of a paper. Incidentally, rof fbib accepts all flags used 



Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 5 — refer — A Bibliography System 97 

withnroff. For example: 



hostname% sortbib database | 

| roffbib -Txerox —si 



will make accent marks work on a Xerox printer, and stop at the bottom of every 
page for changing paper. The -n and -o flags may also be quite useful, to start 
page numbering at a selected point, or to produce only specific pages. 

rof fbib understands four command-line number registers: N, V, L, and 0. 
These are something like the two-letter number registers in -ms. The -rNl argu- 
ment will number references beginning at one (1); use another number to start 
somewhere besides one. The -rV2 flag will double-space the entire bibliogra- 
phy, while — rVl will double-space the references, but single-space the annota- 
tion paragraphs. Finally, specifying -rL6i changes the line length from 6.5 
inches to 6 inches, and saying -rOli sets the page offset to one inch, instead of 
zero. (That’s a capital O after -r, not a zero.) 

5.5. Citing Papers with 


The refer program normally copies input to output, except when it encounters 
an item of the form: 


. [ 

partial citation 




The partial citation may be just an author’s name and a date, or perhaps a title 
and a keyword, or maybe just a document number, refer looks up the citation 
in the bibliographic database, and transforms it into a full, properly- formatted 
reference. If the partial citation does not correctly identify a single work (either 
finding nothing, or more than one reference), a diagnostic message is given. If 
nothing is found, it will say “No such paper.” If more than one reference is 
found, it will say “Too many hits.” Other diagnostic messages can be quite cryp- 
tic; if you are in doubt, use checknr to verify that all your .[ s have matching 
•] s. 

When everything goes well, the reference will be brought in from the database, 
numbered, and placed at the bottom of the page. This citation, for example, was 
produced by: 


This citation, 

. [ 

lesk inverted indexes 

• J 

for example , was produced by 



The . [ and . ] markers, in essence, replace the . FS and . FE of the -ms macros, 
and also provide a numbering mechanism. Footnote numbers will be bracketed 

1 Mike E. Lesk, “Some Applications of Inverted Indexes on the Unix System," in Unix Programmer’s 
Manual , Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ, 1978. 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

98 Formatting Documents 

on the lineprinter, but superscripted on daisy- wheel terminals and in trof f . In 
the reference itself, articles will be quoted, and books and journals will be under- 
lined in nr of f , and italicized in trof f . 

Sometimes you need to cite a specific page number along with more general 
bibliographic material. You may have, for instance, a single document that you 
refer to several times, each time giving a different page citation. This is how you 
could get “p. 10” in the reference: 



. [ 

kies document formatting 

%P 10 




The first line, a partial citation, will find the reference in your bibliography. The 
second line will insert the page number into the final citation. Ranges of pages 
may be specified as “%P 56-78”. 

When the time comes to run off a paper, you will need to have two files: the 
bibliographic database, and the paper to format. Use a command line something 
like one of these: 




refer -p 



nroff -ms 


refer -p 



tbl | nroff -ms 


refer -p 



tbl | neqn | nroff -ms 


If other preprocessors are used, refer should precede tbl, which must in turn 
precede eqn, or neqn. The -p option specifies a “private” database, which 
most bibliographies are. 

5.6. refer Command Line Many people like to place references at the end of a chapter, rather than at the 

Options bottom of the page. The -e option will accumulate references until a macro 

sequence of the form 

* ■ 


. c 




. j 

is encountered (or until the end of file), refer will then write out all references 
collected up to that point, collapsing identical references. Warning: there is a 
limit (currently 200) on the number of references that can be accumulated at one 

It is also possible to sort references that appear at the end of text. The -s KEYS 
flag will sort references by fields whose key-letters are in the KEYS string, and 
permute reference numbers in the text accordingly. It is unnecessary to use -e 
with the -s KEYS flag, since -s implies -e. See the section “Printing the 
Bibliography” for additional features of the -s KEYS flag. 

refer can also make citations in what is known as the Social or Natural Sci- 
ences format. Instead of numbering references, the -1 (letter ell) flag makes 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 5 — refer — A Bibliography System 99 

labels from the senior author’s last name and the year of publication. For exam- 
ple, a reference to the paper on Inverted Indexes cited above might appear as 
[Leskl978a]. It is possible to control the number of characters in the last name, 
and the number of digits in the date. For instance, the command line argument 
-16,2 might produce a reference such as [Kemig78c]. 

Some bibliography standards shun both footnote numbers and labels composed 
of author and date, requiring some keyword to identify the reference. The -k 
flag indicates that, instead of numbering references, key labels specified on the 
%L line should be used to mark references. 

The -n flag means to not search the default reference file, located in 
/usr/dict/papers/Rv7man. Using this flag may make refer marginally 
faster. The -an flag will reverse the first n author names, printing Jones, J. A. 
instead of J. A. Jones. Often -al is enough; this will reverse the first and last 
names of only the senior author. In some versions of ref er there is also the -f 
flag to set the footnote number to some predetermined value; for example, -f 23 
would start numbering with footnote 23. 

5.7. Making an Index Once your database is large and relatively stable, it is a good idea to make an 

index to it, so that references can be found quickly and efficiently. The indx- 
bib program makes an inverted index to the bibliographic database (this pro- 
gram is called pub index in the Bell Labs manual). An inverted index could be 
compared to the thumb cuts of a dictionary — instead of going all the way 
through your bibliography, programs can move to the exact location where a cita- 
tion is found. 

indxbib itself takes a while to run, and you will need sufficient disk space to 
store the indexes. But once it has been run, access time will improve dramati- 
cally. Furthermore, large databases of several million characters can be indexed 
with no problem. The program is exceedingly simple to use: 


hostname% indxbib database 




Be aware that changing your database will require that you run indxbib over 
again. If you don’t, you may fail to find a reference that really is in the database. 

Once you have built an inverted index, you can use lookbib to find references 
in the database, lookbib cannot be used until you have run indxbib. When 
editing a paper, lookbib is very useful to make sure that a citation can be 
found as specified. It takes one argument, the name of the bibliography, and then 
reads partial citations from the terminal, returning references that match, or noth- 
ing if none match. Its prompt is the greater-than sign. 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

100 Formatting Documents 

f — s 

hostname% lookbib database 
Instructions? n 

> lesk inverted indexes 

%A Mike E. Lesk 

%T Some Applications of Inverted Indexes on the Unix System 

%J Unix Programmer' s Manual 

%I Bell Laboratories 

%C Murray Hill, NJ 

%D 1978 

%V 2a 

%X Difficult to read paper that dwells on indexing strategies, 
giving little practical advice about using \fLrefer\fP. 


v , 

If more than one reference comes back, you will have to give a more precise cita- 
tion for refer. Experiment until you find something that works; remember that 
it is harmless to overspecify. 

To get out of the lookbib program, type a CTRL-D alone on a line; lookbib 
then exits with an “EOT” message. 

lookbib can also be used to extract groups of related citations. For example, 
to find all the papers by Brian Kemighan in the system database, and send the 
output to a file, type: 

( " — - — ^ 

hostname% lookbib /usr/dict/papers/Ind > kern. refs 

Instructions ? n 

> kernighan 


hostname% cat kern. refs 

V , 

Your file, “kem.refs”, will be full of references. A similar procedure can be used 
to pull out all papers of some date, all papers from a given journal, all papers 
containing a certain group of keywords, etc. 

5.8. refer Bugs and Some 

Blanks at Ends of Lines The refer program will mess up if there are blanks at the end of lines, espe- 

cially the %A author line, addbib carefully removes trailing blanks, but they 
may creep in again during editing. Use an ex editor command — 



g/ *$/s/// 


— or similar method to remove trailing blanks from your bibliography. 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 5 — refer — A Bibliography System 101 

Interpolated Strings 

Interpreting Foreign 

Footnote Numbers 

Having bibliographic fields passed through as string definitions implies that 
interpolated strings (such as accent marks) must have two backslashes, so they 
can pass through copy mode intact. For instance, the word “tdldphone” would 
have to be represented: 

in order to come out correctly. In the %X field, by contrast, you will have to use 
single backslashes instead. This is because the %X field is not passed through as 
a string, but as the body of a paragraph macro. 

Another problem arises from authors with foreign names. When a name like 
“Valdry Giscard d’Estaing” is turned around by the -a option of refer, it will 
appear as “d’Estaing, Valdry Giscard,” rather than as “Giscard d’Estaing, 
Valdry.” To prevent this, enter names as follows: 

%A Vale\\*'ry Giscard\Od' Estaing 
%A Alexander Csoma\0de\0Ko\\* : ro\\* : s 


(The second is the name of a famous Hungarian linguist.) The backslash-zero is 
an nrof f and trof f request meaning to insert a digit-width space. Because 
the second argument to the %A field contains no blank spaces to confuse the 
refer program, refer will treat the second field as a single word. This pro- 
tects against faulty name reversal, and also against mis-sorting. 

Footnote numbers are placed at the end of the line before the .[ macro. This line 
should be a line of text, not a macro. As an example, if the line before the . [ is 
a . R macro, then the . R will eat the footnote number. (The , R is an -ms request 
meaning change to Roman font.) In cases where the font needs changing, it is 

necessary to use the following method immediately before the citation: 

Aho \flet al.\fP 
. [ 

awk aho kernighan weinberger 


v . 

Now the reference will be to Aho et al ? The \f I changes to italics, and the \f R 
changes back to Roman font. Both these requests are nrof f and trof f 
requests, not part of -ms. If and when a footnote number is added after this 
sequence, it will indeed appear in the output. 

2 Alfred V. Aho, Brian W. Kernighan, and Peter J. Weinberger, Awk — A Pattern Scanning and Text 
Processing Language, Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ. 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

102 Formatting Documents 

5.9. Internal Details of You have already read everything you need to know in order to use the re f er 

refer bibliography system. The remaining sections are provided only for extra infor- 

mation, and in case you need to change the way refer works. 

The output of refer is a stream of string definitions, one for each field in a 
reference. To create string names, percent signs are simply changed to an open 
bracket, and an [F string is added, containing the footnote number. The %X, %Y 
and %Z fields are ignored; however, the annobib program changes the %X to 
an . AP (annotation paragraph) macro. The Lesk citation used above yields this 
intermediate output: 





• J 

. ds 


Mike E. Lesk 

. ds 


Some Applications 

of Inverted Indexes on the Unix System 

. ds 


Unix Programmer's 


. ds 


Bell Laboratories 



Murray Hill, NJ 




. ds 












.] [ 


1 ; 



These string definitions are sent to nr of f, which can use the -ms macros 
defined in /usr/ lib/mx/ms . xref to take care of formatting things properly. 
The initializing macro . ] - precedes the string definitions, and the labeled macro 
. ] [ follows. These are changed from the input . [ and . ] so that running a file 
twice through ref er is harmless. 

The . ] [ macro, used to print the reference, is given a type-number argument, 
which is a numeric label indicating the type of reference involved. Here is a list 
of the various kinds of references: 



Kind of Reference 



Journal Article 



Article in Book 



Report, Government Report 






Bell Labs Memorandum (undefined) 




The order listed above is indicative of the precedence of the various fields. In 
other words, a reference that has both the %J and %B fields will be classified as a 
journal article. If none of the fields listed is present, then the reference will be 
classified as “other.” 

The footnote number is flagged in the text with the following sequence, where 
number is the footnote number: 



Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 5 — refer — A Bibliography System 103 

The\*([. and\*(.] stand for bracketing or superscripting. Innroff with low- 
resolution devices such as the lpr and a crt, footnote numbers will be bracketed. 
In t rof f , or on daisy-wheel printers, footnote numbers will be superscripted. 
Punctuation normally comes before the reference number; this can be changed by 
using the -P (postpunctuation) option of ref er. 

In some cases, it is necessary to override certain fields in a reference. For 
instance, each time a work is cited, you may want to specify different page 
numbers, and you may want to change certain fields. This citation will find the 
Lesk reference, but will add specific page numbers to the output, even though no 
page numbers appeared in the original reference. 

The %I line will also override any previous publisher information, and the %0 
line will append some commentary. The refer program simply adds the new 
%P, %I, and %0 strings to the output, and later strings definitions cancel earlier 

It is also possible to insert an entire citation that does not appear in the biblio- 
graphic database. This reference, for example, could be added as follows: 

This will cause ref er to interpret the fields exactly as given, without searching 
the bibliographic database. This practice is not recommended, however, because 
it’s better to add new references to the database, so they can be used again later. 

If you want to change the way footnote numbers are printed, signals can be given 
on the . [ and . ] lines. For example, to say “See reference (2),” the citation 
should appear as: 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

104 Formatting Documents 

Note that blanks are significant on these signal lines. If a permanent change in 
the footnote format is desired, it is best to redefine the [ . and . ] strings. 

5.10. Changing the refer This section is provided for those who wish to rewrite or modify the refer 

Macros macros. This is necessary in order to make output correspond to specific journal 

requirements, or departmental standards. First there is an explanation of how 
new macros can be substituted for the old ones. Then several alterations are 
given as examples. 

The refer macros for nrof f and trof f supplied by the -ms macro package 
reside in /usr/lib/ms/ms . xref ; they are reference macros, for producing 
footnotes or endnotes. The refer macros used by roff bib, on the other 
hand, reside in /usr/lib/tmac/tmac . bib; they are for producing a stand- 
alone bibliography. 

To change the macros used by roff bib, you will need to get your own version 
of this shell script into the directory where you are working. This command will 
get you a copy of rof fbib and the macros it uses: 

You can proceed to change bibmac as much as you like. Then when you use 
rof fbib, you should specify your own version of the macros, which will be 
substituted for the normal ones 


hostname % rof fbib -m bibmac filename 



where filename is the name of your bibliography file. Make sure there’s a space 
between -m and bibmac. 

If you want to modify the refer macros for use with nrof f and the -ms mac- 
ros, you will need to get a copy of “ms.ref”: 

( ' 

hostname% cp /usr/lib/ms/ms . ref refmac 
V - 

These macros are much like “bibmac”, except they have . FS and . FE requests, 
to be used in conjunction with the -ms macros, rather than independently defined 
. XP and . AP requests. Now you can put this line at the top of the paper to be 



. so refmac 



Your new refer macros will override the definitions previously read in by the 
-ms package. This method works only if “refmac” is in the working directory. 

Suppose you didn’t like the way dates are printed, and wanted them to be 
parenthesized, with no comma before. There are five identical lines you will 
have to change. The first line below is the old way, while the second is the new 


V microsystems 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 5 — refer — A Bibliography System 105 

In the first line, there is a comma and a space, but no parentheses. The “\c” at the 
end of each line indicates to nr of f that it should continue, leaving no extra 
space in the output. The “\&” in the second line is the do-nothing character; 
when followed by a space, a space is sent to the output. 

If you need to format a reference in the style favored by the Modem Language 
Association or Chicago University Press, in the form (city: publisher, date), then 
you will have to change the middle of the book macro [2 as follows: 

This would print (Berkeley: Computing Services, 1982) if all three strings were 
present. The first line prints a space and a parenthesis; the second prints the city 
(and a colon) if present; the third always prints the publisher (books must have a 
publisher, or else they’re classified as other); the fourth line prints a comma and 
the date if present; and the fifth line closes the parentheses. You would need to 
make similar changes to the other macros as well. 



Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

106 Formatting Documents 



Revision A, of 27 March 1990 


Formatting Tables with tbl 

This chapter provides instructions for preparing tbl input to format tables and 
for running the tbl preprocessor on a file. 1 It also supplies numerous examples 
after which to pattern your own tables. The description of instructions is precise 
but technical, and the newcomer may prefer to glance over the examples first, as 

tbl turns a simple description of a table into atroffornroff program that 
prints the table. From now on, unless noted specifically, we’ll refer to both 
trof f and nrof f as trof f since tbl treats them the same, tbl makes pho- 
totypesetting tabular material relatively simple compared to normal typesetting 
methods. You may use tbl with the equation formatting program eqn or vari- 
ous layout macro packages, as tbl does not duplicate their functions. 

Tables are made up of columns which may be independently centered, right- 
adjusted, left-adjusted, or aligned by decimal points. Headings may be placed 
over single columns or groups of columns. A table entry may contain equations, 
or may consist of several rows of text. Horizontal or vertical lines may be drawn 
as desired in the table, and any table or element may be enclosed in a box. For 

1970 Federal Budget Transfers 

(in billions of dollars) 







New York 




New Jersey 
















New Mexico 
















The input to tbl is text for a document, with the text preceded by a . TS (table 
start) command and followed by a . TE (table end) command, tbl processes the 

1 The material in this chapter is derived from Tbl — A Program to Format Tables, M.E. Lesk, Bell 
Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey. 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

108 Formatting Documents 

tables, generating trof f formatting commands, and leaves the remainder of the 
text unchanged. The . TS and . TE lines are copied, too, so that trof f page 
layout macros, such as the formatting macros, can use these lines to delimit and 
place tables as necessary. In particular, any arguments on the . TS or . TE lines 
are copied but otherwise ignored, and may be used by document layout macro 

The format of the input is as follows: 



ordinary text of your document 


first table 

ordinary text of your document 


second table 

ordinary text of your document 



where the format of each table is as follows: 



options for the table ; 

format describing the layout of the table . 

data to be laid out in the table 

data to be laid out in the table 
. TE 


Each table is independent, and must contain formatting information, indicated by 
format describing the layout of the table, followed by the data to be laid out in 
the table. You may precede the formatting information, which describes the 
individual columns and rows of the table, by options for the table that affect the 
entire table. 

6.1. Munnlng tbl You can run tbl on a simple table by piping the tbl output to trof f (or your 

installation’s equivalent for the phototypesetter) with the command: 

hostname% tbl file | troff -options 

where file is the name of the file you want to format. For more complicated use, 

• sun 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 6 — Formatting Tables with tbl 109 

where there are several input files, and they contain equations and -ms macro 
package requests as well as tables, the normal command is: 



ho st name % tbl filel file2 . . . 

| eqn | troff -ms 


You can, of course, use the usual options on the trof f and eqn commands. 

The usage for nrof f is similar to that for trof f , but only printers such as the 
TELETYPE® Model 37 and Diablo-mechanism (DASI or GSI) or other printers 
that can handle reverse paper motions can print boxed tables directly. If you are 
running tbl on a line printer that does not filter reverse paper motions, use the 
col processor to filter the multicolumn output. 

If you are using an IBM 1403 line printer without adequate driving tables or 
post-filters, there is a special -TX command line option to tbl which produces 
output that does not have fractional line motions in it. The only other command 
line options recognized by tbl are macro package specifications such as -ms 
and -mm. These options are turned into commands to fetch the corresponding 
macro files; usually it is more convenient to place these arguments on the trof f 
part of the command line, tbl accepts them as well. 

Caveats: Note that when you use eqn and tbl together on the same file, put 
tbl first. If there are no equations within tables, either order works, but it is 
usually faster to run tbl first, since eqn normally produces a larger expansion 
of the input than tbl. However, if there are equations within tables, using the 
delim mechanism in eqn, you must put tbl first or the output will be scram- 

Also, beware of using equations in n-style columns; this is nearly always wrong, 
since tbl attempts to split numerical format items into two parts, and this is not 
possible with equations. To avoid this, use the delim (xt) table option to 
prevent splitting numerical columns within the delimiters. 

For example, if the eqn delimiters are $ $, giving delim ( $ $ ) a numerical 
column such as 1245±16, means the column entry will not be divided after 1245, 
but after 16. This is the output: ‘1245±16’ (all in one column within the table). 

The only recommended in-line equation delimiters inside tables (tbl) are $$ or 
@@. Most of the other special characters have special meanings either inside 
eqn or tbl. 

Some versions of tbl limit tables to twenty columns; however, use of more than 
16 numerical columns may fail because of limits in trof f, producing the ‘too 
many number registers’ message. Avoid using trof f number registers used by 
tbl within tables; these include two-digit names from 31 to 99, and names of 
the forms #x, x+, x I, mc, and x-, where x is any lower-case letter. The names ##, 
#-, and #" are also used in certain circumstances. To conserve number register 
names, the n and a formats share a register, hence the restriction that you may 
not use them in the same column. 

For aid in writing layout macros, tbl defines a number register TW which is the 
table width; it is defined by the time that the . TE macro is invoked and may be 
used in the expansion of that macro. More importantly, to assist in laying out 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

110 Formatting Documents 

multi-page boxed tables the macro . T# is defined to produce the bottom lines 
and side lines of a boxed table, and then invoked at its end. Use of this macro in 
the page footer boxes a multi-page table. In particular, you can use the -ms mac- 
ros to print a multi-page boxed table with a repeated heading by giving the argu- 
ment H to the . TS macro. 

If the table start macro is written 

a line of the form 

must be given in the table after any table heading, or at the start if there aren’t 
any. Material up to the . TH is placed at the top of each page of table; the 
remaining lines in the table are placed on several pages as required. For exam- 

Note that this is not a feature of tbl, but of the -ms layout macros. 

6.2. Input Commands As indicated above, a table contains, first, global options, then a format section 

describing the layout of the table entries, and then the data to be printed. The 
format and data are always required, but not the options. The sections that fol- 
low explain how to enter the various parts of the table. 

Options That Affect the There may be a single line of options affecting the whole table. If present, this 

Whole Table line must follow the . TS line immediately, must contain a list of option names 

separated by spaces, tabs, or commas, and must be terminated by a semicolon. 
The allowable options are: 

center center the table (default is left-adjusted), 

expand make the table as wide as the current line length, 

box enclose the table in a box. 



Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 6 — Formatting Tables with tbl 111 

Key Letters — Format 
Describing Data Items 

al lbox enclose each item in the table in a box. 

doublebox enclose the table in two boxes — a frame. 

tab(x) use x instead of tab to separate data items, 

linesize ( n ) set lines or rules (such as from box) in n point type, 
de 1 im ( xy ) recognize x and y as the eqn delimiters . 

A standard option line is: 



center box tab (/) ; 



which centers the table on the page, draws a box around it, and uses the slash ‘/’ 
character as the column separator for data items. 

The tbl program tries to keep boxed tables on one page by issuing appropriate 
trof f ‘need’ ( . ne) commands. These requests are calculated from the number 
of lines in the tables, so if there are spacing commands embedded in the input, 
these requests may be inaccurate. Use normal trof f procedures, such as keep- 
release macros, in this case. If you must have a multi-page boxed table, use mac- 
ros designed for the purpose, as explained above under Running ‘tbl’. 

The format section of the table specifies the layout of the columns. Each line in 
this section corresponds to one line of the table, except that the last line 
corresponds to all following lines up to the next . T&, if present as shown below. 
Each line contains a key-letter for each column of the table. It is good practice to 
separate the key letters for each column by spaces, tabs, or a visible character 
such as a slash */*- Each key-letter is one of the following: 

L or 1 indicates a left-adjusted column entry. 

R or r indicates a right-adjusted column entry. 

C or c indicates a centered column entry. 

N or n indicates a numerical column entry, to line up the units digits of 
numerical entries. 

A or a indicates an alphabetic subcolumn; all corresponding entries are 
aligned on the left, and positioned so that the widest is centered 
within the column (see the “Some London Transport Statistics” 

S or s indicates a spanned heading; that is, it indicates that the entry from 
the previous column continues across this column; not allowed for 
the first column. 

indicates a vertically spanned heading; that is, it indicates that the 
entry from the previous row continues down through this row; not 
allowed for the first row of the table. 

When you specify numerical alignment, tbl requires a location for the decimal 
point. The rightmost dot (.) adjacent to a digit is used as a decimal point; if there 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

112 Formatting Documents 

is no dot adjoining a digit, the rightmost digit is used as a units digit; if no align- 
ment is indicated, the item is centered in the column. However, you may use the 
special non-printing character string \& to override unconditionally dots and 
digits, or to align alphabetic data; this string lines up where a dot normally 
would, and then disappears from the final output. In the example below, the 
items shown at the left will be aligned in a numerical column as shown on the 

13 13 

4.2 4.2 

26.4.12 26.4.12 

abc abc 

abc\& abc 

43X&3.22 433.22 

74 9.12 749.12 

Note: If numerical data are used in the same column with wider L or r type 
table entries, the widest number is centered relative to the wider L or r items (we 
use L here instead of 1 for readability; they have the same meaning as key- 
letters). Alignment within the numerical items is preserved. This is similar to 
the way a type data are formatted, as explained above. However, alphabetic sub- 
columns (requested by the a key-letter) are always slightly indented relative to L 
items; if necessary, the column width is increased to force this. This is not true 
for n type entries. 

Note: Do not use the n and a items in the same column. 

For readability, separate the key-letters describing each column with spaces. 
Indicate the end of the format section by a period. The layout of the key-letters 
in the format section resembles the layout of the actual data in the table. Thus a 
simple format is: 

which specifies a table of three columns. The first line of the table contains a cen- 
tered heading that spans across all three columns; each remaining line contains a 
left-adjusted item in the first column followed by two columns of numerical data. 
A sample table in this format is: 

Overall title 







Items: c,d,e 






Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 6 — Formatting Tables with tbl 113 

Optional Features of Key There may be extra information following a key-letter that modifies its basic 

Letters behavior. Additional features of the key-letter system follow: 

Horizontal lines 

— A key-letter may be replaced by (underscore) to indicate a horizontal 
line in place of the corresponding column entry, or by *=’ to indicate a dou- 
ble horizontal line. You can also type this in the data portion. If an adjacent 
column contains a horizontal line, or if there are vertical lines adjoining this 
column, this horizontal line is extended to meet the nearby lines. If any data 
entry is provided for this column, it is ignored and a warning message is 

Vertical lines 

— A vertical bar may be placed between column key-letters. This draws a 
vertical line between the corresponding columns of the table. A vertical bar 
to the left of the first key-letter or to the right of the last one produces a line 
at the edge of the table. If two vertical bars appear between key-letters, a 
double vertical line is drawn. 

Space between columns 

— A number may follow the key-letter. This indicates the amount of 
separation between this column and the next column. The number normally 
specifies the separation in ens (one en is about the width of the letter ‘n’) 2 . 

If the expand option is used, these numbers are multiplied by a constant 
such that the table is as wide as the current line length. The default column 
separation number is 3. If the separation is changed, the largest space 
requested prevails. 

Vertical spanning 

— Normally, vertically-spanned items extending over several rows of the 
table are centered in their vertical range. If a key-letter is followed by t or 
T, any corresponding vertically-spanned item begins at the top line of its 

Font changes 

— A key-letter may be followed by a string containing a font name or 
number preceded by the letter f or F. This indicates that the corresponding 
column should be in a different font from the default font, which is usually 
Roman. All font names are one or two letters; a one-letter font name should 
be separated from whatever follows by a space or tab. The single letters B, 
b, I, and i are shorter synonyms for fB and f I. Font change commands 
given with the table entries override these specifications. 

Point size changes 

— A key-letter may be followed by the letter p or P and a number to indi- 
cate the point size of the corresponding table entries. The number may be a 
signed digit, in which case it is taken as an increment or decrement from the 
current point size. If both a point size and a column separation value are 
given, one or more blanks must separate them. 

2 More precisely, an en is a number of points (1 

point = 1/72 inch) equal to half the current type size. 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

114 Formatting Documents 

Vertical spacing changes 

— A key-letter may be followed by the letter v or v and a number to indi- 
cate the vertical line spacing to be used within a multi-line corresponding 
table entry. The number may be a signed digit, in which case it is taken as 
an increment or decrement from the current vertical spacing. A column 
separation value must be separated by blanks or some other specification 
from a vertical spacing request. This request has no effect unless the 
corresponding table entry is a text block (see Text Blocks below). 

Column width indication 

— A key-letter may be followed by the letter w or w and a width value in 
parentheses. This width is used as a minimum column width. If the largest 
element in the column is not as wide as the width value given after the w, the 
largest element is considered to be that wide. If the largest element in the 
column is wider than the specified value, its width is used. The width is also 
used as a default line length for included text blocks. Normal trof f units 
can be used to scale the width value; if none is used, the default is ens. If the 
width specification is a unitless integer, you may omit the parentheses. If 
the width value is changed in a column, the last one given controls. 

Equal width columns 

— A key-letter may be followed by the letter e or E to indicate equal width 
columns. All columns whose key-letters are followed by e or E are made 
the same width. In this way, you can format a group of regularly spaced 


The order of the above features is immaterial; they need not be separated by 
spaces, except as indicated above to avoid ambiguities involving point size 
and font changes. Thus a numerical column entry in italic font and 12-point 
type with a minimum width of 2.5 inches and separated by 6 ens from the 
next column could be specified as 

npl2w (2 . 5i) f I 6 

Alternative notation 

— Instead of listing the format of successive lines of a table on consecutive 
lines of the format section, separate successive line formats on the same line 
by commas. The format for the sample table above can be written: 



css. Inn. 



— Column descriptors missing from the end of a format line are assumed to 
be L. The longest line in the format section, however, defines the number of 
columns in the table; extra columns in the data are ignored silently. 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 6 — Formatting T ables withtbl 115 

Data to be Formatted in the Type the data for the table after the format line. Normally, each table line is 
Table typed as one line of data. Break very long input lines by typing a backslash ‘ V 

as a continuation marker at the end of the run-on line. That line is combined 
with the following line upon formatting and the ‘ V vanishes. The data for dif- 
ferent columns, that is, the table entries, are separated by tabs, or by whatever 
character has been specified in the option tabs option. We recommend using a 
visible character such as the slash character There are a few special cases: 

troff commands within tables 

— An input line beginning with a ‘ ’ followed by anything except a digit is 
assumed to be a command to troff and is passed through unchanged, 
retaining its position in the table. So, for example, you can produce space 
within a table by . sp commands in the data. 

Full width horizontal lines 

— An input line containing only the character (underscore) or “=’ (equal 
sign) represents a single or double line, respectively, extending the full width 
of the table. 

Single column horizontal lines 

— An input table entry containing only the character or '=’ represents a 
single or double line extending the full width of the column . Such lines are 
extended to meet horizontal or vertical lines adjoining this column. To 
obtain these characters explicitly in a column, either precede them by ‘\&’ or 
follow them by a space before the usual tab or newline. 

Short horizontal lines 

— An input table entry containing only the string *\_* represents a single line 
as wide as the contents of the column. It is not extended to meet adjoining 

Vertically spanned items 

— An input table entry containing only the character string ' \ ~ ' indicates 
that the table entry immediately above spans downward over this row. It is 
equivalent to a table format key-letter of ,A \ 

Text blocks 

— To include a block of text as a table entry, precede it by T { and follow it 
by T } . To enter, as a single entry in the table, something that cannot con- 
veniently be typed as a simple string between tabs, use: 


• ■ - T{ 

block of text 

T) . . . 


Note that the T } end delimiter must begin a line; additional columns of data 
may follow after a tab on the same line. See the ‘New York Area Rocks’ 
example for an illustration of included text blocks in a table. If you use 
more than twenty or thirty text blocks in a table, various limits in the troff 
program are likely to be exceeded, producing diagnostics such as too 
many text block diversions. 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

116 Formatting Documents 

Changing the Format of a 

Text blocks are pulled out from the table, processed separately by trof f , 
and replaced in the table as a solid block. If no line length is specified in the 
block of text itself, or in the table format, the default is to use LxC/(jN+\) 
where L is the current line length, C is the number of table columns spanned 
by the text, and N is the total number of columns in the table. The other 
parameters (point size, font, etc.) used in setting the block of text are those in 
effect at the beginning of the table (including the effect of the . TS macro) 
and any table format specifications of size, spacing and font, using the p, v 
and f modifiers to the column key-letters. Commands within the text block 
itself are also recognized, of course. However, trof f commands within 
the table data but not within the text block do not affect that block. 


Although you can put any number of lines in a table, only the first 200 lines 
are used in calculating the widths of the various columns. Arrange a multi- 
page table as several single-page tables if this proves to be a problem. Other 
difficulties with formatting may arise because, in the calculation of column 
widths all table entries are assumed to be in the font and size being used 
when the . TS command was encountered, except for font and size changes 
indicated (a) in the table format section and (b) within the table data (as in 
the entry \s+3\fIdata\fP\sO ). Therefore, although arbitrary trof f 
requests may be sprinkled in a table, use requests such as . ps (set the point 
size) with care to avoid confusing the width calculations. 

If you must change the format of a table after many similar lines, as with sub- 
headings or summarizations, use the . T& (table continue) command to change 

column parameters. The outline of such a table input is: 


\r microsystems 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 6 — Formatting Tables with tbl 117 

6.3. Examples 

. TS start of the table 

options afecting the whole table ; 
format of the columns . 
data to be formatted in the table 

data to be formatted in the table 

. T& indicates a new format for the table 

format of the columns . 
data to be formatted in the table 

data to be formatted in the table 

. T& indicates a new format for the table 

format of the columns . 
data to be formatted in the table 

data to be formatted in the table 
. TE end of the table 

as in the ‘Composition of Foods’ and ‘Some London Transport Statistics’ exam- 
ples. Using this procedure, each table line can be close to its corresponding for- 
mat line. 

Note: It is not possible to change the number of columns, the space between 
columns, the global options such as box, or the selection of columns to be made 
equal width. 

Here are some examples illustrating features of tbl. Glance through them to 
find one that you can adapt to your needs. 

Although you can use a tab to separate columns of data, a visible character is 
easier to read. The standard column separator here is the slash (/). If a slash is 
part of the data, we indicate a different separator, as in the first example. 


\r microsystems 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

118 Formatting Documents 

Input: Output: 




Runs on 

tab (%) box ; 

c c c 



Almost anything 





Language%Authors%Runs on 



1 1/45, H6000, 370 




Fortran%Many%Almost anything 




PL/1 %IBM%3 60/3 70 




C%BTL%1 1/45, H6O00, 370 
BLISS%Carnegie— Mellon%PDP-10, 11 
Pascal%Stanford%37 0 



tab (/) allbox; 
c c c 
n n n . 

AT&T Common Stock 
1971/41 -5 4/$2. 60 
2/41-54/2 .70 
3/46-55/2 . 87 
6/51-59/. 95* 


* (first quarter only) 


AT&T Common Stock 






















* (first quarter on] 




Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 6 — Formatting Tables with tbl 119 



tab (/) box; 


C I C I c 

1 | 1 | n . 

Major New York Bridges 


Brooklyn/J. A. Roebling/1595 
Manhattan/G. Lindenthal/1 470 
Williamsburg/L. L. Buck/1600 

Queensborough/Palmer &/1182 
/ Hornbostel 


Triborough/O. H. Ammann/_ 

/ /383 


Major New York Bridges 






J. A. Roebling 

G. Lindenthal 




L. L. Buck 



Palmer & 



0. H. Ammann 



Bronx Whitestone 

0. H. Ammann 


Throgs Neck 

0. H. Ammann 


George Washington 

0. H. Ammann 


Bronx Whitestone/O. H. Ammann/2300 
Throgs Neck/0. H. Ammann/1800 

George Washington/O. H. Ammann/3500 
• TE 




tab (/) ; 
c c 

np-2 | n | . 

/ Stack 












• TE 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

120 Formatting Documents 



tab (/) box; 

L L L 

L L _ 

L L | LB 
L L _ 

L L L . 



june/ july/Months 

august /September 

October/ november/december 


















tab (/) box; 
cfB s s s . 
Composition of Foods 

. T& 

c less 
c less 
c | c | c I c . 
Food/Percent by Weight 


\ * /Protein/Fat /Carbo- 
V/\ W /hydrate 


Composition of Foods 

Percent by Weight 














Lima beans 












Rye bread 




. T& 

1 | n |n In. 

Apples/. 4/. 5/13.0 
Halibut/18.4/5.2/. . . 
Lima beans/7.5/. 8/22.0 
Mushrooms/ 3 . 5/ . 4/6 . 0 
Rye bread/9.0/. 6/52. 7 
• TE 



Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 6 — Formatting Tables with tbl 121 


• TS 

tab (/) allbox; 
cf I s s 

c cw ( li) cw (li ) 
lp9 lp9 lp9 . 

New York Area Rocks 
Era/Formation/Age (years) 
Precambrian/Reading Prong/>l billion 
Paleozoic/Manhattan Prong/400 million 
Mesozoic/T { 


Newark Basin, incl. 

Stockton, Lockatong, and Brunswick 
formations; also Watchungs 
and Palisades. 

T)/200 million 
Cenozoic/Coastal Plain/T{ 

On Long Island 30,000 years; 
Cretaceous sediments redeposited 
by recent glaciation. 




• EQ 

delim $$ 



tab (/) doublebox 
c c 
1 1 . 

Name /Definition 

.vs +2p 

Gamma/$GAMMA (z) = int sub 0 sup inf t sup (z-1) e sup -t dt$ 

Sine/$sin (x) = 1 over 2i ( e sup ix - e sup -ix )$ 

Error /$ roman erf (z) =2 over sqrt pi int sub 0 sup z e sup {-t sup 2) dt$ 
Bessel/$ J sub 0 (z) = 1 over pi int sub 0 sup pi cos ( z sin theta ) d theta$ 
Zeta/$ zeta (s) = sum from k=l to inf k sup -s "( Re's > 1)$ 

.vs -2p 







sin(r)=i( e -- e -“) 


erf(z) =-4l e "' dt 


r 1 f” 

Jq(z )= — 1 cos(z sin0)d 0 



&)=ik-* (Re*>l) 



New York Area Rocks 



Age (years) 


Reading Prong 

>1 billion 


Manhattan Prong 

400 million 


Newark Basin, incl. 
Stockton, Locka- 
tong, and 

Brunswick forma- 
tions; also 

Watchungs and 

200 million 


Coastal Plain 

On Long Island 
30,000 years; Cre- 
taceous sediments 
redeposited by 
recent glaciation. 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

122 Formatting Documents 



box, tab ( : ) ; 

cb s s s s 

cp-2 s s s s 

c | | c | c | c | c 

c | | c | c | c | c 

r2 | | n2 | n2 | n2 | n . 

Readability of Text 

Line Width & Leading for 10-Pt. Type 

Line: Set : 1 -Point : 2-Point : 4-Point 
Width : Solid : Leading : Leading : Leading 

9 Pica:\-9.3:\-6. O:\-5. 3:\-7.1 
14 Pica :\-4.5:\-0.6:\-0.3:\-1.7 
19 Pica:\-5. O:\-5.1: 0. O:\-2.0 
31 Pica : \-3 . 7 : \-3 . 8 : \-2 . 4 : \-3. 6 
43 Pica:\-9. l:\-9. O:\-5. 9:\-8. 8 


Readability of Text 

Line Width & Leading for 10-Pt. Ty 




1 -Point 








9 Pica 





14 Pica 





19 Pica 





31 Pica 





43 Pica 






\r microsystems 

Chapter 6 — Formatting Tables with tbl 123 


• TS 

tab (/) ; 
c s 

cip-2 s 
1 n 
a n . 

Some London Transport Statistics 
(Year 1964) 

Railway route miles/244 

. sp .5 
. T& 

1 r 
a r . 

Passenger traffic \- railway 
Journeys/674 million 
Average length/4.55 miles 
Passenger miles/3,066 million 
. T& 

1 r 
a r . 

Passenger traffic \- road 
Journeys/2,252 million 
Average length/2.26 miles 
Passenger miles/5,094 million 
1 n 
a n . 

. sp .5 

Railway motor cars/2,905 
Railway trailer cars/1,269 
Total railway/4,174 
Omnibuses/ 8, 347 
1 n 
a n . 

. sp .5 

Staff/73, 739 

Administrative, etc. /8, 553 
Civil engineering/5,134 
Electrical eng. /I, 714 
Mech. eng. \- railway/4,310 
Mech. eng. \- road/9,152 
Railway operations/8,930 
Road operations/35,946 


Some London Transport Statistics 

(Year 1964) 

Railway route miles 








Passenger traffic - railway 


674 million 

Average length 

4.55 miles 

Passenger miles 

3,066 million 

Passenger traffic - road 


2,252 million 

Average length 

2.26 miles 

Passenger miles 

5,094 million 



Railway motor cars 


Railway trailer cars 


Total railway 






Administrative, etc. 


Civil engineering 


Electrical eng. 


Mech. eng. - railway 


Mech. eng. - road 


Railway operations 


Road operations 



124 Formatting Documents 


.ps 8 
.VS 10p 

tab (/) center box; 
ci s s 
c c c 
IB 1 n . 

New Jersey Representatives 

. sp .5 

Name/Office address/Phone 
. sp .5 

James J. Florio/23 S. White Horse Pike, Somerdale 08083/609-627-8222 
William J. Hughes/2920 Atlantic Ave., Atlantic City 08401/609-345-4844 
James J. Howard/801 Bangs Ave., Asbury Park 07712/201-774-1600 
Frank Thompson, Jr./lO Rutgers PI., Trenton 08618/609-599-1619 
Andrew Maguire/115 W. Passaic St., Rochelle Park 07662/201-843-0240 
Robert A. Roe/U.S.P.O., 194 Ward St., Paterson 07510/201-523-5152 
Henry Helstoski/666 Paterson Ave . , East Rutherford 07073/201-939-9090 
Peter W. Rodino, Jr. /Suite 1435A, 970 Broad St., Newark 07102/201-645-3213 
Joseph G. Minish/308 Main St., Orange 07050/201-645-6363 
Helen S. Meyner/52 Bridge St., Lambertville 08530/609-397-1830 
Dominick V. Daniels/895 Bergen Ave., Jersey City 07306/201-659-7700 
Edward J. Patten/Natl. Bank Bldg., Perth Amboy 08861/201-826-4610 
. sp .5 
. T& 

ci s s 
IB 1 n . 


. sp . 5v 

Millicent Fenwick/41 N. Bridge St., Somerville 08876/201-722-8200 
Edwin B. Forsythe/301 Mill St., Moorestown 08057/609-235-6622 
Matthew J. Rinaldo/1961 Morris Ave., Union 07083/201-687-4235 

.ps 10 
.vs 12p 


New Jersey Representatives 

Name Office address Phone 

James J. Florio 23 S. White Horse Pike, Somerdale 08083 609-627-8222 

William J. Hughes 2920 Atlantic Ave., Atlantic City 08401 609-345-4844 

James J. Howard 801 Bangs Ave., Asbury Park 07712 201-774-1600 

Frank Thompson, Jr. 10 Rutgers PI., Trenton 08618 609-599-1619 

Andrew Maguire 115 W. Passaic St., Rochelle Park 07662 201-843-0240 

Robert A. Roe U.S.P.O., 194 Ward St., Paterson 07510 201-523-5152 

Henry Helstoski 666 Paterson Ave., East Rutherford 07073 201-939-9090 

Peter W. Rodino, Jr. Suite 1435A, 970 Broad St., Newark 07102 201-645-3213 

Joseph G. Minish 308 Main St., Orange 07050 201-645-6363 

Helen S. Meyner 32 Bridge St., Lambertville 08530 609-397-1830 

Dominick V. Daniels 895 Bergen Ave., Jersey City 07306 201-659-7700 

Edward J. Patten Natl. Bank Bldg., Perth Amboy 08861 201-826-4610 


Millicent Fenwick 41 N. Bridge St., Somerville 08876 201-722-8200 

Edwin B. Forsythe 301 Mill St., Moorestown 08057 609-235-6622 

Matthew J. Rinaldo 1961 Morris Ave., Union 07083 201-687-4235 

This is a paragraph of normal text placed here only to indicate where the left and right margins are. Examine the appearance of 
centered tables or expanded tables, and observe how such tables are formatted. 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 6 — Formatting Tables with tbl 125 



center tab (/) ; 
c c c c 
n n n n . 


Successful Crossings 1959—1966 
Year /Fir st Crossings/Repeats /Total 



Successful Crossings 1959-1966 


First Crossings 



































Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

126 Formatting Documents 


• TS 

tab (/) box; 
cb s s s 
C I c | c s 

ltiw(li) | ltw (2i) | lp8 | lw(1.6i)p8 . 

Some Interesting Places 

Name/Descript ion/Practical Information 

T { 

American Museum of Natural History 

The collections fill 11.5 acres (Michelin) or 25 acres (MTA) 
of exhibition halls on four floors. There is a full-sized replica 
of a blue whale and the world's largest star sapphire (stolen in 1964). 
T}/Hours/10-5, ex. Sun 11-5, Wed. to 9 
\ * /\ ‘ /Location/T { 

Central Park West & 79th St. 


\‘/\‘/Admission/Donation: $1.00 asked 
\ */\“ /Subway /AA to 81st St. 

\“/\" /Telephone/212-873-422 5 

Bronx Zoo/T{ 

About a mile long and .6 mile wide, this is the largest zoo in America. 

A lion eats 18 pounds 

of meat a day while a sea lion eats 15 pounds of fish. 


10-4:30 winter, to 5:00 summer 

\*/\‘ /Location/T { 

185th St. & Southern Blvd, the Bronx. 


\*/\“/Admission/$l .00, but Tu, We,Th free 
\“/\*/Subway/2, 5 to East Tremont Ave. 

\“/\“ /Telephone/2 12- 933-1 75 9 

Brooklyn Museum/T{ 

Five floors of galleries contain American and ancient art. 

There are American period rooms and architectural ornaments saved 
from wreckers, such as a classical figure from Pennsylvania Station. 

T) /Hours/Wed-Sat, 10-5, Sun 12-5 
\“/\" /Location/T { 

Eastern Parkway & Washington Ave., Brooklyn. 


\‘/\“ /Admission/Free 
\“/\“/Subway/2, 3 to Eastern Parkway. 

\*/V /Telephone/212-638-5000 

T { 

New-York Historical Society 

All the original paintings for Audubon's 


Birds of America 


are here, as are exhibits of American decorative arts. New York history, 
Hudson River school paintings, carriages, and glass paperweights. 

Tues-Fri & Sun, 1-5; Sat 10-5 

\‘/\“ /Location/T { 

Central Park West & 77th St. 


\ * /\ “ /Admission/Free 
\“/\*/Subway/AA to 81st St. 

\*/\‘ /Telephone/2 12- 8 73-3400 



Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 6 — Formatting Tables with tbl 127 


Some Interesting Places 



Practical Information 

American Muse- 
um of Natural 

The collections fill 11.5 acres 
(Michelin) or 25 acres (MTA) 
of exhibition halls on four 
floors. There is a full-sized re- 
plica of a blue whale and the 
world’s largest star sapphire 
(stolen in 1964). 






10-5, ex. Sun 11 -5, Wed. to 9 

Central Park West & 79th St. 

Donation: $1.00 asked 

A A to 81st St. 


Bronx Zoo 

About a mile long and .6 mile 
wide, this is the largest zoo in 
America. A lion eats 18 pounds 
of meat a day while a sea lion 
eats 15 pounds of fish. 






10-4:30 winter, to 5:00 summer 

185th St. & Southern Blvd, the 


$1.00, but Tu,We,Th free 

2, 5 to East Tremont Ave. 


Brooklyn Museum 

Five floors of galleries contain 
American and ancient art. 

There are American period 
rooms and architectural orna- 
ments saved from wreckers, 
such as a classical figure from 
Pennsylvania Station. 






Wed-Sat, 10-5, Sun 12-5 

Eastern Parkway & Washington 

Ave., Brooklyn. 


2,3 to Eastern Parkway. 


New-York Histor- 
ical Society 

All the original paintings for 
Audubon’s Birds of America are 
here, as are exhibits of Ameri- 
can decorative arts, New York 
history, Hudson River school 
paintings, carriages, and glass 






Tues-Fri & Sun, 1-5; Sat 10-5 

Central Park West & 77th St. 


A A to 81st St. 




Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

128 Formatting Documents 

6.4. tbl Commands 

Table 6-1 tbl Command Characters and Words 



a A 

Alphabetic subcolumn 


Draw box around all items 

b B 

Boldface item 


Draw box around table 

c C 

Centered column 


Center table in page 


Doubled box around table 

e E 

Equal width columns 


Make table full line width 

f F 

Font change 

i I 

Italic item 

1 L 

Left adjusted column 

n N 

Numerical column 


Column separation 

P P 

Point size change 

r R 

Right adjusted column 

s S 

Spanned item 

t T 

Vertical spanning at top 

tab ( x ) 

Change data separator character 

T { T} 

Text block 

v V 

Vertical spacing change 

w W 

Minimum width value 


Included trof f command 


Vertical line 


Double vertical line 


Vertical span 

Vertical span 


Double horizontal line 

Horizontal line 


Short horizontal line 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 


Typesetting Mathematics with eqn 

This chapter explains how to use the eqn preprocessor for printing mathematics 
on a phototypesetter, and provides numerous examples after which to model 
equations in your documents . 1 

You describe mathematical expressions in an English-like language that the eqn 
program translates into trof f commands for final trof f formatting. In other 
words, eqn sets the mathematics while trof f does the body of the text, eqn 
provides accurate and relatively easy mathematical phototypesetting, which is 
not easy to accomplish with normal typesetting machines. Because the 
mathematical expressions are embedded in the running text of a manuscript, the 
entire document is produced in one process. For example, you can set in-line 
expressions like lim (tan x) 5 ” 21 = l or display equations like 

x — m/2 

G(z) = e toC(,) = exp 

,S t z k 





1+S \Z +' 

S 2 * Z 

~ 2 !~ 

, S 2 z 2 S 2 V 
1 +— — ■ +— — + • 

2 2 - 2 ! 

m > 0 

S 2 ‘ 

S ka 

*,*,. . *.20 l*‘&i! 2 *-Jfc 2 ! 

A,+2Jfc,+ • • • +mJk.=?n 

eqn knows relatively little about mathematics. In particular, mathematical sym- 
bols like +, -, x, parentheses, and so on have no special meanings, eqn is quite 
happy to set these symbols, and they will look good. 

eqn also produces mathematics with nr of f . The input is identical, but you 
have to use the programs neqn and nrof f instead of eqn and trof f . Of 
course, some things won’t look as good because your workstation or terminal 
does not provide the variety of characters, sizes and fonts that a phototypesetter 
does, but the output is usually adequate for proofreading. 

1 The material in this chapter is derived from A System for Typesetting Mathematics, B.W. Kemighan, L. L. 

Cherry and Typesetting Mathematics — User’s Guide, B.W. Kemighan, L.L. Cherry, Bell Laboratories, Murray 

Hill, New Jersey. 




Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

130 Formatting Documents 

7.1. Displaying Equations To tell eqn where a mathematical expression begins and ends, mark it with lines 
— . EQ and . EN beginning . EQ and . EN. Thus if you type the lines: 








your output will look like: 


eqn copies ‘.EQ’ and ‘.EN’ through untouched. This means that you have to 
take care of things like centering, numbering, and so on yourself. The common 
way is to use the trof f and nrof f macro package ‘-ms’, which provides mac- 
ros for centering, indenting, left-justifying and making numbered equations. 

With the -ms package, equations are centered by default. To left-justify an equa- 
tion, use . EQ L instead of . EQ. To indent it, use . EQ I. 

You can also supplement eqn with trof f commands as desired; for example, 
you can produce a centered display with the input: 



. ce 


x sub i = y sub i ... 




which produces 

X;=y; ■ ■ ■ 

You can call out any of these by an arbitrary ‘equation number,’ which will be 
placed at the right margin. For example, the input 



.EQ I (3.1a) 

x = f (y/2 ) + y/2 




7.2. Running eqn and 


produces the output 

x=f(yl2)+y/2 (3.1a) 

There is also a shorthand notation so you can enter in-line expressions like n? 
without . EQ and . EN. This is described in the section “Shorthand for In-line 

To print a document that contains mathematics on the phototypesetter, use: 

hostname% eqn files | troff - options | lpr -t -"Printer 
V / 

troff or your installation’s equivalent does the formatting, which is sent to 


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Chapter 7 — Typesetting Mathematics with eqn 131 

your phototypesetter as indicated by -P printer . If you use the -ms macro pack- 
age for example, type: 

f > 
hostname% eqn files | troff -ms -t I lpr -t -Printer 

To display equations on the standard output, your workstation screen, use nrof f 
as follows: 

The language for equations recognized by neqn is identical to that of eqn, 
although of course the output is more restricted. You can use the online rendi- 

tion of the mathematical formulae for proofing, but the output does not accu- 
rately represent the symbols and fonts. You can of course pipe the output 
through more for easier viewing: 

hostname % neqn files | nroff -options | more 


or redirect it to a file: 

hostname% neqn files | nroff -options > newfile 

To use a GSI or DASI terminal as the output device, type: 

hostname% neqn files | nroff -Tjc 
^ _ 

where x is the terminal type you are using, such as 300 or 300S. To send neqn 
output to the printer, type: 

/ — — — 

hostname% neqn file | nroff -options | lpr -P printer 

You can use eqn and neqn with the tbl program for setting tables that contain 
mathematics. Use tbl before eqn or neqn, like this: 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

132 Formatting Documents 

7.3. Putting Spaces in the eqn removes spaces and newlines within an expression and leaves normal text 
Input Text alone. Thus, between . EQ and . en. 











X = 

y + z 






• EQ 


= y 

+ z 




all produce the same output, namely: 

You should use spaces and newlines freely to make your input equations readable 
and easy to edit. In particular, very long lines are a bad idea, since they are often 
hard to fix if you make a mistake. 

The only way eqn can deduce that some sequence of letters might be special is if 
that sequence is separated from the letters on either side of it. To do this, sur- 
round a special word by ordinary spaces (or tabs or newlines), as shown in the 
previous section. 

You can also make special words stand out by surrounding them with tildes or 




x~=~2~pi~int~sin~ ('omega't') ~dt 




is much the same as the last example, except that the tildes not only separate the 
magic words like sin, omega, and so on, but also add extra spaces, one space 
per tilde: 

x= 27 tJsin(co/ )dt 

You can also use braces { } and double quotes " ..." to separate special 
words; these characters that have special meanings are described later. 

Remembering that a blank is a delimiter can be a problem. For instance, a com- 
mon mistake is typing: 

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Chapter 7 — Typesetting Mathematics with eqn 133 




f (x sub i) 



' j 

which produces 

instead of 



eqn cannot tell that the right parenthesis is not part of the subscript. Type 




f (x sub i ) 



7.4. Producing Spaces in 
the Output Text 

To force extra spaces into the output, use a tilde ~ for each space you want: 



• EQ 






x =y + z 

You can also use a circumflex which gives a space half the width of a tilde. It 
is mainly useful for fine-tuning. Use tabs to position pieces of an expression, but 
you must use trof f commands to set the tab stops. 

7.5. Symbols, Special 
Names, and Greek 

eqn knows some mathematical symbols, some mathematical names, and the 
Greek alphabet. For example, 



• EQ 

x=2 pi int sin ( omega t)dt 





Here the spaces in the input are necessary to tell eqn that int, pi, sin, and 
omega are separate entities that should get special treatment. The sin, digit 2, 
and parentheses are set in roman type instead of italic; pi and omega are made 
Greek; and int becomes the integral sign. 

When in doubt, leave spaces around separate parts of the input. A very common 
error is to type 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

1 34 Formatting Documents 

7.6. Subscripts and 

Superscripts — sub 
and sup 

f (pi) 

without leaving spaces on both sides of the pi. As a result, eqn does not recog- 
nize pi as a special word, and it appears as f (pi) instead of / (n). 

A complete list of eqn names appears in the section “Precedences and Key- 
words.” You can also use special characters available in trof f for anything 
eqn doesn’t know about. 

To obtain subscripts and superscripts, use the words sub and sup. 



x sup 2 + y sub k 





x 2 +y k 

eqn takes care of all the size changes and vertical motions needed to make the 
output look right. You must surround the words sub and sup by spaces; x sub2 
gives you xsub2 instead of x 2 . As another example, consider: 



x sup 2 + y sup 2 = z sup 2 


V — 


which produces: 

x 2 +> 2 =z 2 

Furthermore, don’t forget to leave a space (or a tilde, etc.) to mark the end of a 
subscript or superscript. A common error is to say something like 


y = (x sup 2)+l 

which causes 

>=(x 2>+1 

instead of the intended 

>=(* 2 )+i 

which is produced by: 


y = (x sup 2 )+l 



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Chapter 7 — Typesetting Mathematics with eqn 135 

Subscripted subscripts and superscripted superscripts also work: 

x sub i sub 1 


A subscript and superscript on the same thing are printed one above the other if 
the subscript comes first: 


x sub i sup 2 




Other than this special case, sub and sup group to the right, so 



x sup y sub z 



means x y \ not**,. 

7.7. Grouping Equation Normally, the end of a subscript or superscript is marked simply by a blank, tab, 

Parts — { and } tilde, and so on. If the subscript or superscript is something that has to be typed 

with blanks in it, use the braces { and } to mark the beginning and end of the 
subscript or superscript: 




e sup {i omega t} 






You can always use braces to force eqn to treat something as a unit, or just to 
make your intent perfectly clear. Thus: 


• EQ 

x sub {i sub 1} sup 2 





with braces, but 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

136 Formatting Documents 




x sub i sub 1 sup 2 





which is rather different. 

Braces can occur within braces if necessary: 



e sup {i pi sup {rho +1}} 


v _ 


The general rule is that anywhere you could use some single entry like x, you can 
use an arbitrarily complicated entry if you enclose it in braces, eqn looks after 
all the details of positioning it and making it the right size. 

In all cases, make sure you have the right number of braces. Leaving one out or 
adding an extra causes eqn to complain bitterly. 

Occasionally you have to print braces. To do this, enclose them in double 
quotes, like " { ". Quoting is discussed in more detail in Quoted Text. 

7.8. Fractions — over To make a fraction, use the word over: 



a+b over 2c =1 





The line is made the right length and positioned automatically. 


a+b over c+d+e = 1 





• sun 

Nr microsystems 

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Chapter 7 — Typesetting Mathematics with eqn 137 

Use braces to clarify what goes over what: 


When there is both an over and a sup in the same expression, eqn does the 
sup before the over, so 

. -b 2 . - 

is instead of -b n The rules that determine which operation is done first in 

cases like this are summarized in the section “Precedences and Keywords.” 
When in doubt, however, use braces to make clear what goes with what. 

7.9. Square Roots — sqrt To draw a square root, use sqrt: 

Note: Square roots of tall quantities look sloppy because a root-sign big enough 
to cover the quantity is too dark and heavy: 

138 Formatting Documents 

Big square roots are generally better written as something to a power: 


which is 

(a 2 lb 2 ) 2 


(a sup 2 

/b sub 2 ) sup (1 over 2} 



7.10o Summation, Integral, 
and Other Large 

To produce summations, integrals, and similar constructions, use: 


sum from i=0 to { i= inf) x sub i 




which produces 

2 >.- 


Notice that you use braces to indicate where the upper part i=~ begins and ends. 
No braces are necessary for the lower part i=o, because it does not contain any 
blanks. The braces will never hurt, and if the from and to parts contain any 
blanks, you must use braces around them. 

The from and to parts are both optional, but if both are used, they have to occur 
in that order. 

Other useful characters can replace the sum in our example: 


• EQ 








become, respectively, 

J n U n 

Since the thing before the from can be anything, even something in braces, 
f rom-to can often be used in unexpected ways: 

• EQ 

lim from {n -> inf) x sub n =0 






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Chapter 7 — Typesetting Mathematics with eqn 139 



7.11. Size and Font By default, equations are set in 10-point type with standard mathematical con- 

Changes ventions to determine what characters are in roman and what in italic. Although 

eqn makes a valiant attempt to use aesthetically pleasing sizes and fonts, it is not 
perfect. To change sizes and fonts, use size n and roman, italic, bold 
and fat. Like sub and sup, size and font changes affect only the thing that 
follows them; they revert to the normal situation at the end of it. Thus 




bold x y 









• EQ 

size 14 

bold x = y + 


14 {alpha + beta} 





As always, you can use braces if you want to affect something more complicated 
than a single letter. For example, you can change the size of an entire equation 



■ EQ 

size 12 { ... } 



Legal sizes that may follow size are the same as those allowed in trof f : 6, 7, 
8, 9, 10, 1 1, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 28, 36. You can also change the size by a 
given increment or decrement. For example, you can say s iz e +2 to make the 
size two points bigger, or size -3 to make it three points smaller. This is 
easier because you don’t have to know what the current size is. 

The size variable in eqn translates into atroff \s construct. However, 
trof f only recognizes one digit after the + or - sign. Therefore, \ s+9or\s- 
9 are respectively the largest incremental and decremental point size changes. 

If you are using fonts other than roman, italic and bold, you can say font X 
where X is a one character t rof f name or number for the font. Since eqn is 
tuned for roman, italic and bold, other fonts may not appear quite as good. 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

140 Formatting Documents 

The fat operation takes the current font and widens it by overstriking: fat 
grad is V and fat {x sub i} is*,-. 

If an entire document is to be in a non-standard size or font, it is a severe nui- 
sance to have to write out a size and font change for each equation. Accordingly, 
you can set a global size or font which thereafter affects all equations. At the 

beginning of any equation, you might say, for instance, 

• EQ 

gsize 16 
gfont R 


V , 

to set the size to 16 and the font to roman thereafter. In place of R, you can use 
any of the trof f font names. The size after gsize can be a relative change 
with + or -. 

Generally, gsize and gfont will appear at the beginning of a document but 
they can also appear throughout a document: you can change the global font and 
size as often as needed. For example, in a footnote 2 you will typically want the 
size of equations to match the size of the footnote text, which is two points 
smaller than the main text. Don’t forget to reset the global size at the end of the 

7.12. Diacritical Marks To get accent marks on top of letters, there are several words: 




























The diacritical mark is placed at the right height. The bar and under are made 
the right length for the entire constmct, as inr+y+z; other marks are centered. 

For example 


x dot under + x hat + y tilde 
+ X hat + Y dotdot = z+Z bar 


^ Like this one, in which we have a few random expressions like x, and rc 2 . The sizes for these were set by 
the command gsize '-2. 



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Chapter 7 — Typesetting Mathematics with eqn 141 


x+x +y +X +Y =z +Z 

7.13. Quoted Text Any input entirely within quotes is not subject to any of the font changes 

and spacing adjustments that you normally set. This provides a way to do your 
own spacing and adjusting if needed: 


sin(x) +sin(x) 

You also use quotes to get braces and other eqn keywords printed: 


{ size alpha } 



{ size alpha } 

The construction " " is often used as a place-holder when grammatically eqn 
needs something, but you don’t actually want anything in your output. For 
example, to make 2 He, you can’t just type sup 2 roman He because a sup 
has to be a superscript on something. Thus you must say 

To get a literal quote use \ ". trof f characters like \ (bs can appear unquoted, 
but more complicated things like horizontal and vertical motions with \h and \v 
should always be quoted. 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

142 Formatting Documents 

7.14. Lining Up Equations Sometimes it’s necessary to line up a series of equations at some horizontal posi- 
— mark and lineup tion, often at an equals sign. To do this, use the two operations called mark and 


The word mark may appear once at any place in an equation. It remembers the 
horizontal position where it appeared. Successive equations can contain one 
occurrence of the word lineup. The place where lineup appears is made to 
line up with the place marked by the previous mark if at all possible. Thus, for 
example, you can say 



.EQ I 

x+y mark = z 


.EQ I 

x lineup = 1 




to produce 


7.15. Big Brackets 


For reasons beyond the scope of this chapter, when you use eqn and -ms, use 
either . EQ I or . EQ L, as mark and lineup don’t work with centered equa- 
tions. Also bear in mind that mark doesn’t look ahead; 



x mark =1 

x+y lineup =z 



isn’t going to work, because there isn’t room for the x+y part after the mark has 
processed the x. 

To get big brackets [ ] , braces { } , parentheses ( ) , and bars | 
things, use the left and right commands: 

I around 



left { a over b + 1 right } 

~=~ left ( c over d right ) 

+ left [ e right ] 





► = 

* ■" 




l 6 J 


L J 

The resulting brackets are made big enough to cover whatever they enclose. 
Other characters can be used besides these, but they are not likely to look very 

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Chapter 7 — Typesetting Mathematics with eqn 143 

7.16. Piles — pile 

good. Two exceptions are the floor and ceiling characters: 

Several warnings about brackets are in order. First, braces are typically bigger 
than brackets and parentheses, because they are made up of three, five, seven, 
etc., pieces, while brackets can be made up of two, three, etc. Second, big left 
and right parentheses often look poor, because the character set is poorly 

The right part may be omitted: a ‘left something’ need not have a correspond- 
ing ‘right something’. If the right part is omitted, put braces around the thing 
you want the left bracket to encompass. Otherwise, the resulting brackets may be 
too large. 

If you want to omit the left part, things are more complicated, because techni- 
cally you can’t have a right without a corresponding left. Instead you have 
to say 

for example. The left "" means a ‘left nothing’. This satisfies the rules 
without hurting your output. 

There is a general facility for making vertical piles of things; it comes in several 
flavors. For example: 

will make 

The elements of the pile are centered one above another at the right height for 
most purposes. There can be as many elements as you want. The keyword 
above is used to separate the pieces; put braces around the entire list. The ele- 
ments of a pile can be as complicated as needed, even containing more piles. 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

144 Formatting Documents 

Three other forms of pile exist: lpile makes a pile with the elements left- 
justified; rpile makes a right-justified pile; and cpile makes a centered pile, 
just like pile. The vertical spacing between the pieces is somewhat larger for 
lpiles, rpiles, and cpiles than it is for ordinary piles. For example; 








Notice the left brace without a matching right one. 

7.17. Matrices — matrix It is also possible to make matrices. For example, to make a neat array like 

X; X 2 

Jt ? 2 

you have to type 

This produces a matrix with two centered columns. The elements of the columns 
are then listed just as for a pile, each element separated by the word above. 

You can also use lcol or r col to left or right adjust columns. Each column 
can be separately adjusted, and there can be as many columns as you like. 

The reason for using a matrix instead of two adjacent piles, by the way, is that if 
the elements of the piles don’t all have the same height, they won’t line up prop- 
erly. A matrix forces them to line up, because it looks at the entire structure 
before deciding what spacing to use. 

A word of warning about matrices: each column must have the same number 
of elements in it. Otherwise, results are unpredictable. 



Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 7 — Typesetting Mathematics with eqn 145 

7,18. Shorthand for In-line In a mathematical document, it is necessary to follow mathematical conventions 
Equations — de 1 im not just in display equations, but also in the body of the text. For example you 

need variable names like x to be in italics. Although you can do this by sur- 
rounding the appropriate parts with the macro requests . EQ and . EN, the con- 
tinual repetition of . EQ and . EN is a nuisance. Furthermore, with -ms, . EQ and 
. EN imply a displayed equation. 

eqn provides a shorthand for short in-line expressions. You can define two char- 
acters to mark the left and right ends of an in-line equation, and then type expres- 
sions in the middle of text lines. To set both the left and right characters to dollar 
signs, for example, add to the beginning of your document the three lines 

Having done this, you can then say things like 

This works as you might expect; spaces, newlines, and so on are significant in the 
text, but not in the equation part itself. Multiple equations can occur in a single 
input line. 

Enough room is left before and after a line that contains in-line expressions that 
something like $sum from i=l to n x sub i$ does not interfere with the lines sur- 
rounding it. 

The printed result looks like: Let a ; be the primary variable, and let p be zero. 
Then we can show that x 1 is >0. 

To turn off the delimiters, use: 

Notes: Don’t use braces, tildes, circumflexes, or double quotes as delimiters; 
chaos will result. Also, if you’re using tbl, don’t use sharps (pound signs) 

7.19. Definitions — eqn provides a string-naming facility so you can give a frequently-used string of 

de f ine characters a name, and thereafter just type the name instead of the whole string. 

For example, if the sequence 

appears repeatedly throughout a paper, you can save re-typing it each time by 
defining it like this: 


define xy ' x sub i sub 1 + y sub i sub 1' 


This makes xy a shorthand for whatever characters occur between the single 
quotes in the definition. You can use any character instead of quote to mark the 
ends of the definition, as long as it doesn’t appear inside the definition. 

Now you can use xy like this: 

■ EQ 

f (x) = xy ... 


and so on. Each occurrence of xy will expand into what it was defined as. Be 
sure to leave spaces or their equivalent around the name when you actually use it, 
so eqn will be able to identify it as special. 

There are several things to watch out for. First, although definitions can use pre- 
vious definitions, as in 


define xi ' x sub i ' 
define xil ' xi sub 1 ' 



Don’t define something in terms of itself. A common error is to say 

• EQ 

define X ' roman X ' 


This is a guaranteed disaster, since X is now defined in terms of itself. If you say 
— — — > 


define X ' roman "X" ' 



however, the quotes protect the second X, and everything works fine. 

You can redefine eqn keywords. You can make slash (/) mean over by saying 


define / ' over ' 



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Chapter 7 — Typesetting Mathematics with eqn 147 

or redefine over as / with 

If you need things to print on a workstation or terminal as well as on the photo- 
typesetter, it is sometimes worth defining a symbol differently in neqn and eqn. 
To do this, use ndef ine and tdef ine. A definition made with ndef ine 
only takes effect if you are running neqn; if you use tdef ine, the definition 
only applies for eqn. Names defined with plain define apply to both eqn and 

7.20. Tuning the Spacing Although eqn tries to get most things at the right place on the paper, it isn’t per- 

fect, and occasionally you will need to tune the output to make it just right. You 
can get small extra horizontal spaces with tilde and circumflex. You can also say 
back n and f wd n to move small amounts horizontally. The n is how far to 
move in l/100s of an em (an em is about the width of the letter ‘m’.) Thus back 
50 moves back about half the width of an m. Similarly you can move things up 
or down with up n and down n. As with sub or sup, the local motions affect 
the next thing in the input, and this can be anything if it is enclosed in braces. 

7.21. Troubleshooting If you make a mistake in an equation, like leaving out a brace, having one too 

many, or having a sup with nothing before it, eqn tells you with the message: 

where x and y are approximately the lines between which the trouble occurred, 
and z is the name of the file in question. The line numbers are approximate, so 
look nearby as well. There are also self-explanatory messages that arise if you 
leave out a quote or try to run eqn on a non-existent file. 

If you want to check a document before actually printing it, run: 

to throw away the output but display the messages. 

If you use something like dollar signs as delimiters, it is easy to leave one out. 
You may also occasionally forget one half of a pair of macros or have an unbal- 
anced font change. These can cause problems, but you can check for balanced 
pairs of delimiters and macros with checkeq and checknr. For instance, to 
run checkeq on this chapter called eqn . ug to check for unbalanced pairs of 
. EQs and . ENs, type: 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

148 Formatting Documents 

We left out the . EQ before the . EN on line 46 to show you some sample output. 
This also reports on the delimiters. You can also use checknr with specific 
options to check specifically for a particular macro pair. For example, to run 
checknr to check that there is an . EQ for every . EN, type: 

Specify the macro pair you want to check for with the -a option and the six char- 
acters in the pair. The -s option ignores size changes and the -f option ignores 
font changes. See checknr(l) in the SunOS Reference Manual for more 

Inline equations can only be so big because of an internal buffer in trof f . If 
you get a message word overflow, you have exceeded this limit. If you print 
the equation as a displayed equation, that is, offset from the body of the text with 
. EQ and . EN, this message will usually go away. The message line over- 
flow indicates you have exceeded an even bigger buffer. The only cure for this 
is to break the equation into two separate ones. 

On a related topic, eqn does not break equations by itself; you must split long 
equations up across multiple lines by yourself, marking each by a separate . EQ 
... . EN sequence, eqn does warn about equations that are too long to fit on 
one line. 

7.22. Precedences and 

The operations that group to the left are: 
over sqrt left right 

All others group to the right. For example, in the expression 

If you don’t use braces, eqn will do operations in the order shown in this list. 

dyad vec under bar tilde hat dot dotdot 

fwd back down up 

fat roman italic bold size 

sub sup sqrt over 

from to 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 7 — Typesetting Mathematics with eqn 149 




a sup 2 over b 




sup is defined to have a higher precedence than over, so this construction is 
2 1 

parsed as ~ instead of a b . Naturally, you can always force a particular parsing 
by placing braces around expressions. 

Digits, parentheses, brackets, punctuation marks, and the following mathematical 
words are converted to Roman font when encountered: 

t — 


cos tan sinh cosh tanh arc 


min lim log In exp 


Im and if for det 


The following character sequences are recognized and translated as shown. 

T able 7- 1 Character Sequence T ranslation 

You Type 








i = 





— > 























f • • • r 

1 • • • 1 












Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

150 Formatting Documents 

Table 7-2 

To obtain Greek letters, simply spell them out in whatever case you want: 
Greek Letters 

You Type 


You Type 








































































‘■Sr microsystems 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 7 — Typesetting Mathematics with eqn 151 

The eqn keywords, except for characters with names, follow. 
T able 7-3 eqn Keywords 












































{ } 


tt it 



’SS’’ mirrnc i/ctomc 


Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

152 Formatting Documents 

7.23. Several Examples Here is the complete source for several examples and for the three display equa- 

tions in the introduction to this chapter. 

Square root 


Summation, Integral, and Other Large Operators 



lim (tan x )=<*> 




lim (tanx) sin2l: = 1 


• sun 

v microsystems 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 7 — Typesetting Mathematics with eqn 153 

define emx " {e sup mx)" 

define mab "{m sqrt ab}" 

define sa "{sqrt a}" 

define sb "{sqrt b}" 

int dx over {a emx - be sup -mx}~=~ 

left { lpile { 

1 over {2 mab) 'log' 

{ sa emx - sb}over{sa emx + sb} 


1 over mab'tanh sup -1 ( sa over sb emx ) 

—1 over mab'coth sup -1 ( sa over sb emx ) 

Quoted Text 

lim~ roman "sup" ~x sub n 

lim supr„=0 

Big Brackets 

left [ x+y over 2a right ] ~=~1 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

154 Formatting Documents 


a sub 0 + b sub 1 over 
{a sub 1 + b sub 2 over 
{a sub 2 + b sub 3 over 
{ a sub 3 + ...}}} 


.EQ I 

G(z)~mark =' e sup { In ' G(z) } 

'=' exp left ( 

sum from k>=l {S sub k z sup k} over k right ) 
'=' prod from k>=l e sup {S sub k z sup k /k } 

■ EQ I 

lineup = left ( 1 + S sub 1 z + 

{ S sub 1 sup 2 z sup 2 } over 2 ! + ... right ) 

left ( 1+ { S sub 2 z sup 2 } over 2 

+ { S sub 2 sup 2 z sup 4 } over { 2 sup 2 cdot 2 ! } 

+ ... right ) ... 


1+5 \Z H — 

S 2 z 2 S{z A 
~~2 _+ 2 z -2! + 

Revision A, of 27 March 1990 

Chapter 7 — Typesetting Mathematics with eqn 155 


f — v 

.EQ I 

lineup = sum from m>=0 left ( 

sum from 

pile { k sub 1 ,k sub 2 k sub m >=0 


k sub 1 +2k sub 2 + ... +mk sub m =m} 


















1 ! 



















2 ! 



















m ! 


right ) z sup m 

s > 


v 1 L m 

*.ao l*'ki! 2 k ‘k 2 \ m k -k m \ 

k l +7Jc i + ’ • • +mk M =m 

Shorthand for In-line Equations 



delim ## 



f ' 

Let #x sub i#, #y# and #alpha# be positive 




Let Xi , y and a be positive 


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156 Formatting Documents 

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Verification Tools 

8 . 1 . spell 

8.2. checknr 

8.3. soelim 

8.4. deroff 

8.5. fmt 

8.6. col 

8.7. colcrt 

8.8. ul 

This command returns a list of misspelled words in a file. Because of the limited 
size of the on-line dictionary — less than 25,000 words — some words spell 
thinks are misspelled are in fact correct. 

This program checks the syntax of trof f files, in much the same way lint 
checks the syntax of C programs. People who tiy it often find it very helpful. 

This program follows . so commands in trof f files, incorporating the contents 
of these sourced files into the output. This program is helpful for searching 
groups of source files, and is also useful with preprocessors such as refer, tbl, 
and eqn, none of which follow source commands to fruition. 

This command removes trof f constructs from source files, and sends the 
results to standard output. Because some trof f constructs necessarily contain 
text, some information may be lost from the output. 

This command is a simplified formatter for use inside vi or mail. Devoid of 
hyphenation facilities, it does very little except fill text. 

This command takes two-column text from nrof f containing reverse line-feed 
escape sequences for the model 37 Teletype, and displays the two columns side- 
by-side, so they can be printed on a dumb lineprinter. 

This command is analogous to col, but was designed for CRT terminals, as it 
makes use of terminal capabilities when available. 

Also designed for CRTs, this command highlights underlined text using a 
terminal’s underline mode, if available, and otherwise reverse video mode. 



Revision A, of 27 March 1990 



accent marks, 39, 90, 101, 140 


bibliographies and citations, see refer program 


citations and bibliographies, see refer program 


document formatting, see document preparation 

document preparation, 1 thru 21 

bibliographies and citations, 93 thru 105 

changing fonts, 1 1 

display breakout, 14 

displaying documents, 9 

entering text, 4 

eqn program, 129 thru 155 

equation formatting, 19, 129 thru 155 

font changes, 1 1 

footnotes, 14 

formatters, 1 

jargon for typesetting, 3 

keeping text on one page, 15 

list of items, 12 

macro packages, 2 

-man macros, 53 thru 60 

mathematical equations, 19, 129 thru 155 

-me macros, 61 thru 92 

-ms macros, 23 thru 51 

multiple columns, 15 

number registers, 21 

outline of items, 13 

paragraph types, 5 

preprocessors, 2 

printing documents, 9 

quick reference, 8 

refer program, 93 thru 105 

sample paragraphs, 7 

section headers, 1 1 

tables inside documents, 17, 107 thru 128 

tbl program, 107 thru 128 

technical memorandum, 10 

text formatters, 1 

typesetting jargon, 3 

typing in text, 4 


eqn program, 129 thru 155 
accent marks, 140 
adjusting the spacing, 147 
big brackets, 142 
bracketing expressions, 142 
defining prepackaged strings, 145 
diacritical marks, 140 
displaying finished equations, 130 
.EQ/.EN pairs, 130 
escaping eqn’s formatting, 141 
examples, 152 
font changes, 139 
fractions, 136 
Greek letters, 133 
grouping parts of an equation, 135 
in-line equations, 145 
integrals, 138 

keywords and precedence, 148 
lining up two equations, 142 
mark and lineup, 142 
matrices with matrix, 144 
over and under expressions, 136 
piles with pile, 143 
point size changes, 139 
precedence and keywords, 148 
printing finished equations, 130 
quoted text, 141 

separating equations from text, 130 

spaces in the input, 132 

spaces in the output, 133 

square roots, 137 

subscripts and superscripts, 134 

summations, 138 

superscripts and subscripts, 134 

symbols and special names, 133 

text with in-line equations, 145 

troubleshooting, 147 

tuning the spacing, 147 

equation formatting in documents, see eqn program 


formatting documents, see document preparation 


-man macro package, 53 thru 60 
bugs in programs, 58 
coding conventions, 54 

- 159 - 

Index — Continued 

-man macro package, continued 
cross references, 57 
description of program, 55 
elements of a manual page, 53 
files related to program, 57 
formatting a manual page, 59 
identifying the page, 54 
name of program, 54 
new features, 58 
number register usage, 58 
options of program, 56 
parts of a manual page, 53 
request summary, 59 
see also section, 57 
summary of requests, 59 
synopsis of program, 55 
title header line, 54 
margins on a page 

with -me macros, 63, 78, 80, 89 
with -ms macros, 32, 41 

mathematical equations in documents, see eqn program 
-me macro package, 61 thru 92 
accent marks, 90 
adjusting macro parameters, 86 
annotation reference, 75 
annotations, 73 
basic requests, 62 
changing font and point size, 83 
defining macros, 82 
delayed text, 74 
delayed text inside keeps, 82 
diacritical marks, 90 
display reference, 72 
displaying documents, 62 
displays, 69 
displays (fancy), 70 
double column format, 82 
double spacing, 67 
elements of document, 78 
endnotes, 74 
font changes, 83 
footers and headers, 66 
footnotes, 74 
footnotes inside keeps, 82 
headers and footers, 66 
indented paragraph, 63 
keeping text on a single page, 70 
left block paragraph, 63 
listing items, 69 
miscellaneous requests, 89 
multiple column reference, 82 
numbered headers, 77 
page layout, 67 
paragraph reference, 65 
paragraphs, 62 
parameters of macros, 86 
parts of document, 78 
point size changes, 85 
predefined strings, 89 
preprocessor support, 88 
printing documents, 62 
quotation marks, 86 
quoted text, 69 
request summary, 90 

-me macro package, continued 
rof f support, 88 
section header reference, 77 
section headers, 76 
special characters, 90 
standard paragraph, 62 
string registers, 89 
summary of requests, 90 
table of contents, 74 
thesis format, 80 
two column format, 82 
typesetting caveats, 83 
typography reference, 85 
underlining, 69 
unnumbered headers, 78 
-ms macro package, 23 thru 51 
accent marks, 39 
bibliographies, 38 
boxing words and text, 36 
capabilities of various macros, 24 
changes in new package, 23 
changing fonts, 37 
changing point sizes, 37 
cover sheet, 30 
date stamp, 38 

defaults and how to change them, 41 
diacritical marks, 39 
dimensions of page elements, 41 
displaying documents, 23 
displays, 35 

double column format, 33 
endnotes, 35 

eqn preprocessor use, 44 
even page header and footer, 32 
font changes, 37 
footers and headers, 31 
footnotes, 34 
formatting requests, 24 
headers and footers, 3 1 
indented paragraph, 26 
keeping text on a single page, 36 
left block paragraph, 25 
left shift - . RE, 27 
modifying defaults, 41 
multiple column format, 33 
nested indentation, 27 
nrof f requests, 43 
number register names, 45 
numbered section headers, 29 
odd page header and footer, 32 
order of requests, 45 
paragraphs, 25 
point size changes, 37 
printing documents, 23 
proper order of requests, 45 
quotation marks, 39 
quote paragraph, 28 
register names, 45 
relative indentation, 27 
request summary, 47 
right shift - . RS, 27 
running headers and footers, 31 
section headers, 29 
standard paragraph, 25 

- 160 - 

Index — Continued 

-ms macro package, continued 
string register names, 45 
summary of requests, 47 
table of contents, 39 
tbl preprocessor use, 45 
thesis format, 38 
title page, 30 
trof f requests, 43 
unnumbered section headers, 29 


nroff command, 1 


ref <ar program, 93 thru 105 
accent marks, 101 
adding bibliographic data, 95 
altering refer macros, 104 
bugs and solutions, 100 
capabilities explained, 93 
citing papers and books, 97 
command line options, 98 
creating a bibliography, 95 
efficiency improvements, 99 
endnotes instead of footnotes, 98 
features explained, 93 
footnote numbering, 101 
foreign names in data, 101 
indexing the bibliography, 99 
internal details, 102 
macro modifications for refer, 104 
printing the bibliography, 96 
referring to papers and books, 97 
sorting the bibliography, 96 


table formatting in documents, see tbl program 

tbl program, 107 thru 128 

~ - vertically span data. 111 
a - alphabetic data, 111 
allbox option, 110 
blocks of text - T { and T } , 1 15 
box option, 110 
c - center data. 111 
center option, 110 
changing format in mid-table, 116 
command summary, 128 
continued headings with . TH, 1 10 
data and specifications, 110 
data to be formatted, 115 
delim () option, 111 
displaying finished tables, 108 
doubl ebox option. 111 
& - equal width columns, 1 14 
examples of tables, 117 
expand option, 110 
fields of data, 115 
font change control, 113 
format specification keys, 111 
format specification options, 113 
horizontal lines, 113 
input structure for tables, 110 
1 - left adjust data, 111 

tbl program, continued 
lines of data, 1 15 
linesize option, 111 
multi -page tables, 110 
n - numeric data. 111 
option specification, 1 10 
p - point size changes, 113 
printing finished tables, 108 
r - right adjust data. 111 
s - span data, 111 
space between columns, 113 
specifications and data, 110 
summary of commands, 128 
t - top of vertical span, 113 
T& to change format, 116 
tab () option, 111 
table continue with T&, 116 
text blocks - T { and T } , 115 
v - change vertical space, 113 
vertical lines, 1 13 
w - width of column, 1 14 
trof f command, 1 

- 161 - 


